Mirror's Edge on PC


Limp Gawd
Jul 14, 2008
If I'm not mistaken, Mirror's Edge should be out tomorrow for PC. Anyone else planning to pick it up? I know PhysX is a controversial topic, but I can't wait to see it in action.

Also, it seemed like a lot of people had a love/hate relationship with this title when it was released on the consoles earlier. Looks like it would be worth a play through though.

Hell, it can't be worse than FC2, right? Let me hear your thoughts.
It's a love it/hate it kind of game. I loved it. :)

PhysX isn't enough to make me want to get it on the PC again though.
If I'm not mistaken, Mirror's Edge should be out tomorrow for PC. Anyone else planning to pick it up? I know PhysX is a controversial topic, but I can't wait to see it in action.

Also, it seemed like a lot of people had a love/hate relationship with this title when it was released on the consoles earlier. Looks like it would be worth a play through though.

Hell, it can't be worse than FC2, right? Let me hear your thoughts.

haven't played it, but from what I've read it doesn't sound particularly good. Then again, NOTHING will ever be as bad as FC2.
I personally like Mirror's Edge on my 360. As far as FC2 goes, I think it rocked. So what if it had nothing to do with the first game. Sure online for it kind of blew but it is a fun game IMHO. I won't be buying Mirror's Edge but I will definitely check it out for PC. The controls are pretty good, its just not a game that anyone is used to yet. If you give it chance, you can have a lot of fun with it.
I will be buying my friend a copy when it hits stores near me but I won't be buying it for myself right off the bat. I am currently playing through Dead Space so I want to finish that first, but even then i am not in the best financial state.
I'm considering buying it for the PC as it looked very interesting to me at its console launch.
I played it on my friend's PS3 and this is a game you really need a control pad and a large TV to appreciate fully. It wasn't good enough to motivate me to purchase a PS3 or 360, but I had a lot of fun playing the first few levels.
I played it on my friend's PS3 and this is a game you really need a control pad and a large TV to appreciate fully. It wasn't good enough to motivate me to purchase a PS3 or 360, but I had a lot of fun playing the first few levels.

Even if I had a 360 or PS3 my TV is only 20" while my PC monitor is 24". I also have a 360 controller for my PC if the keyboard/mouse are too awkward. Either way I think my PC will be the better experience for myself.
Im considering buying Mirror's Edge but not until it gets a price drop or two. $50 seems to much for a game that from what people say is less then 10 hours long. Plus the fact it has no MP reduces the value even more. So unless the PC version is longer and has MP I wont buy it until a few months after release.
I was considering buying this for the PS3 originally, as I have an 84" 720P projector setup that this game would probably be pretty sweet on. However, it's that, or 2560x1600 on a 30" 3007WFP-HC, with PhysX and all. I do have a gamepad I could use if the controls are awkward, though I don't get the feeling they would be. Hence I waited for the PC one...
at 84" wouldn't you at least want 1080p .....

High quality 720P even at 84" is better than a low quality 1080P (which would have cost more too!) :). There is no screendoor effect with my 12.5-13 foot seating distance. Unless you can get a medium-to-high-end 1080P, it's a generally held opinion that you're better off with a high-quality 720P setup.
High quality 720P even at 84" is better than a low quality 1080P (which would have cost more too!) :). There is no screendoor effect with my 12.5-13 foot seating distance. Unless you can get a medium-to-high-end 1080P, it's a generally held opinion that you're better off with a high-quality 720P setup.

fair enough :)
Definately picking up this one. Have been waiting anxiously for the PC version. Love the art style and the whole vibe. Should be an interesting break from shooting aliens.
i dont see it available anywhere so far, wasnt it supposed to come out today? i read 5 different dates, the latest being the 15th in australia, 7,9,13th for the US

i dont see it available anywhere so far, wasnt it supposed to come out today? i read 5 different dates, the latest being the 15th in australia, 7,9,13th for the US

I was told the 14th by Gamestop here in Canada but they're usually wrong.
Don't count on it buddy. The days of demos are dead.

That's too bad. All that's going to do is work against the sale of a particular title.

As it stands, this title looks and sounds like a tech demo anyways.