Mitsu DP 2070SB. Touted the best. Why does it suck so much?


Sep 29, 2004
After reading all possible web/usenet information I could find on 21-22" monitors, I got Mitsu dp2070sb-bk monitor, mostly because of rave reviews/recommendations here. I got it a few days ago and it sucks. The geometry of the image is all screwed up: up/bottom sides are concave and there's no way to fix that (all geometry adjustments deal with changing things in horizontal axis). The top-right corner is slightly darker than other 3, and it can't be fixed. The bottom-left corner is so messed up that no adjustment allows me to fix it - I can't get rectangular windows look rectangular no matter what I do. The geometry seems to change with time, so every few hours I have to adjust it. And most annoying of all is how fuzzy the image looks. The color conversion is awful - I can't get colors to converge properly at different sides of the screen. Left will have a little bit of blue and right a little bit of red, at the best possible convergence. At 1600x1200@85, I can't read at all text below 8pts. I used to have a 20" benq lcd and it's like night and day.
What's the deal here?
Has sent me a refurb packaged as brand new? Or are they all like that and I was just expecting too much?
I'm considering a shadow mask now. If all these aperture grill monitors so fuzzzy, I will definitely get a shadow mask. Newegg has 2 that caught my eye. Viewsonic g220f and Samsung 1100df. Would any of these give a sharper pixture in desktop?
I bought an NEC FE2111SB-BK mostly due to the same reasons you bought your CRT: rave reviews and recommendations. Turned out what was sent to me was a refurbished model. It is highly likely you received a refurb because no company manufactures CRTs any longer. At least I don't think so.

Did you take the time to calibrate the geometry and color? It takes a while and patience to get it right. And you don't want to get shadow mask. If anything, an AG (aperture grill) CRT is much sharper and has a much more crisp and stable image than a shadow mask ever will (I own both types).
ajm786 said:
I bought an NEC FE2111SB-BK mostly due to the same reasons you bought your CRT: rave reviews and recommendations. Turned out what was sent to me was a refurbished model. It is highly likely you received a refurb because no company manufactures CRTs any longer. At least I don't think so.

Did you take the time to calibrate the geometry and color? It takes a while and patience to get it right. And you don't want to get shadow mask. If anything, an AG (aperture grill) CRT is much sharper and has a much more crisp and stable image than a shadow mask ever will (I own both types).

I literally spent the whole weekend trying to adjust this monitor.

What are your AG/Shadow mask crts?
AG: Gateway VX900T (been with me for about 6 years now, heck of a good monitor)
SM: Viewsonic P90f (POS, been messed up from the start, didn't know how screwy it was till I got my LCD)
Did you try adjusting the corner color purity settings? There are also the focus bots inside the monitor that can be used to finetune the horizontal / vertical focus. When i got my 22" HP P1230 monitor (uses the same tube than yours) i had to do some manual adjusting. Some monitoris are not calibrated just as good as they should right of the box. Also make sure your monitor is well warmed before doing any calibration. It usually takes 30-60 min before its 100% stable for adjustments.

PS. Please dont go and open your monitor for the inner pots if you dont know what your might kill you with that that kinda voltage running inside.
johto said:
Did you try adjusting the corner color purity settings? There are also the focus bots inside the monitor that can be used to finetune the horizontal / vertical focus. When i got my 22" HP P1230 monitor (uses the same tube than yours) i had to do some manual adjusting. Some monitoris are not calibrated just as good as they should right of the box. Also make sure your monitor is well warmed before doing any calibration. It usually takes 30-60 min before its 100% stable for adjustments.

PS. Please dont go and open your monitor for the inner pots if you dont know what your might kill you with that that kinda voltage running inside.

I spent 2 days adjusting it both manually and through usb software.
I have even reset every slider to 50% (or 0% where appropriate), and adjusted from there.
This monitor cannot be adjusted to provide acceptable picture geometry.
It is highly probable that you have a refurbished or defective monitor. NEC/Mitsubishi stopped making CRT monitors a while ago.
Just install Naviset and adjust it.

Its a professional monitor.

Meaning it may be awsome to me buck suck to you,

asjust to the way you like.

and NO there is not 1 standard setting for everybody.
The focus pots on the 2141/2070 can be accessed through 2 small holes on the left side of the monitor. I used a Sears Craftsman 0x3 screwdriver. These can really make a difference in how the monitor looks, as well as the menu settings, but will no doubt take time to get the best look. If you're having such problems though, it could also have been that the monitor was banged up a lot during shipping. Either way, what you're experiencing is not typical.
Skyviper said:
It is highly probable that you have a refurbished or defective monitor. NEC/Mitsubishi stopped making CRT monitors a while ago.
Agreed, the monitor is farqed. Return for replacement or refund is the only choice.

I hadn't heard about NEC ceasing production of CRT monitors recently. If they did, they must have made a boatload of them at the end, because they are still in stock everwhere. The folks at Monitors Outlet and Monitors Direct aren't aware that production has stopped, although that's second hand information. NEC is still selling them direct on their site as well. If you have a link on that information, I'd appreciate it.

I have the FE2111SB and have similar problems. The top right and bottom right corners are a bit blue and can not be fixed. Geometry is impossible to get perfect at high resolutions... usually the top inch looks too tall. I also have fuzzy spots which tend to move depending on the resolution being used.

I emailed nec about it and they say to send it in and they will replace it. Thing is you have to pay for shipping and you get a refurb back so you might end up with something worse. I might send it in but i want to see if the new samsung pva turn out to be good. If they are i might get one of those instead.
nervx said:
I have the FE2111SB and have similar problems. The top right and bottom right corners are a bit blue and can not be fixed. Geometry is impossible to get perfect at high resolutions... usually the top inch looks too tall. I also have fuzzy spots which tend to move depending on the resolution being used.

I emailed nec about it and they say to send it in and they will replace it. Thing is you have to pay for shipping and you get a refurb back so you might end up with something worse. I might send it in but i want to see if the new samsung pva turn out to be good. If they are i might get one of those instead.

I talked to NEC tech support people. Dave helped to me troubleshoot it and Gloria set up my account, while Charlene handled the MRA process. We decided at the end that the monitor I got was defective. Now NEC is willing to send me a brand new 2070 while picking up the shipping costs both ways. This is probably because I received this monitor only a week ago. They also took my credit card # to put a hold on it, so that I don't have to ship my current monitor until the new one arrives. Thanks NEC.