Mixed impressions of Samsung 2233RZ

Apr 11, 2008
Arrived yesterday. I tried and tried to calibrate the brightness/gamma/contrast, but without the magicbright dynamic contrast mode, the colors look more washed out than my old samsung 19" lcd. Not what I expected. Maybe I'm just not doing a good job of calibration- Can anyone help me out? I was using one of the LCD test pages that was linked on here.

When using the magicbright dynamic contrast mode, the colors are BEAUTIFUL. Beats anything I've ever seen on a TN panel hands down, however...The dynamic contrast mode is annoying. When viewing webpages, the monitor flickers between different contrast settings constantly. When playing fps games, the overall contrast/brightness changes noticibly when moving between light and dark areas. The colors without dynamic contrast do not even begin to approach those with it on.

So I'm really torn on this display. On one hand, I'm an early adopter, The 120hz noticably smooths mouse movement, video playback, and games. On the other hand, assuming it's not just my problem, the colors basically suck without dynamic contrast. On the other other hand, I can keep the dynamic contrast turned on, but it's slightly annoying sometimes.

I bought this monitor from tigerdirect, so it can go back, but I'd like some advice on calibrating first. Maybe I can find a happy medium. Right now it just doesn't seem like it was worth the 400 dollars.

Edit: By the way, there's a thin amount of blacklight bleed on the top and bottom of the screen when viewing full black. It's not as bad as many of the other TN panels I've seen. I'll take a picture if anyone requests. If anyone wants any me to take specific pictures or do specific tests, I'll see what I can do.
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Here's a video example of what I mean. I could make a better one later. It may take a few mins for youtube to process this after I post...


What happens is, say I'm in a thread and I click back- the black background of the hardforum loads, and the lcd dims considerably. Everything looks dingey. Then, when the red and grey topic list pops up, the lcd brightens back up.

I'm one of those people who wants things to be consistent, and this bothers me a lot. I'm at a loss for why this LCD only seems to produce good colors with the dynamic contrast on.
It sounds to me like you're just turned on by torch mode: super bright and oversaturated. If that's what you want you can disable DC and go enable MagicColor in "intelligent" mode with, probably, ~85 brightness and ~75 contrast.

If you want it to display things accurately, begin here: http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/
I probably prefer things a little saturated, I like to use like 6% digital vibrance in the nvidia panel for an extra boost. All that stuff is turned off/defaulted right now.

I tried using exactly what you said, and the colors are unsatured and just poor. I calibrated the monitor according to the lagom page as best I could and was unhappy with the results.
AFAIK the DC setting, aside from the automatic backlight control, simply enables the same MagicColor settings I've pointed you to. If you switch MagicColor to "Demo" mode, can you see a difference between the halves of the screen?
badcaps, to clarify...

There is no "intelligent" setting on this monitor for magicbright. There are custom, text, game, sport, movie, internet, and DC modes. When I said I was using the brightness/contrast settings you referred to, I was doing it in "custom" mode.
MagicColor. Go into the menu to the Color section which should contain MagicColor, tone, control, effects, gamma, etc.

I'll do this and check in with you when I get home. No longer around my new baby..haha.
The spec sheet lists it as having:

Picture (Brightness, Contrast, Magic Bright), Color (MagicColor, Color Tone, Color Control, Gamma),
Image (Coarse, Fine, Sharpness, H position, V position), OSD (Language, H position, V position,
Transparency, Display Time), Setup (Auto Source, Reset)

In the OSD.
I was looking at the same pdf earlier. Doesn't have it. I imagine the magiccolor has been rolled into the dynamic contrast mode on magicbright.
Did you try Digital Vibration from nvidia cpanel on it yet? I think pretty much all TN panels I've seen have slightly dull colors and I prefer them vivid which you get by enabling some 5~10% of DV then they become somewhat satisfying. I'm also using DV on my old 19" CRT which has gotten quite old and colors slightly more dull as CRTs handle this setting so much better than LCDs I have it even set to 25 and colors aren't oversaturated but on a LCD over 7~10% depending on model it starts looking way too weird and unnatural.