Min. Req. for Win2k Install / Price/Performance Boxes...


Limp Gawd
Jul 30, 2005
According to MS, they say 2GB with 650 MB free. Has anyone tried installing Win2k on a machine with only 2GB of space?


I'm just thinking about the minimum requirements for setting up a box just for folding. Would 3 or 4GB impact performance of F@H noticeably?

Also, from the threads I read here, you need 256 MB optimally to run F@H - however, would 512 noticeably impact F@H?

Just for fun, I'm considering the cheapest/best way to put together a folding computer. You can get an MSI RS480M2-IL 939 pin motherboard with on-board video, add a chip that balances price/performance (with the option to upgrade to X2 in the future), drop in 256 or 512 of cheap RAM and a 2 or 3GB HD for cheap (relatively). ... Or drop in a cheaper motherboard with a $10 video card ...

Not sure where/if this had been discussed already - so my apologies if building cheap boxes that balance price and performance has been discussed already (if so, please point me towards the discussion).

You do not need Windows for FAH. They have a Linux client as well. 256 is notas much "optimal" as it is the minimum requirement for getting big WU. If you need parts, look to the top of the DC page for a parts swap thread. :)
I know Windoze isn't required, however, I have very limited experience with Linux, and the Folding CD-ROM installation seems a bit complicated (plus, it requires 2 GB HD space and 2 NICs).

Plus, running a Windows computer allows easy monitoring via FAHMon and would be much easier for me to just drop into the network and have it run.
Our own Unhappy_Mage is working on a Marty proof install for a folding linux box!
He should have it worked out soon and you wont have to learn Linux to do it. As long as its just a folding box!
With this type of set up 256 should be good.

Mayhem33 said:
Our own Unhappy_Mage is working on a Marty proof install for a folding linux box!
He should have it worked out soon and you wont have to learn Linux to do it. As long as its just a folding box!
With this type of set up 256 should be good.


New name for it? :p
If you have to have Windows 2K, 2GB is the extreme minimum you can have. I've got a box with a 2.5GB hd and once patched (kept uninstall information) it ended up with about 400 meg free, had Windows, McAfee and F@H on it and that was it.

It can be done, the the Mary-proof Linux that mage is working would probably be the best bet.

Unhappy_mage is not the only one cranking out simplified Linux distros or Linux folding service installers...

My distro requires only 1 NIC and has a GUI installer.
*My* distro's only 10 MB :D

Those were the days... RJ had windows 98 installed on a 500mb disk, and he had the good graphics card, and I had the disk space for UT, so we installed it over (10-mbit) network...

and then played a lan game, both playing off the same copy of UT...

Arkaine23 said:
Unhappy_mage is not the only one cranking out simplified Linux distros or Linux folding service installers...

My distro requires only 1 NIC and has a GUI installer.

Mage's sets it for the right team number though ;)