Microsoft Warns Windows 7 Has Serious Problems


Aug 20, 2006
This Forbes article references a recent chat over at Windows Weekly, in which Microsoft’s marketing chief explains that those of you who still use Windows 7 do so “at your own risk, at your own peril.” What could Microsoft's motive possibly be?

“We do worry when people are running an operating system that’s 10 years old that the next printer they buy isn’t going to work well, or they buy a new game, they buy Fallout 4, a very popular game, and it doesn’t work on a bunch of older machines,” Capossela stated. “And so, as we are pushing our ISV [Independent Software Vendor] and hardware partners to build great new stuff that takes advantage of Windows 10 that obviously makes the old stuff really bad and not to mention viruses and security problems.”
Ok look..I get it, you want me to upgrade to 10. I have on my mobile devices and most of my desktops. However reality is my primary desktop I still use WMC sometimes and have ZERO reason to downgrade. I don't have too many complaints about win10 as I'm not an idiot and it isn't hard to turn off the spying. That all said, Don't make shit up and try to convince me that Win7 is something that it isn't..Seriously those of us hanging on to Win7 aren't stupid. I would argue that most of us are probably far more educated when it comes to windows than most and have very very good reasons for not upgrading.

TLDR: Fuck off MS, stop making shit up.
Enterprises, many of which still cannot migrate from XP due to incompatible software, will have a good laugh at this.
Windows 10 is still under 10% adoption last I read. So hardware manufactures aren't going to stop making drivers for 7 any time soon. Most still seem to offer XP and Vista drivers. Same for game devs. MS would have to pay a pretty huge bribe to get any of them to release Win10 only versions of their games and lock out 90% of their potential customers.
Personally I could care less what MS wants it's about me myself and I when it comes to my computer.

It is getting harder and harder to keep information private or secure and most likely nearly impossible depending on the equipment used. But I will be damned if I just turn any info about me or my electronics over willingly.

I try to do as much as I can will any device I use to keep the info leakage to a minimum. I have been using Linux since around 2000 almost exclusively as my main OS as I disagreed with the WinXP license.

Skipping Vista and then buying Win7 64bit so I could get back into gaming on the PC it has empowered me to game on my Linux machines with the steam streaming and steam has allowed me to have more native games over the past couple years.

TLDR, I only upgrade to a new OS when I can't do what I want on the old OS anymore. Linux always stays up to date and I can pick and choose what I want on it. I am not forced to use or upgrade to anything I don't want. Windows I don't have that choice, but Win7 will be my only MS OS until it really dies.
Upgraded my HTPC to Windows 10 yesterday. 5.1 sound stopped working. Google showed this has been a known Win10 issue since well before public release and still not fixed.

Rolled back.
I think it's funny that they are "warning" people of security problems. YOU have the problem to do something about that, Microsoft!
What they are saying isn't fully wrong. It is an aging OS. It is going to be harder to get hardware and software that supports it in time. It is going to be more insecure as the longer it is out the more time people have to find new security holes. But this is nothing new. People like to bitch about upgrading Windows. Most like to hold onto whatever they are using and bitch and moan all the way forward. What do you mean I can't use Windows 2000 anymore and have to move up to something new, Fuck you Microsoft. What do you mean I can't use XP anymore, Fuck you Microsoft. Same story, different day, same result.

At least unlike with Apple you are given years to keep using older OSs. Think many people can still run OS 10.6 Snow Leopard today and run use all new hardware and software? Adobe products for example won't run on anything less than 10.9

Personally I could care less what MS wants it's about me myself and I when it comes to my computer.

It is getting harder and harder to keep information private or secure and most likely nearly impossible depending on the equipment used. But I will be damned if I just turn any info about me or my electronics over willingly.

I try to do as much as I can will any device I use to keep the info leakage to a minimum. I have been using Linux since around 2000 almost exclusively as my main OS as I disagreed with the WinXP license.

Skipping Vista and then buying Win7 64bit so I could get back into gaming on the PC it has empowered me to game on my Linux machines with the steam streaming and steam has allowed me to have more native games over the past couple years.

TLDR, I only upgrade to a new OS when I can't do what I want on the old OS anymore. Linux always stays up to date and I can pick and choose what I want on it. I am not forced to use or upgrade to anything I don't want. Windows I don't have that choice, but Win7 will be my only MS OS until it really dies.

So you keep Linux at whatever the current version is but see a problem with keeping Windows up to date?
In timer I am sure Win7 will run into eol issues. But that will prolly not be for the next few years. Unless it is MS, or MS pays them to, no one is going to make a Win10 only game or application with Win 7 still being the leading OS. In two or three years, maybe he might have a point, but not today.
At least unlike with Apple you are given years to keep using older OSs. Think many people can still run OS 10.6 Snow Leopard today and run use all new hardware and software? Adobe products for example won't run on anything less than 10.9

I don't think you realize the irony of this statement. You complain that you can't run older versions of OS X—you can, actually, just install the relevant version on supported hardware and have fun—but then complain that software is updated to support the newer versions of the OS. Well, if software supports newer versions of the OS, there is zero compelling reason to run an older version. Unlike Windows, newer versions of OS X are not reviled because people need to cling to their older version.
I took Microsoft's advice on that whole giving up Windows 7 thing over this past week without really knowing the marketing chief was gonna give it. My Win7 desktop was donated and my Win7 netbook I was hanging onto for work from home VPN stuff decided to stop working. If it were an animated version of itself, it would have little x's for eyes and a wavy line for a mouth and I don't feel like fixing a like 6 or 7 year old netbook of all things. I'll just do whatever I need to do at work. It was sort of a stupid reason to hang onto 7 anyway for all the annoying GWX stuff and back ported telemetry. Now there's my one Linux netbook. *shrug* There's still an Asus Bay Trail Atom that I just got which is stuck on Windows 8.1, but in a few months, I'll get annoyed at having to keep firewall rules for the Windows telemetry stopping list and buy an HP Stream 11 since they're a lot more Linux friendly.

So yeah, sure mister marketing guy at Microsoft, I'll get rid of 7, but that doesn't mean I need to even bother with Windows at all. ^^
So unable to see a way to stop the slowing down of free upgrades to Win 10's privacy violating features and forced updates, MS decides to coerce them by getting their ISV to build software that uses Win 10 only features and to start spreading FUD. They don't even mention how many people did the "upgrade" only to discover Win 10 sucked for them and went back to Win 7 lol. I bet that number is not insignificant.

BTW as far as support for hardware and software goes, it is not going to stop anytime soon. As long as Win 7 number far exceed Win 10 there is zero chance other than MS owned subsidiaries will make non Win 7 compatible stuff.
funny FFXI which a 13 year old mmo runs stabel 24h days after days on windows 7.

but on windows 10 it crashes on a daily basis
Enterprises, many of which still cannot migrate from XP due to incompatible software, will have a good laugh at this.

Running XP in an enterprise environment in 2016 is irresponsible to the point of representing gross incompetence on the part of the IT department./
Just trying to get everyone to upgrade to Win 10,most likely. I highly doubt the talk about security problems on 7,considering how much it's been patched and updated.
I can say I've transitioned out of Win 7 now. Only have one Win 10 machine for games.

The rest I've transitioned to Linux for networks and OS X for work.

Linux was a bit of a learning curve, but it works great. After decades of using Windows I never thought I'd see the day I'd only use Windows for games, but that's what it's come down to. Once Vulkan becomes mainstream I expect to be fully Windows free. Kinda feels the same way as when I cut cable years back, feels good! :)
I really don't know what I'm gonna install after 2020 and I'm sure that it's not gonna be win 10 or some version of it.

If games and core work programs could run on Linux, windows would get good kick in its teeth that it needs quite some time, to stop grinding shit.
I really like Windows 8.1 but I can't say the same about Windows 10. I had to block some stuff before even using the system. I think Cortana is the most annoying feature of them all. The only reason I use Windows is run applications I need for work and games. Otherwise, I wouldn't even bother with MS.
I would rather transition to Linux than Windows 10.

Just stop..much like my comment for MS to stop making shit up, same applies to the linux crowd. Linux isn't a viable option for most people and likely never will be. This is largely driven by the incredibly stupid infighting and elitism that is present in the linux community. I used to be a huge supporter of linux and thought it could be the future. In the past 10 years though the linux community has proven to me beyond doubt why it will remain in server environments and extremely niche use cases outside of that. So let us cut the bullshit already and quit pretending like linux is even remotely viable for more than 5-10% of all PC users.
What they are saying isn't fully wrong.

its histrionic sensationalism. its drama-queen posturing to browbeat the less technologically knowledgeable into needless upgrades. its intentionally misleading, just like all the underhanded windows update crap theyre pushing

meanwhile the OS is near impossible to secure without a couple of progs, patches, & literally about, wat, 60 IP filter entries on your routers blacklist. meanwhile the eula says we will read the contents of your email & might share it if we feel like it

at this point id literally rather write a dx12 wrapper for win7 than "upgrade" to w10
Windows 7 still has over 50% marketshare and Microsoft is obligated to provide security fixes until at least 2020.

I fail to see the problem here.
It's becoming painfully obvious the update to be secure is becoming a joke... With patches for the patches, really? You patch, other stuff doesn't work... Software is becoming increasingly complex, maybe too complex.
Want to be secure, pay an it team to keep you away from 'the internet' ..if you are a big company I mean.
This message is for the weak minded, the unaware, the old, the ugly and less mentally fortunate. It's for those Best Buy Soccer Moms and TV Dads. For the teeny brats that swear everything off MTV is real. And yes, even Game Bro's sucking down bawls and cramming Doritos's down their throats that won't be able to think for them selves until their early 30's Yada yada yada .....

I've been making an incredible amount of money putting Windows 7 back on PC's. At least 10 people a week and more if I had more fingers and toes.

And then once I put Windows 7 back on for these poor souls, I run a program called "GWX Control Panel" which perm disables Windows 10 from getting back on that PC.
MS is sounding and acting more and more desperate every day, trying to get people to use Windows 10...they keep touting the huge numbers of people that 'upgraded' to W10 etc but continue to use cheap tricks to get more people to use it
So you keep Linux at whatever the current version is but see a problem with keeping Windows up to date?

That's because Linux actually improves but Windows keeps getting worse and not better. That is why people don't want to "downgrade" to Win10.
This message is for the weak minded, the unaware, the old, the ugly and less mentally fortunate. It's for those Best Buy Soccer Moms and TV Dads. For the teeny brats that swear everything off MTV is real. And yes, even Game Bro's sucking down bawls and cramming Doritos's down their throats that won't be able to think for them selves until their early 30's Yada yada yada .....

I've been making an incredible amount of money putting Windows 7 back on PC's. At least 10 people a week and more if I had more fingers and toes.

And then once I put Windows 7 back on for these poor souls, I run a program called "GWX Control Panel" which perm disables Windows 10 from getting back on that PC.

So you are installing what amounts to third party malware because that is obviously so much better..:rolleyes: Glad you are proud to admit to being another tech who doesn't bother educating his customers better.
Also, security? Listen, anyone where who doesn't have a bootable imagine on a stick is an idiot.

I can make any PC game I have be portable off an external drive with my one TB ssd being imagined and updated monthly. It takes literally under 10 mins to image and 3 - 4 minutes to restore.

It's incredibly easy to recover from any suspected malware or virus. In fact, one of the things I throw in for free is a free bootable cd an image of a clients drive. Granted most don't use it but the problem clients LOVE it which makes me love them cause I hate turning around and having to go back the next day when the do they same stupid shit over again.
Just stop..much like my comment for MS to stop making shit up, same applies to the linux crowd. Linux isn't a viable option for most people and likely never will be. This is largely driven by the incredibly stupid infighting and elitism that is present in the linux community. I used to be a huge supporter of linux and thought it could be the future. In the past 10 years though the linux community has proven to me beyond doubt why it will remain in server environments and extremely niche use cases outside of that. So let us cut the bullshit already and quit pretending like linux is even remotely viable for more than 5-10% of all PC users.

Mint works on my hardware. I can use Firefox on Linux. The primary factor keeping me on Win7 is gaming. With Steam on Linux and more of the PC centric games featuring native Linux support, the days that I need Windows are numbered.
So you are installing what amounts to third party malware because that is obviously so much better..:rolleyes: Glad you are proud to admit to being another tech who doesn't bother educating his customers better.

How is it Malware? I use GWX Control Panel and it is not malware.
So someone at Microsoft tells us something they have had out for a while, and lots of time to find any sort out all the problems that could be there, is "risky"... yet they turn around and want to people to use their new product...
How is it Malware? I use GWX Control Panel and it is not malware.

He is the classic gamer bro "all his pc upgrades come from Best Buy" type. He doesn't know any better. In fact when I first saw his reply my initial reaction was not one of announce but .. sadness. He literally cannot stop from blurting out shit like that. No serious, ask him. He will tell you "I don't know why I do that."
Running XP in an enterprise environment in 2016 is irresponsible to the point of representing gross incompetence on the part of the IT department./

Nope. Not even close. The problem is that, in specific environments, the designated device either cannot be upgraded, or the upgrade is prohibitively expensive.

I work at a hospital. We have a $250k device in nuclear medicine running Windows 2000. The hospital doesn't have $250k to spare. So the device stays in use.
Quote was from a marketing exec and he was inferring windows 7 was 10 years old. Meaning nothing to worry about for another 3.5 years since windows 7 is only 6.5 years old.