Microsoft Makes Cool Stills From Lousy Video

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
You know, stuff like this really impresses the hell out of me. How many videos do you have that are of questionable quality (at best) that you could use to get an awesome still shot out of? I know I have a few.
Yeah, this needs to cone out sooner rather than latter, an amateur videographer's dream!
Heh...this is why blurring sensitive information in a video, or even a series of pictures, doesn't work anymore. With just two or three randomly-blurred frames, one can easily reconstruct the original shot.

Really cool nonetheless. :)
Heh...this is why blurring sensitive information in a video, or even a series of pictures, doesn't work anymore. With just two or three randomly-blurred frames, one can easily reconstruct the original shot.

Really cool nonetheless. :)
I will be waiting for the technique to be demonstrated on Japanese porn. :D
This is a very cool application, needs to come out at some point.

Microsoft still does some very very cool application developement, they just need to be faster polishing and releasing the cool stuff.
I will be waiting for the technique to be demonstrated on Japanese porn. :D

Read the second-to-last paragraph of this article (it's safe for work, honest):

Certain machines, such as the one pictured above are supposedly capable of removing certain types of mosaic censoring. Various knobs are used to adjust settings to match the mosaic censoring, while a small joystick is used to target a certain area of the video. As one Japanese guy explained to me, “it is kind of hard to whack” when you have to concentrate on using your other hand to move the joystick and make sure the de-mosaic is centered on the action.

Not sure if it's real or not, though.
Then use CS5's content aware to fill in the missing edges. :)
Then use CS5's content aware to fill in the missing edges. :)


that would be the manual way, i really dont like to sort through 900 frames just to pull 80 good frames and decide which to keep, then blend/adjust the contrast, transparency probably delete some parts. MS's tech improves on the images by getting data off all the frames, analyzing each frame automatically if it has data that can be actually used to enhance the image, as seen on the link on MT Ranier.
Wow. That's actually really, really fucking good for what was a pretty wobbly video side to side swipe.

Just... wow.

Microsoft has a pretty descent panoramic sticher built into Windows Live Photo Gallery for Windows 7. It does as good as a job (for me so far) as what the purpose built applications can do.

But, ya the ability to make HUGE birds eye prints from a HD video camera is pretty cool. Might make me shoot a weird video when I go see the space shuttle launch.
What would happen if you applied this technology to all those blurry and shaky UFO and bigfoot videos? Or even the Kennedy assassination video?

I'm really hoping this comes out as a product, it has the potential to rewrite history if enough people play with it.
What would happen if you applied this technology to all those blurry and shaky UFO and bigfoot videos? Or even the Kennedy assassination video?

I'm really hoping this comes out as a product, it has the potential to rewrite history if enough people play with it.

Or Porn