Microsoft Pulls Vista SP1 Update

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
According to, Microsoft has stopped automatically distributing a prerequisite piece of software for Vista Service Pack 1 because of complaints that it had caused system problems.

Servicing stack update KB937287, released last week, contained updates to Windows Vista installation software, and was billed as being "necessary to successfully install and to remove Windows Vista SP1 (Service Pack 1) on all versions of Windows Vista." Microsoft stopped distributing the update on Wednesday, according to a blog post by Microsoft product manager Nick White.
I haven't had any problems with that update... are they going to take it away from me??
I haven't had any problems with that update... are they going to take it away from me??

because Andy Grove giveth and Bill Gates Taketh away :p

and in the MS TechNet forums are littered with...
"My install of the SP1 RC Refesh has gone wrong.

Everytime I start the computer it says:

Configurating updates: stage 3 of 3 - 0% complete

And then reboots, and reboots, and reboots ... I had it rebooting for over an hour before I stopped the madness.
All the safe modes does the same, so how do I uninstall the installer, without being able to log in?"
I've had that update for what seems like ages, haven't had ANY problems at all and I've been swapping NV drivers ever since. Only issues I've had have been BETA driver related :p (174.12 - Crysis Alt+Tab crashes PC, reverting back to 169.32s for a 2fps drop).

They need to just release the SP and be done with it. I haven't gone looking for DLs yet, I know those subscribers are leaking it already somewhere :D.
SP1 is supposd to be released sometime in the next 2-4 weeks = by mid March = too long for me if I can help = download searching :p.
I don't even have SP1 installed on my system and its been trying to install that very update for a week now
I don't even have SP1 installed on my system and its been trying to install that very update for a week now

Easy fix to correct the bad update. You just have to download the stand alone version of the update and install it manually. It will install no problem then.
I think I was affected by this on Tuesday. I started working just fine in the AM, reinstalled and uninstalled Synergy with errors so I rebooted. The system hung every time before the Ctrl-alt-del screen. I could boot to safe mode, but not full windows services. This morning (wed) I decided to restore to Sunday's SR date and I'm running fine again.
Easy fix to correct the bad update. You just have to download the stand alone version of the update and install it manually. It will install no problem then.

Tried that also. Then I got some sort of error stating that it didn't pertain to my system. ( I am at work trying to remember what it told me)
umm you got a double post on the front page, nice article though. I am wating untill the real Sp1 come then we will see how it does....
umm you got a double post on the front page, nice article though. I am wating untill the real Sp1 come then we will see how it does....

That is what this update was for. It was to get your machine ready for when they release SP1 in a few weeks.
Eh, just let them take care of updating your machine, you'll just muck it up by playing with it yourself ;)
The update they pulled has caused my system to behave erratically. Not very happy about that. I reinstalled the system, and since then I haven't been able to re-load Vista SP1. This update may be the root of some issues I've had.
Vista is so bloated its like that guy in Monty Python. except instead of an after dinner mint, it will explode from one more line of code.
my pc hangs on windows shutdown if it is connected to my blackberry via bluetooth...........afte rinstalling that update
my pc hangs on windows shutdown if it is connected to my blackberry via bluetooth...........afte rinstalling that update

Mine now locks up playing Crysis, and it will lock up if I try to play a WMV, AVI file or MPEG. Quicktime movies are not effected. All audio files work as well.

I know it was that update. That update was the only change to the system made before those problems started to occur and they occured right away after that update was made.
guess i'll wait for SP2 before i upgrade from xp pro 64 lol.... I was going to go with SP1... but I don't mind waiting ;)
guess i'll wait for SP2 before i upgrade from xp pro 64 lol.... I was going to go with SP1... but I don't mind waiting ;)

With the track record this OS has,SP2 might just make things even worse!:D Seriously,I was considering going with Vista on the new system I'm planning to get soon,but things like this don't exactly inspire confidence.
I wonder if this pulled patch is the reason my laptop never shuts down properly in the last week or so.
guess i'll wait for SP2 before i upgrade from xp pro 64 lol.... I was going to go with SP1... but I don't mind waiting ;)

SP1 worked fine. I ended up re-installing Windows because of hardware/configuration changes and due to that I no longer had SP1. So I pulled down the normal updates and tried to get SP1 to re-download through Windows update, and it wouldn't do it. The patch in question kept prompting to be installed and ended up listed as having installed three times. Now of course I'm having issues and that patch isn't removable.

With the track record this OS has,SP2 might just make things even worse!:D Seriously,I was considering going with Vista on the new system I'm planning to get soon,but things like this don't exactly inspire confidence.

Oh please, Vista is in better shape after being on the market a year than Windows XP was. I've had far fewer issues after a year with Vista than I did with XP and I quite like the OS and its' features. Many of the naysayers have only focused on the horror stories out there and not on all the people enjoying the new OS. It really isn't bad at all. I've got Vista working on most of my machines now and I'm only having problems with this one PC.

I wonder if this pulled patch is the reason my laptop never shuts down properly in the last week or so.

Could be. Many strange problems have been reported since then. My machine takes longer to shutdown now and this morning it locked up while booting. Reseting it did the trick, but it has just been quirky since that bullshit patch.
You can always just download the full SP1 x64 RTM install if you know where to look. ;) :eek:
guess i'll wait for SP2 before i upgrade from xp pro 64 lol.... I was going to go with SP1... but I don't mind waiting ;)

Agreed. Don't get me wrong, Vista has a beautiful GUI, but a pretty GUI isn't enough to compensate for making my Windows performance feel like I'm still running an old Athlon T-Bird with 512MB of RAM...
Agreed. Don't get me wrong, Vista has a beautiful GUI, but a pretty GUI isn't enough to compensate for making my Windows performance feel like I'm still running an old Athlon T-Bird with 512MB of RAM...

You must have a poorly configured system then ;)
I've looked for it, but haven't found it.

*cough* BitTorrent *cough*

As for those who say that I must have a poorly configured system, I've been building and configuring systems since the early Pentium days when I was in middle school. I think I might know what I'm doing. I was just making the point that Vista makes my system feel slow compared to XP Professional, especially its x64 flavor. If anything I want a company to release a faster performing OS over its predeccesor. But I guess that's too much to ask from MS.
*cough* BitTorrent *cough*

As for those who say that I must have a poorly configured system, I've been building and configuring systems since the early Pentium days when I was in middle school. I think I might know what I'm doing. I was just making the point that Vista makes my system feel slow compared to XP Professional, especially its x64 flavor. If anything I want a company to release a faster performing OS over its predeccesor. But I guess that's too much to ask from MS.

Put down the pipe. NO operating systems have ever been faster than their predecessors, not even Apple's and Linux.