Microsoft Plans Shake-Up

Ditto, I've never seen ads for them.
Xbox (Mainly, the games) ads, Office ads, Windows ads... I've seen those, but never a Zune ad. Ever.
Having personally used a demo Windows mobile 7 phone, I can officially tell you I am dumping my iphone, and moving to the new MS phone platform.

Not only is the Windows mobile 7 phone simply better than the iphone OS, but I have had enough of Apple. The iphone is YEARS behind on some of the most basic cell phone feartures, and apple intentionally holds back just so you can buy a new iphone ever 18-24 months? No thank you, I am offically done.

The Dell hardware, and the HTC hardware looks to be really promising. Microsoft has a real shot at capturing market share... hope they don't mess it up.
Not only is the Windows mobile 7 phone simply better than the iphone OS, but I have had enough of Apple. The iphone is YEARS behind on some of the most basic cell phone feartures, and apple intentionally holds back just so you can buy a new iphone ever 18-24 months? No thank you, I am offically done.

Such as?

But yeah, let's ignore where iPhones are years AHEAD - multitouch, large screens, more apps by a long shot than anyone else..

Let's just focus on the one or two things nobody likes even on the PC or is irrelevant to phones.

And you're being silly if you think Apple has a monopoly on holding back features for more money later. :rolleyes:
Such as?

But yeah, let's ignore where iPhones are years AHEAD - multitouch, large screens, more apps by a long shot than anyone else..
I don't know if this is sarcasm, either... But all of those features are common sauce. The only reason Apple has more apps is because there's 12 apps of everything.

And you're being silly if you think Apple has a monopoly on holding back features for more money later. :rolleyes:

No not sarcasm. What other phone had iPhone's touch capabilities? And don't say HTC Wizard or phones that require stylus pen.

And FYI, Android also has multiple apps for everything.
No not sarcasm. What other phone had iPhone's touch capabilities? And don't say HTC Wizard or phones that require stylus pen.

And FYI, Android also has multiple apps for everything.

Well, any Windows Mobile 7 device, any Androud device. Just those two mentions should be enough for you...

Android does have multiple apps, sure. However, the open nature generally encourages collaboration versus competition. One very well done product versus a dozen shitty ones.
Well, any Windows Mobile 7 device, any Androud device. Just those two mentions should be enough for you...

Android does have multiple apps, sure. However, the open nature generally encourages collaboration versus competition. One very well done product versus a dozen shitty ones.

I'm not talking about current and future phones. I'm talking about when iPhones launched. They were years ahead of everyone else. He conveniently ignored that and focused on the 2 things most people dislike them for - multitasking and Flash.

I honestly find it a riot people are up in arms about Flash. Everyone hates it on the PC! But oh no, it's an Apple product, so we have to find something to hate about it to make our hate legit and not sound so fanboyish.

iPhones have done a shit ton to boost smartphone improvements from other manufactures that were holding back. Isn't it strange how suddenly there were touchscreen phones and more powerful phones after the iPhone launched? Who's holding back milking people for money? Apple or HTC?

They both are. Everyone does that. It's always been that way.
Your statement was based in current day. We're talking about current actions, current OSes, and you even said where the "iPhones ARE" years ahead.

So again, where is the iPhone CURRENTLY years ahead??? I honestly don't give a damned about the past, the discussion is based on the here and now.
Dude forget it. You're not understanding where I'm coming from and knowing you, it's going to be futile to explain it.
I don't think you get it, you're the only one out of context here.
Original post you responded to:

Having personally used a demo Windows mobile 7 phone, I can officially tell you I am dumping my iphone, and moving to the new MS phone platform. ***All present-day***

Not only is the Windows mobile 7 phone simply better than the iphone OS ***It IS better, he didn't say WAS*** , but I have had enough of Apple. The iphone is YEARS ***IS, not WAS***behind on some of the most basic cell phone feartures, and apple intentionally holds back ***HOLDS, not HELD*** just so you can buy a new iphone ever 18-24 months? No thank you, I am ***I AM, not I WAS***offically done.

The Dell hardware, and the HTC hardware looks to be ***LOOKS, not WAS***really promising. Microsoft has ***HAS, not HAD***a real shot at capturing market share... hope they don't ***DON'T, not DIDN'T***mess it up.

Then you reply, at first appearing you're talking about present times as well:
But yeah, let's ignore where iPhones are years AHEAD

And then suddenly you move several years backwards??? :rolleyes:

No not sarcasm. What other phone had iPhone's touch capabilities? And don't say HTC Wizard or phones that require stylus pen.

Sorry, I think the one not understanding the conversation is you.
Alright let me try to explain it to you.

iPhones were created when? Good job. It was created over a year ago. At the time it was created it was one of the best phone one can buy. Hell, you bought one for the same reason.

At the time iPhones were created it was one of the best there was. Even you said so.

With me so far?

If iPhones were created 2 days ago, then yeah you can go on raving about it being behind the curve, but guess what? It wasn't created 2 days ago. There's a new iPhone coming out and I'm sure you know about it unless you've been living in a cave.

Who gives a fuck about what's available now compared to a phone that has been available for years. It's as stupid as saying HTC Incredible has 8mp camera and about 2 years from now you complain it doesn't have a 12mp camera that all then-current phones do.

See the stupidity in that poster's statement? Or are you also suggesting that Apple should be clairvoyant?

It's relevant. You just don't want it to be.
You could say the same exact stuff of Android devices like the N1... The arguments still apply.

You can even take the same exact arguments on iPhone 4 and apply them to the WinMo7 devices...

Fact of the matter is that Apple is falling down on their game and isn't going to keep up unless they do something drastic, and IDK what that would be. I can't think of a darn thing they can do to keep up with an open platform like Android, or much more free WinMo7. Developers are your life blood. They've largely been tied to Apple because of the popularity, so they've dealt with Apple's BS. When they can much more easily write for both Android and WinMo, and don't have to put up with BS, they'll start jumping ship.
Ahhhhh!!! Why do I bother?

You can't compare Android with the iPhone. Android is an open OS that's available for any phones. Motorola and HTC can make new phones that has nothing to do with their old one and just slap Android on it and call it a day.

When Apple launch the 4G, are you going to compare it with an HTC phone that's made a year ago too? I bet you won't. Why? Because it's Apple.
Not only is the Windows mobile 7 phone simply better than the iphone OS
I hope you don't want copy and paste, because Windows Phone 7 won't have it. Support for HTML5? Windows Phone 7 won't have it. Application multitasking? Windows Phone 7 won't have it (only background multitasking like iPhone OS 3.0 and below). The 200,000+ applications the iPhone has and the 40,000 Android has? Windows Phone 7 won't have them (not for some time, at least, if ever).

I don't doubt that Windows Phone 7 will be a mature platform eventually, but like the iPhone and Android were when they were first released, it won't be a particularly good platform out-the-gate. I really don't see how Windows Phone 7 is better than iPhone OS at this point.
Ahhhhh!!! Why do I bother?

You can't compare Android with the iPhone. Android is an open OS that's available for any phones. Motorola and HTC can make new phones that has nothing to do with their old one and just slap Android on it and call it a day.

When Apple launch the 4G, are you going to compare it with an HTC phone that's made a year ago too? I bet you won't. Why? Because it's Apple.

Actually, yes you can compare any current phone with the iPhone, because they are all what's currently offered. It doesn't matter how old the iPhone is, it is what Apple currently has on the market. When 4G is out, it will be compared against any other current smartphone, as it should be.
Actually, yes you can compare any current phone with the iPhone, because they are all what's currently offered. It doesn't matter how old the iPhone is, it is what Apple currently has on the market. When 4G is out, it will be compared against any other current smartphone, as it should be.

You're also not understanding. Fine, you can compare and do reviews before you buy. Any smart buyers would do that. I would too. If I was looking for a new phone now, I would not pick the iPhone because there are better phones out there now.

What I'm trying to convey is that you can't make complaints that iPhones are lacking feature in a tone that says "Apple should have done better" because of what today's phones have. iPhones were made over a year ago, not today.
I understand what you're trying to say, you're not understanding what we're saying.

Current devices are all fair game. Period. It's nobody's fault other than Apple's that they haven't released a new device yet to keep up.
It's nobody's fault other than Apple's that they haven't released a new device yet to keep up.

I look forward to your berating of Google, HTC, Motorola, etc. the day iPhone 4G is released, for not "keeping up."
I look forward to your berating of Google, HTC, Motorola, etc. the day iPhone 4G is released, for not "keeping up."

You won't see it, because the devices they have out today are still superior to the 4. (FYI, I doubt it'll be 4G... I don't see it showing up on Sprint). Apple is just playing catch up right now.
As fast as these Android devices are developing, I do think we'll see a dual core Android phone later this year. Point being, Android isn't limited, the iPhone is. I think for two steps Android is taking, the iPhone just seems to take one. Which is the popular question... What will Apple do to keep up? Releasing minor (I wouldn't call 3GS to the 4 a major upgrade at all) phone upgrades each year won't do it anymore, when we've got 8MP freaking nice phones like the Evo coming out on Android.
Actually, if the rumors are correct, the next iPhone should have the best display of any phone on the market when it's released. It may also have the best battery life of any smartphone in its class. It won't take much time for others to catch up, however.

The truth is that we know very little about the specifics of the hardware at this point.
The truth is that we know very little about the specifics of the hardware at this point.

It won't take much time for others to catch up, however.
That's my point I was trying to make... Android is so robust/free, it can progress much farther and faster (IE, the past year). Apple will have this recurring problem unless they come up with some way to get themselves well ahead again. I just don't know what that would be.
Whatever they end up doing, hopefully they stop buying their console dominance and compete the old fashion way.