Milkyway@Home issue


Nov 8, 2003
OK, I did a general search of the forums, and I still can't seem to find an answer. I've been running M@H on my CPU for some time now, but would like to run the GPU version of it. I've looked at the web site and it says to specify a link to make the GPU client work. Problem is that it asks me for a login and password. When I use the same credentials I've been using for the CPU version it says it can't find it.

I've tried every password I've possibly used, and when I go back and do the CPU version, the account it connects to works fine, but fails trying to sign in with the GPU URL supplied on the web site.

What in the hell am I missing?

Oh, and I am already running the latest version of the BOINC client available for download.
The MilkyWay GPU website is not being used, the GPU (Nvidia) client is part of the regular Milkyway website, it will auto download in your Boinc if you turn it on in your MilkyWay Account Preferences.

If you want to use the ATI GPU then you must download it from here: and shutdown Boinc then extract the files into your C:\ProgramData\BOINC\projects\milkyway.cs.rpi.edu_milkyway directory and restart Boinc. Be sure you have enable use of GPU in your MilkyWay Account Preferences.