Microsoft Vista Screenshots

wpeng said:
Looks like a fancy Windows XP

Keep in mind how win95,98,ME,and2000 looked. :p

Seriously though, this doesn't look like anything you can't already do with programs such as DesktopX. Does this OS actually run faster? Does it have a file allocation system superior to NTFS? If this thing only boasts meager enhancements such as "improved security" it'll be a joke, but hopefully you will tell us if it is better or worse. :)
The biggest improvment was, and i mean was, the new file system using a database like file system. But the latest news i heard about that was that it was not going to be released in longhorn. It was called WinFS. It was not even certain if it was going to be released in the next os after longhorn.
I love that look. The virtual folders look awsome.

New recycle bin looks nice. (lol just something I noticed)

That search thing is awsome. Did anyone see that? You start typing in and it automatically brings up a relevant list. That is going to make it so much easier for me to find programs. I always seem to loose them and it takes me forevor to find them in the menu.

Did anyone see the pictures and videos picture? That looks awsome I cant wait to use that.

I love the new look for organizing files. It seems so much easier to me. I realize you can change it in xp but I dont like having to change it every time I open folders. I havent figured out how to keep it so that its always in list form. Should google it one day.

I love the transparent windows.

I must say I am impressed with what I see. I cant wait for a public beta. Leave it to a lot of people on these forums to bash it though. I have read through a couple of the features in this beta and there are a lot of really cool things.

And holy shit the ISO for this thing is 2.4GB according to the website. :eek:
condac said:
Holy crap, I think the big icons in xp is terrible and takes to much "workspace" But look at the icons in Vista, It's just a big joke! why do you whant them to be THAT big?

Actually those are completley resisable. You can change them howevor you want. I think it would be worth while for you to read Paul Thurrott's review.

Everyone should read it he explains a lot of things. Vista look like its going to be an amazing operating system. There are a lot of new things in Beta 1 and there will be a ton more when the OS finally releases. There are howevor a lot of problems with this beta the bigest of which had something to do with confusion of virtual and real folders.

Anyways here is the link

And sorry I cant link this image so you will have to copy and paste it but I thought this was cool.

Everyone should look at the pictures he has provided they explain a lot.

Vista looks like its got a lot of features to improve workflow. Which I am really happy about. I havent even been using windows xp to its full potential though.

Oh and Paul reports that his Beta is running really fast and he wouldnt be suprised if it was faster then xp on the same hardware. I hope inquirer reads that because I think it was them that was bashing microsoft about this the other day.
Do you have to pay to beta test it? or be specially selected? or what
It's a closed beta as usual...basically a bunch of people send in their info going "pick me! pick me!" and they pick however many they want.

That and, you know, people with MSDN access.

Hmm...don't see anything that I can't already do with the good old uxtheme patch, other than the transparent thing and icons, which you could already do pretty easily anyway. Any shiny bits you've noticed so far that are meaningful and not already available in XP?

I think I'm just hard to impress after all the hype time after time...
Well, since xp basically looked like fruit crap on top of win2k, you might be jumping a bit early.

I think the initial benefits might not be there, but as with any new OS, it takes time for developers to start implementing the good features.
to me it looks like a rip off of most if not all the linux gui interfaces with the transparency and color gradients. Not to mention the "flat" 3-d look of it all.

I'll still probably use it though :p


:eek: :eek:

:D :D
Well, according to the review posted up above yes classic view is still available. Overall, the reviewer gave it a fairly good review but really isn't too impressed with it saying that it's basically just a small step up from Windows XP.

Of course this is still just the first Beta and we've a long ways to go before anyone sees the final retail version. All in all I'll probably upgrade when the time comes if for nothing else than curiosity's sake.
S1nF1xx said:


:eek: :eek:

:D :D
I was very happy to see that too. Now I won't have to use my hacked version of the uxtheme.dll and the AllBlack Visual Style.
TheGamerZ said:
I don't think your uxtheme.dll would work in it anyway, would it?
No, obviously not. I meant it will be nice to load an OS and have decent themes available out of the box.
I can't wait to see how good 3rd party themes will look with the new GUI features.
Has anyone seen these shots.

I cant wait to try this OS out.

Rest assured to all the people thinking this is just windows xp with new colours I would prepared to be suprised. There are some amazing new things in this OS. If you havent been looking at the screenshots closely I encourage you to look again. And this is only half done there is still more to come.
Michael.R said:
Rest assured to all the people thinking this is just windows xp with new colours I would prepared to be suprised. There are some amazing new things in this OS.

Hope so, I haven't seen anything yet that XP can't be made to do fairly easily.
upriverpaddler said:
Looks a little.....Linuxish.

YES! Someone who thought what I thought! It looks like the glassy-see through theme that KDE has had Forever! And that Super Karamba has had as well.
abudhu said:
YES! Someone who thought what I thought! It looks like the glassy-see through theme that KDE has had Forever! And that Super Karamba has had as well.

Yeah, I was thiking the same thing. The transparency made me think of KDE and X-composite immediately.

It's a placeholder UI. Avalon is a Beta 2 implementation (November).

Remember what Whistler looked like pre-beta? Same thing as Win2k.
Semi-Old Vista Screen shot-related news, but anyone notice how they named their new THEME: Aero.

Yet another catch-up to linux...or wait, maybe a friggin' rip off of it.
Ah, the Aero Glass theme. Yay.

Also, I found this hillarious:
Better Security. This comes in the form of hardened services. Essentially, the kinds of things that hackers took advantage of (buffer overruns and the such) should be a thing of the past. The ability for malicious programs to patch system files and the such is being curtailed. Moreover, Microsoft is trying to migrate users away from setting users up as administrators. Instead, users set up with normal access can be prompted to enter the admin password when they need to do something that can affect system integrity. Hence, even if something does get through Vista's security, it won't be able to go crazy if the user isn't logged on as an admin.

Yet again, some catch up on MS' part to Linux. Yay For Root users.
Well I'm clinging to what finalgt said about it being a placeholder...

And how long ago was Whistler in alpha? Like...4-5 years? All this time I kinda had high hopes for LH-tan, hopefully she's got a few suprises left.
There's not really much I can do to bash Microsoft because XP has treated me pretty well so far (unlike '95 and '98). The only main criticism I have is that XP is too big and could probably have less system requirements if it were more efficient.

But the way system requirements are headed just to run Vista and the huge amount of integration involved simply scares me. How can you give one company so much control over software *and* hardware across the world? It makes me want to switch to Linux even though Vista might be an excellent OS. The only thing holding me back right now is game support.
Is a ti-4200 to slow for vista.. I installed all my drivers and my windows are not transparent, I also installed the stuff from the winFX directory and rebooted and still no transparent windows. Do I need to enable it somewhere?

I have a iwill dpi533-sata with 2x 2.8 ghz xeon and 512 ram with a 128 meg ti-4200.
I'm not seeing anything which will make me want to run out and buy Vista. The only feature I was actually looking forward to was the new file system and that's been cut out. All I'm seeing otherwise is a nicer looking GUI and some new search features. Is there anything which truly makes it worth the $300 MS is sure to be asking down the road? I have a feeling they're just shoving it out there to force yet another artificial upgrade cycle.
New features are nice. However I'm more intrested in it doing the same stuff I've always used it for, better.
ashmedai said:
Well I'm clinging to what finalgt said about it being a placeholder...

And how long ago was Whistler in alpha? Like...4-5 years? All this time I kinda had high hopes for LH-tan, hopefully she's got a few suprises left.

Yes, but it didn't take Microsoft 4 years to change to the current XP look. The Watercolor theme stayed around until Beta 1, at which point it changed to the current Fisher Price theme. That seems disheartening until you realize that Whistler also didn't have its name changed to XP until RC0, or at least Beta 2 or 3. I guarantee you that this is a placeholder UI; they might be able to get away with not shipping with WinFS, but nobody will buy Vista if it doesn't have Avalon.