missing NTLDR


May 4, 2003
ya ok i got this error when i started my computer and now i did a clean insall and the firest time i restart my computer i get the same error its pissing me off so much i want to kick my computer. any ideas? tomorrow im going to get a new hard drive and see if it fix's anything.
ok well i got a new hard drive and a new ide cable everything seems to be working fine.
mattsmall said:
ok well i got a new hard drive and a new ide cable everything seems to be working fine.
Kewl. Only two things that I have ever found to cause that error, corrupted MBR and defective HD.
and removing the old HDD with the system partition on it
in an unintentional dual boot that they think is a fresh install to the new HDD ;)

see that alot in Data Storage