Middle East Gamer's Review


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 4, 2003
I had another thread about Killzone 2, but apparently the review was taken down from their website until the embargo ends. But the review score and the other comment is still available on metacritic.

Here was my favorite part talking about the graphics:

Kalidh Mohamed said:
Graphically, Killzone 2 is the BEST looking game on a console so far. With its myriad post-processing effects and textures running on the screen, it’s apparent that the game is in a league of its own. Every little detail has been given attention like the sparks flying off when bullet meets metal or the intricately crafted gun models. To further up the ante, sand bags can no longer be used as fortresses and columns crumble realistically when introduced to a grenade. Your battle scarred rifle and the superbly rendered anarchy keep reminding you of a war far away from home. This is one of the few games that made us “believe” that we were engulfed in a war and it can only be witnessed when playing the game for yourself. Apart from the load times, the game ran smoothly throughout our session and didn’t stutter even during intense firefights or explosions. The environment is composed brilliantly with chaos always riding on your coat-tails. Reload animations are indulging and character physics is downright awesome! While baddies feel like a moving set of polygons in many games, Killzone 2 manages to make the characters appear like fully “stuffed” dudes instead of just a hollow image.

There is simply no substitute for dedicated 1st party support. I don't think any MP developer could have done as much with the PS3 hw. And the scary thing is GG said they're still only using the SPEs with 60% efficiency.
On the bright side... this one doesn't have half as much flamebait in it.

Though your title is a little vague. :D
I have to agree with one part. First party support is where it's at if you want the best from the consoles. That has been and will be proven time and time again this generation. Look at Uncharted 2...first title to use all the PS3 power....and they know the system well. Should be an amazing title, especially with 50gb of space.
ME GAMER said:
Intense action and gripping storyline are the crown jewels of this game.

By far the best use of physics animations we have seen in a game to date. Destruction has never looked more picturesque.

Ricocheting bullets, exploding grenades and undying chaos puts you at the edge of your seat.

Apart from its SP campaign, Killzone 2’s sturdy multiplayer will give this title quite a long shelf life.

The game stays fresh with a constantly evolving gameplay and some of the most memorable boss fights.

We’ll bite the bullet and accept that Killzone 2 has graced the ranks of all-time classics like Half Life and Doom. This game will make you a believer!

GG gave an interview where they said 20-40% of the graphics work is offloaded onto the Cell. And the culling system is unbelievable. The deferred rendering lets the engine become very efficient and not waste time and resources lighting and calculating stuff that's not in the picture. That's how they can pull off over 100 lights per scene. The particles and smoke are layered too, so it's not multiplying all the calculations per little piece of dust. These type of effects, the quantity and quality, is what makes the game look so good. Deferred rendering eats up an enormous amount of bandwidth, one of the PS3's relative strengths.
No co-op.

The MP more than makes up for it though.

As much as we loved Killzone 2’s absorbing single-player campaign, the meat of this title lies in its amazing multiplayer component. The game incorporates a class-based system where scoring kills and completing objectives will get you moving up the ladder. From Saboteurs to scouts, each class offers a different flavor of gameplay and much more when you take into account the ability to mix and match different classes into an amalgam of destruction. Though the multiplayer is reminiscent of Team Fortress 2, the game takes it one step further and offers an intense “on-your-toes” action. Packing in a vast array of weapons and classes, Killzone 2 proves to be the epitome of fiery fragdom offering hours of fun long after you’re done with the story mode. What really made us raise our brows is “Warzone”, a continuously shifting battlefield with different game-types chained into one EPIC online fragfest! Another welcome addition is the clan system that allows you to better network with you friends and organize tournaments albeit using an in-game system of “cash” to place bets. Combine that with a 32-player supported match and you have yourself a healthy dose of mindless violence. We can “cautiously” confirm to the fact that, with an extensive range of game types and an intricate clan system, Killzone 2 blasphemously trumps over Call of Duty games in terms of gameplay and replayability.

I hope they have tweaked the advancement since beta. It was a little too rapid and easy to gain promotions.
Although I'll buy this game, I've learned not to get too hyped up especially all the amazing things you can do in GTA4.

Reality: Um not really.
Can we expect a new thread for every killzone review as they trickle out?

I certainly hope so.
You guys should cut Stereophile some slack, he's just excited over the game. Hell I've made several GH:Metallica threads when ever news drops on it. Hell I think I did for MGS4 too but either way he's sharing news about a game that alot of people are interested in.

No reason to mock him and make smart ass comments trying to piss him off.
No reason to mock him.

Truth be told, I am extremely excited for this game and I am not big into shooters but....gah, can't wait to download the demo.

It's just now, I see threads everywhere about it. Just hope Sony can actually market the damn game.

heatsinker - No co-op.
You guys should cut Stereophile some slack, he's just excited over the game. Hell I've made several GH:Metallica threads when ever news drops on it. Hell I think I did for MGS4 too but either way he's sharing news about a game that alot of people are interested in.

No reason to mock him and make smart ass comments trying to piss him off.

Actually there is. When you make threads titled "Killzone 2 makes Gears 2 look like a high school attempt at gaming" you should be called on it. Why? Despite the obvious lack of objectivity, you're just begging for trouble - like pouring Kerosene on an already violent flame.

It's just stupid, that's all there is. It's alright to be excited - I'm looking forward to KZ2 myself - but what's the point in threads loaded with the same .gifs over and over? I swear, it's just as silly as the "Um Hai 360 or PS3?" threads that continue to pop up even in 2009.
Personally, looking at this guy's posts, I think he's getting paid for this.

Oh btw, if I wanted a console, would I get a 360 or a PS3 or a Wii or a Dreamcast? kthxbai.
Might have to pre order this one for the demo if it's still possible. Looks freakin great.
So much crap on the internet about this game that I can't get for a whole 'nother damn month.
The EU demo BETTER be out on the 2nd.
Who goes by Middle East Gamers Review to decide what games to get?

Look at the first Killzone. It got a 70% at Metacritic, and sequels usually aren't as good. Eurogamer gave it a 50%.
Who goes by Middle East Gamers Review to decide what games to get?

Look at the first Killzone. It got a 70% at Metacritic, and sequels usually aren't as good. Eurogamer gave it a 50%.

And Halo sequels were worshiped, as were the GTA sequels. Were they really that good? I wasn't too impressed.

It goes both ways. There are more reviews than just one and it looks from some of the videos that this game will live up to the hype.
And Halo sequels were worshiped, as were the GTA sequels. Were they really that good? I wasn't too impressed.

It goes both ways. There are more reviews than just one and it looks from some of the videos that this game will live up to the hype.

Hey hey, GTA III and IV were awesome.
And from the beta, they say it has lived past the hype...we'll see soon enough.
Killzone 2 looks to be the console version of Crysis.
Both are hyped, KZ2 will probably deliver just like Crysis did. An excellent looking game with a few flaws. There will be a love hate relationship with KZ2, some will adore it, some will hate it. Some will say it lived up to the hype, others will disagree.
Either way, Im excited for any game that pushes the bar forward. Its good for gamers, its good for gaming.
Killzone 2 looks to be the console version of Crysis.
Both are hyped, KZ2 will probably deliver just like Crysis did. An excellent looking game with a few flaws. There will be a love hate relationship with KZ2, some will adore it, some will hate it. Some will say it lived up to the hype, others will disagree.
Either way, Im excited for any game that pushes the bar forward. Its good for gamers, its good for gaming.


Couldn't have said it any better myself. Of course, that could be due to the copious amounts of Jager and being sick and tired of all the snow and ice out here.
Killzone 2 looks to be the console version of Crysis.
Both are hyped, KZ2 will probably deliver just like Crysis did.

Have you seen how many people complained that Crysis was an over hyped mediocre game with good graphics?
AFAIK, other than graphics, Crysis was a flop.

If I'm not mistaken Crysis went on to sell over a million copies. I wouldn't call that a flop.

I'll be pre-mob'd with my National Guard unit when KZ2 comes out. I hope to have time to play this game before I leave the states for my deployment.
Over a million is fine and dandy. However, from what I have read, many of those people were not to fond of the game after playing it.

To each their own I guess.
Over a million is fine and dandy. However, from what I have read, many of those people were not to fond of the game after playing it.

To each their own I guess.

Crysis gameplay was fine. The only issue is it went from wide open, to corridor at the end.
Hence why Crysis Warhead was a pure success.
I made my "killzone 2 will sell equivalent to resistance 2 numbers" prediction a month or so ago, we'll see if I have to eat any crow in a month or so from now.
I have to agree with one part. First party support is where it's at if you want the best from the consoles. That has been and will be proven time and time again this generation. Look at Uncharted 2...first title to use all the PS3 power....and they know the system well. Should be an amazing title, especially with 50gb of space.

ND said they HOPE they can utilize all the power of PS3 in the Uncharted 2 game, they never said that they will.
I think people need to start ignoring these "60% of this", "100% of this" sort of comments. I could write ten lines of code which would 100% of the available processor cycles in any console or PC... that doesn't mean I'm using that power effectively (or for anything at all in this case!)

Developers will always try to get everything out of a machine. It's just that over time they learn smarter / more efficient ways to do things.
I made my "killzone 2 will sell equivalent to resistance 2 numbers" prediction a month or so ago, we'll see if I have to eat any crow in a month or so from now.

I think it will will sell more than Resestance 2, I believe right now it's #1 on amazon and play.com ahead of R5 and SF4 so that say's something right there.

But time will tell I guess.
I think people need to start ignoring these "60% of this", "100% of this" sort of comments. I could write ten lines of code which would 100% of the available processor cycles in any console or PC... that doesn't mean I'm using that power effectively (or for anything at all in this case!)

Developers will always try to get everything out of a machine. It's just that over time they learn smarter / more efficient ways to do things.

AKA.... God of War2;)
Over a million is fine and dandy. However, from what I have read, many of those people were not to fond of the game after playing it.

To each their own I guess.

Most of the people I work with have played it and enjoyed it, just like I did.
A few more mainstream reviews going up now. EG gave it a 9/10 and IGN gave it 9.4/10.