
outdated server on hardcraft and can't connect to hashland. booooooooo
Yah still reading, learning, and investigating. Beta update was a massive failure IMO, but I don't dare post that over in the Fanboy/Pre-teen forums..

Server side inventory doesn't work.. Duping items is even easier now, losing items is even easier now, and inventory bugs and glitches are even more apparent, now... It is a massive mess of his inability to test his updates AT ALL..

His new throwing eggs feature causes incredible lag, does no damage at all to anything, and looks like a MOD a Greifer would create to piss people off and cause grief on a server. Also half the time you crash the client throwing eggs against the ground or wall. What a stupid addition and useless utilization of the chicken eggs in game.

Good thing though that occurred with this Beta update is that now Notch and Mojang employees have exclusive cool looking capes that their characters can wear in game! Good thing, I was worried about when Notch would implement Mojang employee ONLY capes into the game, as Minecraft and its community DEFINITELY needed that essential update! Now I can relax a bit...

Leaf decay! Good! Finally! I was annoyed that I couldn't watch every creation on every server made with leaf blocks slowly fall apart.. I look forward to updates to the game that rot people's buildings and projects away like a fucking virus, call me crazy! I was also upset the game didn't lag twice as much when I entered a forest biome, so now that is fixed!

Beta is awesome also because Notch, for no reason other than to cause drama and confusion, put that he added something SUPER DUPER RARE!1111OMGROLFCOPTER into the patch notes! That is SO cool, and informative, and beneficial!! Now the forums where people are looking for news, help, and support are filled with 12 year old kids spamming, " I THINK I FOUND THE RARE THINGS!!@!" threads!! Awesome!! Beta is SO cool!

In conclusion, Beta is a pile of feces from Foobix's hairy pedobear bin. Lets all avoid criticizing the game and focus on throwing chicken eggs in single player repeatedly for the next dew days, until things are fixed.. :p

I will put HashLand back up shortly with a test world to run around in again.. Expect the server to be down off and on, and running vanilla for at least the next few days. =)
oajx, yea Minecraft forums are useless. Beta is a complete pile of shit. Craashes all the time now and performance went down the tubes. My wife can barely play it now on her older dual core X2.

All Mojang ever talks about it new stuff or they add shit that is never implemented at all...why? idiots need to get the game working, specially on machines that aren't high end monsters. My main rig has no issues though Beta performance is much lower but I have other machines that should be able to play this on tiny/fast and just can't.. Alpha they could.
I haven't played the beta and I don't think ill really want to at this point, I was seriously hoping the closer to final it got the more smp would be ssp with more people... the tool glitch was convinient but was spoiling players. One of the things im happiest about is the leaf decay, I hate having to chop down trees or have to worry about surroundings when burning them. I can finally build a tree farm and not be annoyed.

I 1000% agree about adding stupid ads useless features instead of stabalizing and optimizing the ya
I haven't played the beta and I don't think ill really want to at this point, I was seriously hoping the closer to final it got the more smp would be ssp with more people... the tool glitch was convinient but was spoiling players. One of the things im happiest about is the leaf decay, I hate having to chop down trees or have to worry about surroundings when burning them. I can finally build a tree farm and not be annoyed.

I 1000% agree about adding stupid ads useless features instead of stabalizing and optimizing the ya

I like the tools can't be repaired, as it adds to some of the obstacles of gameplay. I however think the lead decay is crap the way it is.. It is too slow, and it destroys things built with leaf blocks. The LeafDropper plugin, adds no lag or performance loss, instantly removes the leaves once the wood is removed, and had configurable drops and percentages from the leaves so they aren't useless and destroying them is the only option with no option of obtaining them. I'd rather use the plugin then this shitty leaf decay addition... Perhaps it will be better, faster, and configurable in the future..

Tue,21 Dec 11:25:52
notch: I have a scary feeling the lag some people get might be leaf decay. Grraaaaahhh!!

HashLand is up running the Test world. Don't grief and destroy anything just because this is a test world. This same world will be loaded everytime a bug, or update forces me to take our Main world down. Enjoy vanilla SMP.
well maybe it should be a server option or something to turn it on or off, if you say the plugin works that well, then I'd turn it off and get that instead.
Only problem I have noticed is that minecarts on pressure plates aren't working for me. People building stuff out of leaves? Seriously? That was known bug that was going to be fixed. Complaining about exploiting a known bug getting fixed is hilarious.
I love the game but haven't played much at all since the Halloween update. I just want to be able to play around in Hell with my fiance.

Just have to wait for a retail release I guess. A bunch of little features keep getting added but large core features of the game still don't work, or at least not properly.
So I'm hearing the beta changelog is like:

Leaves decay
You can throw eggs
Devs get capes

Suddenly I don't regret not buying it.
Only problem I have noticed is that minecarts on pressure plates aren't working for me. People building stuff out of leaves? Seriously? That was known bug that was going to be fixed. Complaining about exploiting a known bug getting fixed is hilarious.

How is it exploiting a bug? I'm confused...

You can grow trees together so there is a mass of leaves grouped together. You then remove the wood and shape the leaves into something... Nobody is exploiting anything.. People want the leaves to go away on the trees they chop down, people don't want leaves to be entirely removed as a form of block that can be used to build with. Use your imagination. ;)
What he is getting at is we always knew that leaf decay was going to be in there and having said future knowledge that eventually it was going to be fixed they shouldn't complain when said fix ruined their leaf made buildings
So the guy has made over 10 million dollars on this and he sounds like an absolute tool. Good job everyone by setting this guy up for life.

I mean ffs what has he been doing for months other than figuring out more ways to be a money-grabber while completely ignoring all the things that taking a product into BETA REQUIRES
How is it exploiting a bug? I'm confused...

You can grow trees together so there is a mass of leaves grouped together. You then remove the wood and shape the leaves into something... Nobody is exploiting anything.. People want the leaves to go away on the trees they chop down, people don't want leaves to be entirely removed as a form of block that can be used to build with. Use your imagination. ;)

The leaves used to decay, then a bug occurred when they stopped decaying. That bug was then fixed. I just started playing last friday and even I knew all this as it was well documented. So, if you take advantage of a bug (throwing down damaged tools, pick up up 100%, etc) you cant get mad when the bug is fixed.
I just keep getting booted after the beta update. Every server I try to join drops me with a socket error.
So the guy has made over 10 million dollars on this and he sounds like an absolute tool. Good job everyone by setting this guy up for life.

I mean ffs what has he been doing for months other than figuring out more ways to be a money-grabber while completely ignoring all the things that taking a product into BETA REQUIRES

How is he a tool? And please, educate us on what going to beta requires, as I am sure we all could learn something.
How is he a tool? And please, educate us on what going to beta requires, as I am sure we all could learn something.

Oh I'm sorry if I've offended your almighty leader.

You know where you can shove your condescending reply. Generally when you have an enormous community like the game has, YEAH I HAVE THE GAME, you don't just add some useless features and call it a beta, AND hike up the price to $20. Oh and let's not forget to mention the many reports of new performance issues :rolleyes:

Yeah maybe you should go learn something.
Leaf decay was not the same as it is now, and building with leaf blocks was an option, similarly to trimming a hedge... Doesn't matter, whatever, someone will create a mod to disable that shit anyways.
the way I see it.. it cost $10... I haven't bought any other games because it's fun to play... so techinically it saved me a ton of money by keeping my attention..

So many bugs, so few days before xmas! 27 minutes ago via Twitter for Android

Hey thanks for the update! Nobody would have guess that over the last 24 hours! Hows the cape looking? ;)
the way I see it.. it cost $10... I haven't bought any other games because it's fun to play... so techinically it saved me a ton of money by keeping my attention..

The game is worth every cent, even with less features and more bugs.. Which is why people are criticizing adding useless features before fixing critical bugs.. But NOOooo!! Nobody dare criticize anything about Minecraft before the obvioustrolls coming barreling in.. If the entire community were allowed to speak up, and he actually listened, the game would be much better. This isn't a guess, this is logical fact.

Meanwhile, Foobix has taken over the Test world on HashLand and pooped everywhere.. :p Come throw eggs at him.
How is he a tool? And please, educate us on what going to beta requires, as I am sure we all could learn something.

Generally a certain amount of testing occurs before going to beta. Testing on more then a few identical computers like the Minecraft Dev team is working with.

Seriously, almost every update to Minecraft has broken the game in some way. Then Notch spends the next week scrambling to fix his mistakes. I appreciate all the work he's done, and I've DEFINITELY gotten my moneys worth; but that doesn't excuse the fact that Minecraft is always broken after every update. Alpha I can understand - but going to Beta should not result in MORE problems.

So many bugs, so few days before xmas! 27 minutes ago via Twitter for Android

Hey thanks for the update! Nobody would have guess that over the last 24 hours! Hows the cape looking? ;)

Seriously. He seems to be treating this like a hobby, and not a job.
Had to leave my 2cents. I bought the game a long time ago and am happy with the purchase but Notch really needs to get his act together. Every time he has a release it seems that it just increases the number of bugs and not just minor things but game breaking bugs. He has made millions which I applaud but still does not put the necessary resources back into the game.

This is of course just me but I would personally hire a couple of programmers to do nothing but work on Minecraft. From what I understand the guys he has hired are mostly working on new projects but maybe things have changed. The appearance to me is that Notch sees the revenue as money made to keep and not to put back into the unfinished game.

Before I get flamed please realize I bought the game and am happy with it. This is purely a look at his business/programming acumen.
Seriously. He seems to be treating this like a hobby, and not a job.

Thats really my point. He is also treating it as if the money he has already made was not meant to be spent towards making the game better. So far its still him working on the game when imo he should have a small team of guys working on it.
Seriously. He seems to be treating this like a hobby, and not a job.

Well, you can't really blame him for that. I mean, if someone were to give you 13 million dollars after you told them that they can have an unfinished product which you may or may not ever finish, would you slave labor over code all day long? I wouldn't, I'd code whenever I have absolutely nothing else to do and enjoy investing my money in the meantime.

What I do blame him for is pushing out a by and large game-breaking update ahead of the holiday season when people actually have time to play and not allowing folks to simply revert back to an older and more stable version.
What I do blame him for is pushing out a by and large game-breaking update ahead of the holiday season when people actually have time to play and not allowing folks to simply revert back to an older and more stable version.

Exactly. In the least just let us drop back down to the last alpha release!
Exactly. In the least just let us drop back down to the last alpha release!
Ok, guys. It's a pre-release, mid-development build. You are playing an Alpha/beta in order to test and find out what is broken so it can be fixed. NOT for your entertainment. That's once it goes gold. Version reversion (ooooh) is counter productive to that.
Maybe what the guy should do at this point it just work towards a stable and well working release and then open the game up to mod people who can add the new functionality and such through modules for the core game.

He can still make money selling the game and people can have their fun adding new mobs, tools, etc without waiting for shitty releases to be fixed and what not. If a mod is broken, you just turn it off, no harm done.

But says its an alpha/beta is ok except people have paid and if you are you shovel out updates that you can't roll back and updates that just plain destroy everything that is another. Maybe having people pay wasn't the best option but it obviously made him shit tons of money.
Well, you can't really blame him for that. I mean, if someone were to give you 13 million dollars after you told them that they can have an unfinished product which you may or may not ever finish, would you slave labor over code all day long? I wouldn't, I'd code whenever I have absolutely nothing else to do and enjoy investing my money in the meantime.

What I do blame him for is pushing out a by and large game-breaking update ahead of the holiday season when people actually have time to play and not allowing folks to simply revert back to an older and more stable version.

That's some pretty poor work ethic you've got there Thuleman. :rolleyes:

I bought into an ALPHA, with hopes of a good BETA, with promises of a future functioning PRODUCT with ongoing support. Its his promise of future updates that I made the decision to hand over my money. Otherwise who the hell would buy an unfinished game? The last time I did that was Sierra's Outpost game back in 1995...

Right now, its just sit and wait for an update to fix the beta. What I'm hoping Notch DOESN'T do is take the money and drop development. What it SEEMS to be is that he's lazily doing this as a hobby. We'll just have to wait and see what the future update brings to the table. Hopefully updates will come out faster, better, and more feature rich. Which is what he has promised....
Ok, guys. It's a pre-release, mid-development build. You are playing an Alpha/beta in order to test and find out what is broken so it can be fixed. NOT for your entertainment. That's once it goes gold. Version reversion (ooooh) is counter productive to that.

From my standpoint, the game is more broken now than it was prior to beta. How is that productive? Or is Notch now breaking the game just so he can fix it? Even if it is in alpha or beta, the point for us is to enjoy our time playing the game (game being the operative word there). I didn't pay him so I could literally only be a beta tester. If he didn't want us to get any enjoyment out of it, he would give us checklists of actions to complete like real beta testers get.

I've never denied there shouldn't be bugs in the game. It is a beta after all. However the jump from alpha to beta should signify a certain amount of stability over any alpha version. Us wanting to jump back to the last alpha should tell Notch that the beta launch was a failure.

Also, I will happily continue playing beta once the performance bug is fixed. As it is now, I literally cannot play the game. If the beta continues to push systems to the max, I'll have no choice but to no longer play the game. Wanting an old version I can play SSP by myself on, is not asking so much in that case. IMO.
That's some pretty poor work ethic you've got there Thuleman. :rolleyes:
Just looking out for numero uno!

I bought into an ALPHA, with hopes of a good BETA, with promises of a future functioning PRODUCT with ongoing support.

Hopes yes, promises no. In fact there's the Minecraft equivalent to CCP's EVE Online "The logs show nothing!" in Notch's tweet: minecraft will probably never be feature complete.. which in the strictest coding terms means that it will never be beta.

He did also on this About page say that "I plan on developing Minecraft until it's a finished complete game". Now you could argue that English isn't his first language and nuances are lost to foreigners, then again, English isn't my first language either and I still get it. ;) "I plan" means just that, it doesn't mean "I will do it", it means "if I have nothing else to do I may follow up on this".

It's like an employee evaluation when you write "Bob strives to accomplish yadda yadda yadda", strives means he tries but doesn't succeed, otherwise you'd written "Bob consistently accomplishes ...".

My point is that at no point did he promise a finished product. All he said is that he has the notion of finishing it which may or may not happen. I don't mean to argue semantics, I merely mean to say that you may never get a finished product and if your expectation is set to have a finished product then you will likely be disappointed.

IMHO the biggest problem is that he doesn't seem to have the skills/knowledge to turn out an efficient server component. The bandwidth and memory requirements are ridiculous and java is only partially to blame for that. I saw a post where someone said they may work on a 3rd party server themselves but I can't find it and don't know what the legalities of doing so would be. Most MMOs manage to transmit a whole lot more data over slow and high latency connections so it's definitely doable, it's just that he doesn't know how and multiplayer doesn't seem to be a top priority to him.
Know what Notch could have done that would have prevented 100% of the complaints, gripes, criticisms, threads and unhappy people??

1 Fucking thing.

Don't force client updates. Like,.. Oh I don't know... Every single game ever made on earth since ever. Just a suggestion, and would take him 1 minute to setup.

Does he? No. The obvious oversights and lack of community involvement are examples of how he runs a business.. Like a careless dick. Too bad I love Minecraft hehe... ;)
This downtime isn't too bad, I am having a blast trolling the minecraft.net forums.
Just looking out for numero uno!

Hopes yes, promises no. In fact there's the Minecraft equivalent to CCP's EVE Online "The logs show nothing!" in Notch's tweet: minecraft will probably never be feature complete.. which in the strictest coding terms means that it will never be beta.

He did also on this About page say that "I plan on developing Minecraft until it's a finished complete game". Now you could argue that English isn't his first language and nuances are lost to foreigners, then again, English isn't my first language either and I still get it. ;) "I plan" means just that, it doesn't mean "I will do it", it means "if I have nothing else to do I may follow up on this".

It's like an employee evaluation when you write "Bob strives to accomplish yadda yadda yadda", strives means he tries but doesn't succeed, otherwise you'd written "Bob consistently accomplishes ...".

My point is that at no point did he promise a finished product. All he said is that he has the notion of finishing it which may or may not happen. I don't mean to argue semantics, I merely mean to say that you may never get a finished product and if your expectation is set to have a finished product then you will likely be disappointed.

IMHO the biggest problem is that he doesn't seem to have the skills/knowledge to turn out an efficient server component. The bandwidth and memory requirements are ridiculous and java is only partially to blame for that. I saw a post where someone said they may work on a 3rd party server themselves but I can't find it and don't know what the legalities of doing so would be. Most MMOs manage to transmit a whole lot more data over slow and high latency connections so it's definitely doable, it's just that he doesn't know how and multiplayer doesn't seem to be a top priority to him.

I said, he said, she said...you are arguing semantics. If he backs out, he's no more good than a thief. Though I doubt that's what he'll do. :D

And this is from the blog:

"With Beta comes a larger focus on polish and content, and we’ll start early on with adding proper modding support with a stable API, and we’d love all input we can get on this from the modders out there. We’ll also add some kind of non-intrusive narrative to the game to help drive the game experience early on, and to provide some kind of late game goal. There will be a bigger focus on testing and stability as well, with more time between updates."

My point? He hasn't delivered...yet. Yes, it just got to Beta, yes it was in Alpha a few days ago. I'm not saying this the end for Minecraft, just that the execution is piss-poor, and hopefully Notch realizes this (I'm sure he does...)

I have hope that he'll live up to is "promises" and keep this game updated. Its in his own best interest to.
If he backs out, he's no more good than a thief.
This is where we fundamentally disagree.

You think you are entitled to a non-test "release" version of Minecraft because you paid for it. I think that the payment was to participate in the testing and receive future updates if there are any, but that there's no obligation on Notch's part to ever update the game beyond its current state.

My expectation for Minecraft is that once he realizes that fixing the (multiplayer) game is just beyond his capabilities he will release it into public domain and others who have more experience will pick up where he left off.
This is where we fundamentally disagree.

You think you are entitled to a non-test "release" version of Minecraft because you paid for it. I think that the payment was to participate in the testing and receive future updates if there are any, but that there's no obligation on Notch's part to ever update the game beyond its current state.

My expectation for Minecraft is that once he realizes that fixing the (multiplayer) game is just beyond his capabilities he will release it into public domain and others who have more experience will pick up where he left off.

There is one guy coding it all in c++ His thread is on the MC forums somewhere. He has his own terrain generating system, and already has functionality in some features. You can even connect to his server running the code, and its very smooth and functional.

He has, not once, released his updates with major bugs or broken features.. granted he is following the existing game in his progression.. He has simply written cleanly and efficiently and its showing. He has accomplished more in a tiny fraction of the time.

If he was given the opportunity to take over, the game would be polished and retail in 6 months. I would bet on that. :)