Microsoft Office Viral Ad is Awesome

fakery is fake. His trajectory was all wrong. yes, I know it is fake. I just wanted to say it my way.
Look at the picture real carefully - you can see subtle movements of him jumping onto the waterslide (which you wouldn't have with a dummy replacement), you can see his arms staying straight out in front in a manner a dummy just wouldn't have after he goes into the air, and finally that pool is not the inflatable air pool you remember from childhood.

The camera man was FAR away from the action, and that pool was a lot bigger than the impression you might have (and holding a lot more water that one of those tiny yard sized models). He also had a helmet and plenty of padding if he did miss.

People do a LOT of crazier things, so I don't see why people wouldn't believe there is SOMEBODY from Microsoft who was sure they knew best and that their 'math' wouldn't fail them so they tried it and got lucky enough for it to work out for them.
Also, you have to watch carefully but you'll notice he curls up into a ball right before landing to help absorb the impact (he's landing more on his butt than his head in other words)

His trajectory is perfect too (look how he comes off the ramp, and the slight curve as he goes through the air); hard to pull off with a green screen.
And why does it have to be fake?

A few mathmatical equations to figure out how fast he would need to be going, how far he would have to slide to get to that speed... factoring in the friction from the slide and suit, and the length and angle the ramp would have to be to put him at the correct trajectory to land in that spot.

Or is math not being taught in school now days?

I know the equations- tell you what- i'll run the numbers and you go first... deal? Just don't hit a higher friction dry spot on the slide and throw all the numbers off.
i wish i could do that - awesome video

but it's definitely fake - i'm surprised people think otherwise. sure someone could do the math but when it comes down to it there are just too many variables to take into account. one tiny variation and the dude is toast.

you would need to have a death wish to try it - and 99% of the time it would come true.
If you can read German, this is the website explaining it. (All, planned out in Microsoft Project, hence the tie-in to Microsoft Office....)

An English version of the site will be up soon. Also, in the video they have, you can clearly see a test dummy lying on the ground. It seems pretty real to me if he planned this all out.
It's between two hills and the camera man is at the bottom between the two so I think it gives the illusion that he has a lot more height than there really is hence the splash not being that big.
No way. I dont buy it. watch the sides of the pool and nothing else.

I find it hard to believe at the speed he "appears" to be going through the air that landing, much less coming to a complete stop, in an 8ft dia x 3 ft (roughly, ) deep kiddie pool is possible and with the wooden platform underneath the pool, even survivable. Perhaps they removed all the bodies from prior attempts before shooting this one /shrug. I have cannonballed with just a hop from poolside into 3 ft of water and busted my ass on the pool bottom. The sides of the pool do not even deform when he hits and stay strangely unmoving afterwards.

The ballistics/math is simple, doing it, and not being critically injured or killed, in the real world under those conditions seems very very improbable.
I don't care if it's fake or not, it's cool. I could watch it over and over...I love it!!!
Pretty cool. I suppose it could be real. I mean, physics is physics. You can, in theory, predict these things, and you can do a trial run with a larger landing spot. However, there are so many other incalculable variables in this kind of experiment. As others have hinted at, this isn't a Physics 101 question with a frictionless marble rolling down a ramp in a vacuum, people. What really matters is the velocity of the person when they hit the ramp, and depending on the friction and wind resistance going down the slide, that velocity could be wildly different depending on the run. Also, the direction and velocity of the wind could seriously affect the trajectory. Finally, the person going down the slide is just that: a person. People are shaped funny, and can change their momentum in funny ways (compared to, say, a marble) thus introducing a whole new set of unknowns. I call bullocks here, as cool as it is. If it really is real, then this guy is damn lucky.
I really enjoy the video. I just don't know where they got all the Jell-O to fill that pool. Is that even for sale in Germany?
way too much nerdy pessimism and not enough daring. After successful tossing a dozen dummies down the slide and into the pool and hitting your mark each time... what would you do? oh yea, get me a helmet.
The pool has no forward surge of water when he lands, most of his momentum would force the water in that direction and then the pull would all spill out the far side, and then the remaining water, if it did not tear the side out would violently rock back and forth for several cycles.
I was going to say that's CGI if for no other reason than anyone who would try something like that would probably already be dead or in a wheelchair blowing on a straw to move around.
Can someone explain to me how this is fake? It's one continuous camera shot... The only thing I can imagine is a switch when the slider goes off-camera. A dummy body would crumple in the air, but the flyer maintains body tension through the air. So, what's the explanation?

Looks real to me. Don't really see anything fake about it.

And why does it have to be fake?

A few mathmatical equations to figure out how fast he would need to be going, how far he would have to slide to get to that speed... factoring in the friction from the slide and suit, and the length and angle the ramp would have to be to put him at the correct trajectory to land in that spot.

Or is math not being taught in school now days?
If you still think its real, watch the landing again. Think real hard about the last time you went to a swimming pool. Ever do a cannonball into 3 feet of water? You hit the bottom almost every time. Ever done a shallow dive in less than 6 feet of water? Your horizontal velocity probably took you 10+ feet before you surfaced.

Now look at the pool in the video again...
Its approximately 10 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep assuming this man is averaged sized. the 13 second mark, the man actually accelerates mid air after leaving the ramp.:rolleyes: If you can't spot that piece of fakery, you need your eyes checked.

Now having said all of that, I still think the video is cool.
Yeah, he would have shot right through the side of that pool and wound up dead or wishing he was.

This. First math calculation you should run is to find out how many peices this guy would be in after hitting the water at that velocity. :p

Cool looking video though. I don't see any relation to MS in the actual video - what was the tagline or point they were tryint to make with this?
Did all of you morons calling this fake even read the link posted? It's real.

No its not. Period. I can tell you it's fake just by the production. If anyone was really gonna do this, they would have more than one camera. No helmet cam on a stunt this awesome is bull shit.

32m x 3.2808333333 = right at 105ft...lets say 1 sec of hang time, that is .02 miles/second or 71.5mph. He would have skipped right of the pool at that speed. To put it in perspective, you can bare foot water ski at 40mph. If it where real he would be dead.:eek:
Just I'd once I'd love to see something original come out of Redmond.
Ofcourse its fake. With only 2 buckets of water he would maybe have made it halfway down the slope.
It could be done on live TV and all the physics masters on this forum would still say its 100% fake.
35 feet 6 inches, straight down into 12 inches of water, no helmet or other protection for his body. According to the people on this forum this guy is already dead....

Oh wait, not only is he not dead, he doesn't even have a bloody nose or bruises. Oh, and he does jumps from up to 80 feet into fairly shallow water, and he dives into 12" water from over 30 feet on a regular basis, not just to set these records.

This kind of stuff is possible, as the guy above shows, so personally I believe this is real. They linked German site shows the kind of dedication to this project that you just don't get with faked videos.
I dont even think he had enough velocity to travel that far through the air by just going down the waterslide, let alone up that huge ramp.
That was well made. Imagine if someone would do that (would need more speed) and would not hit tub, or even if he would I think it would not end nicely. :p
Those that believe this is real have clearly been brought up on CGI ;)

Employ some reasoning, it's clearly a fake. That said, it has achieved its goal (and it was amusing to watch).
35 feet 6 inches, straight down into 12 inches of water, no helmet or other protection for his body. According to the people on this forum this guy is already dead....

Oh wait, not only is he not dead, he doesn't even have a bloody nose or bruises. Oh, and he does jumps from up to 80 feet into fairly shallow water, and he dives into 12" water from over 30 feet on a regular basis, not just to set these records.

This kind of stuff is possible, as the guy above shows, so personally I believe this is real. They linked German site shows the kind of dedication to this project that you just don't get with faked videos.

Do you know the difference between 36 feet straight down and over 100 feet @ 70 MPH sideways? Apparently not. What is it like living in Wonderland?
Have any of you claiming this is real seen those Toyota truck commercial where the truck survives all sorts of outlandish scenarios?
Have any of you claiming this is real seen those Toyota truck commercial where the truck survives all sorts of outlandish scenarios?

Ahh, I remember those ads, good stuff. Made me want to do it in real life, then complain about false advertisement when my truck got obliterated :p
Take another look...the splash is way bigger than that.

It still seems unreal to me even though I want to beleive its real.
Have any of you claiming this is real seen those Toyota truck commercial where the truck survives all sorts of outlandish scenarios?

The Top Gear crew actually put the Toyota through the paces as well. Its mounted as a display piece on their set, or one of their former sets.
is the message they are trying to say "Anything can be possible and fun with Office?"
I think the message is that after buying office you have such a feeling of remorse that death doesn't scare you any longer and you can become the stuntman you've always wanted to be.