Millenium Falcon mod is STOLEN!!!

SpangeMonkee said:
court? please. that's retarded. they're offering compensation. it's not like it was the hope diamond. things happen. if you let someone borrow a laptop and it was stolen out of their car, you wouldn't sue. it sucks that the time was taken from him, but you can't throw lawsuits around. that kinda thinking has turned the country in to a screwed up legal system.

you can't? but microsoft makes it seem so easy. After all they do it all the time.
I am not sure I would go so far as to sue them...

But it is a moral and trust issue.. and they should do everything they can to get it back.. and if not, then take what money you can get and run!
Who would honestly steal a case mod?

Check me out I got a stolen M. Falcon! You can't show anyone it on the net, or brag about it.

Everyone would be on your door with a pitchfork.
Bill (Gates) is running around his bedroom with the Millenium Falcon in hand..... (making noises) "kepow, kepow... take that Darth Vader!! muhahahaha!!"

LOL, ok sorry to make fun of your situation... it sucks!! But I get some funny mental images.... imagining where it might be.

Funny, I just saw a Millenium Falcon PC sell on ebay too. (j/k)
Is this your modded PC?

The falcon is probably going to be dissassembled and sold for parts. If the person who stole it was smart at all, he would have removed all the computer parts and destroyed the case first thing. That case may represent a lot of hard work and be your pride and joy; but to the criminal it will just be an unsellable liability.

If I was you I would search ebay for the specific model motherboard that you had in there and narrow the search to the area around Microsoft. Also the person might think that they would be able to get away with selling your modded hdd. So take the money from Microsoft and run; because even if they find the person, the Millenium Falcon case has probably already been trashed.
brom42 said:
The falcon is probably going to be dissassembled and sold for parts. If the person who stole it was smart at all, he would have removed all the computer parts and destroyed the case first thing. That case may represent a lot of hard work and be your pride and joy; but to the criminal it will just be an unsellable liability.

If I was you I would search ebay for the specific model motherboard that you had in there and narrow the search to the area around Microsoft. Also the person might think that they would be able to get away with selling your modded hdd. So take the money from Microsoft and run; because even if they find the person, the Millenium Falcon case has probably already been trashed.

I doubt that a serious computer geek would trash it.. most likely just keep it at home for their personal enjoyment... if it were a common thief.. then they proabably would trash it.. or if they were a dumb common thief.. ebay..
those of you yelling "lawsuit", get your heads out of your asses.

MS is offering to pay for it and pay enough to cover building a newer, better one. they understand that it's their fault, they're providing restitution and an apology and are actively looking at their tapes. what more do you want, really?

I mean, I'm kind of an anti-ms guy lately, but you guys are acting like fucktards here.
jmahler said:
MS is offering to pay for it and pay enough to cover building a newer, better one. they understand that it's their fault, they're providing restitution and an apology and are actively looking at their tapes. what more do you want, really?
qtf. it's not like they're gonna get you 2 lesbians, free hot pockets for life and a direct fiber connection to your house :rolleyes: :D

to jedi: i'd just take the money. it really sucks that someone stole it, but... i dunno. maybe you can try to look at it in a positive light that your work is so amazingly awesome, that someone would even THINK about stealing it under MS's noses. :eek:
Raw suckage. Good Luck on finding it.

And don't give up modding for good. If you do, then you've let the unscrupulous, uncaring, infantile, weasel-retard win... colorful metaphors are my forte. ;)
(cf)Eclipse said:
qtf. it's not like they're gonna get you 2 lesbians, free hot pockets for life and a direct fiber connection to your house :rolleyes: :D

although.... hmmm...
jmahler said:
those of you yelling "lawsuit", get your heads out of your asses.

MS is offering to pay for it and pay enough to cover building a newer, better one. they understand that it's their fault, they're providing restitution and an apology and are actively looking at their tapes. what more do you want, really?

I mean, I'm kind of an anti-ms guy lately, but you guys are acting like fucktards here.

I'm not serius guy. I'd have to be a total dipshit to be serious.. I'm just poking fun at microshafts expense. though it would be funny as hell to see microshafts tactics in bussiness turned on them.. but YEAH I KNOW IT'S NOT REALISTIC...DUH
jmahler said:
those of you yelling "lawsuit", get your heads out of your asses.

MS is offering to pay for it and pay enough to cover building a newer, better one. they understand that it's their fault, they're providing restitution and an apology and are actively looking at their tapes. what more do you want, really?

I mean, I'm kind of an anti-ms guy lately, but you guys are acting like fucktards here.
And this is Microsoft we're talking about. By the time the lawsuit is settled (in 2032), Microsoft would have erased all records of the conference, purchased VIA so they couldn't testify, and the OP would be arrested as a terrorist. "We thought it was a bomb, so we removed it from the premises..."

Moving this from Customer Relations to the Legal Department would be pointless, and rude.

Take the money, buy the bike, mod some more when summer ends. The biker chick accessory is already bought and paid for, so take advantage of it. :D
Stuff gets stolen from events all the time. It seems ms is being good at offering a fix. It sucks but look on the bright side. MS could be real assholes in this matter.
funny, i heard bill gates isnt actually worth the billions we all think he is. its all in his funding for like charity er something. bah we were talking about this in my government class yesterday and i already forgot. he is worth money. but most of the money goes towards something else instead of his bank acct. although i can be getting some false info.
swatbat said:
Stuff gets stolen from events all the time. It seems ms is being good at offering a fix. It sucks but look on the bright side. MS could be real assholes in this matter.

Materials at events are quite frequently stolen, lost, damaged, shipped to the south pole, shipped to the correct address by way of the south pole after having been used for a chair in the warehouse for a month or two...

Microsoft is behaving in a very exemplary fashion, most companies would just say "oh well, too bad, not our problem" and leave you to try and bully someone's insurance company into some form of compensation, which often makes a car insurance claim look like a cake walk.

Much sympathy.
I'd submit your stolen-case story to they'd definitely make an article out of it.

Then you'd have half the geeks on the 'net searching for it.
id start an extensive search for it.. and then if nothing shows up . id settle with Microsofts reimbersment :(
brom42 said:
The falcon is probably going to be dissassembled and sold for parts. If the person who stole it was smart at all, he would have removed all the computer parts and destroyed the case first thing. That case may represent a lot of hard work and be your pride and joy; but to the criminal it will just be an unsellable liability.

If I was you I would search ebay for the specific model motherboard that you had in there and narrow the search to the area around Microsoft. Also the person might think that they would be able to get away with selling your modded hdd. So take the money from Microsoft and run; because even if they find the person, the Millenium Falcon case has probably already been trashed.

Exactly, This is what car thieves, purse thieves do. They throw away the chassis or purse/wallet and keep what's inside. Half the time, people don't find the purse or wallet, they just find their ID's somewhere down the road. Same with cars. They steal the wheels and stereo/battery and other components and burn the rest. Keep an eye on ebay and other forums for your components. Of course, they would have to be readily identifiable for you to make a claim with Law enforcement. And even then, You would need to inform those at M$ who is handling the investigation because as a result of paying you, they now incur the loss of the PC/Art. They can then sic LE on the thief/thieves.

My guess is some crack head janitor/office worker stole it and sold it for a rock. Some dealer at some crack house is playing CS:S with it right now. I don't mean to sound cold but this is how I've seen it go down many times. Being a victim sucks.

Too bad you didn't have THIS or something similar installed. Of course you can try to track down your mac address if you know it. (not many people do). How would you go about tracking it is beyond me. And of course, no one could have forseen this coming. Take the money and get yourself some wheels. Have a great summer. The violation you feel will go on for awhile. Just don't let it get you down. Take this as a learning experience to secure your valaubles and your home. It may help the bad feelings go away.

Lastly, I would never have thought to mark down serial numbers or photograph the pc parts in macro mode or even mark them with my name. I don't even know my PC's MAC address. But I know NOW, that if I were to send out a mod I would take the precaution. It just sucks that someone had to get ripped off for many of us to realize that fact. I do hope M$ finds it as it would be a shame to have something so cool destroyed.
Boozer said:
funny, i heard bill gates isnt actually worth the billions we all think he is. its all in his funding for like charity er something. bah we were talking about this in my government class yesterday and i already forgot. he is worth money. but most of the money goes towards something else instead of his bank acct. although i can be getting some false info.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation said:
Led by Bill Gates’ father, William H. Gates Sr., and Patty Stonesifer, the Seattle-based foundation has an endowment of approximately $28.8 billion.

Sorry to hear that some asshat stole your creation. Whatever you decide to do, I would recommend waiting a while before deciding to start this or another project again, or conversely, to give it up entirely. That's something you should definitely sleep on.

Best of luck.

sue the piss out of 'em.
if i get wind of your work, i'll be in contact.
A couple colleagues of mine went to WinHEC. I'll grill them to make sure they don't know anything.
KodiakStar said:
Sounds like you need a StarDestroyer mod... to hunt down the falon ;)

Just my 2 cents...

that or the bike ;)

- Fold [H]ard - - Or go [H]ome -

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /agree :)
Here is a pic of the computer JediKnight had posted in another thread for those that want to see it.

JediKnight0 said:
Such a waste. They could have done something like this (yes, it's mine):


Yes, it's a computer. And yes, the x-wing is a wireless mouse.
Sorry to hear about the theft man. :(

But on a brighter note...go get yourself a bike!! I've wanted a ZX-6R for the longest time -- you can make me feel slightly better (and more motivated to work harder) by getting one before me!
Wow, that thing is a beaut. I am really really sorry for you. That is a gem and should be appreciated not stolen or taken apart. I am sure whoever stole it probably is going to try to sell it. I know this probably won't help but the only kind of art that get stolen is the priceless ones, and yours is one of those. I would not be surprised that it will pop up in one of those star wars convention.
JediKnight0 said:
Such a waste. They could have done something like this (yes, it's mine):
Yes, it's a computer. And yes, the x-wing is a wireless mouse.

That thing is badass, and now that I think of it I did see that thread. Man, if I were you 'd be really upset about that as well. I can only imagine the time and effort that took to build. Again, I am so sorry to hear that it got stolen.
Boozer said:
funny, i heard bill gates isnt actually worth the billions we all think he is. its all in his funding for like charity er something. bah we were talking about this in my government class yesterday and i already forgot. he is worth money. but most of the money goes towards something else instead of his bank acct. although i can be getting some false info.
Most of his money is in Microsoft stock. He sells a few million shares every so often when he needs some cash. His extra cash ends up in the Foundation for assorted charity programs. When you've bought everything you've ever wanted to buy, what else would a convicted monolopist do with what's left over? :p

IIRC, he's stated his kids only get $10 million each. The rest of billyuns and billyuns will be handed out through the Foundation, most likely.
KodiakStar said:
Sounds like you need a StarDestroyer mod... to hunt down the falon ;)

That's what I'm sayin'!!!! Star Destroyer mod!!!

And that really sucks to have something that you put that much work into get wahoo'd. I feel for ya.

I'd tell them I want free licensed copies of all their software in addition to reimbursement for the lost computer and perhaps an X-box on the side.... sorry just dreaming of having Microsoft over a barrel... You'd think their employees wouldn't have to steal with what they get paid... oh well. Sorry to hear about your loss and I hope you nail the sucker that took it.
i'd settle for a REALLY early Xbox 360 and all the accessories and games for launch day ...