Mixing Genres...


Apr 13, 2005
I think it would rock. Ready for my ideas? I think a MMORPGFPS would absolutely rock. Think about BF2, but you can leave the battle whenever you want, to restock on ammo, buy a better gun, or get training/practice for a new vehicle. OBVIOUSLY there would be complications and things to work out, but done right, I think it would be so cool.

Also, a long time ago, when I was playing C&C RA, I thought it would be so much fun to be able to command things like normal, but then jump into the battle as one of the units in first person. I'm sure there's things similar, but I'm talking about a mix between something like......BF2 (some wide-open-mapped game) and a modern day RTS game.

I think MMO games have only touched the tip of the ice berg and have so much potenial. The only problem is that real people are unpredictable so the restrictions have to be somewhat tight in what one can and cannot do.

Opinions? Cool related ideas you've had?

LunchboX3904 said:
Also, a long time ago, when I was playing C&C RA, I thought it would be so much fun to be able to command things like normal, but then jump into the battle as one of the units in first person. I'm sure there's things similar, but I'm talking about a mix between something like......BF2 (some wide-open-mapped game) and a modern day RTS game.

Look up BattleZone 1 & 2. Build your base, manage resources, build units, etc., then take your tank and lead the forces you built into battle. If your tank's dead, eject and run around in FPS mode and snipe other pilots and commandeer their tanks. Part 2 lets you enter buildings and view the battlefield in top view from the comm building.

Still hoping for a part 3.

I think MMO games have only touched the tip of the ice berg and have so much potenial. The only problem is that real people are unpredictable so the restrictions have to be somewhat tight in what one can and cannot do.

Opinions? Cool related ideas you've had?

We're already doing quite a bit of mixing now. Vehicles and FPSes used to be separate genre's, now they're mandatory.

What i'd like to see in an FPS game is build-your-own-AI kind. Make a squad with their own AI's. And then try balancing them between intelligence and CPU power. You can either have four teammates with very advanced AI (path finding, target leading, tactical awareness) or two dozen cannon fodders. Of course, if you had a 4Ghz PC, you can probably support two dozen advanced AI's anyway.

Then take your squad online and pit them against a global army. With each player having his own squad, and his own PC handling the processing power for his AI's, the battles are gonna be MASSIVE.
@LunchboX3904: There is also a free (I belive it's currently in open beta testing) MMOFPS call "Face of Mankind".

Haven't really played it, but it sounds a little similar to what you're describing in the first post (although it is set in a slightly futuristic environment).

@Sly: Battlezone 2 has Action-RTS? That's awesome! I got it as part of a 4-pack of games (also included Heavy Gear 2, Dark Reign 2, and Quake 2), but I haven't beaten any of them, and I don't think I even played the Battlezone 2 :(.

I am building a Windows 98 PC in the near future to play all the old games that I have missed, though. Compatibility on XP for some of the older ones isn't too good.
Dungeon Keeper II allowed you to jump into first person control of your units, though it still uses the same RTS dice-roll mechanics (ie. it's like playing Morrowind...), so probably not quitie what you're looking for.

That reminds me, this one should've gone in that "Best RTS Ever" thread...

Another mixed-genre game I loved was Sacrifice. You build units and collect resources (primarily the souls of your dead enemies), but you play as some kind of wizard from a 3rd person chase cam perspective.

And I believe Huxley is going to be a MMOFPS, built on UE3. May or may not have RPG elements... I haven't been following it, or any other upcoming release, for reasons stated in the "Most Overhyped Games" thread.
What i'd like to see in an FPS game is build-your-own-AI kind. Make a squad with their own AI's. And then try balancing them between intelligence and CPU power.

I was just thinking about a game like this also. Maybe something along the lines of an updated Carnage Heart.
Moose777 said:
Didn't they try this with Bet on Soldier?

And didn't it well.....suck?
Judging from the demo, yes, it does indeed suck. But as far as I know, it's not an MMO, just a standard shooter.

dirtydr said:
What i'd like to see in an FPS game is build-your-own-AI kind. Make a squad with their own AI's. And then try balancing them between intelligence and CPU power.
Are you suggesting actually writing your own AI code? I can't see the majority of gamers going for that... It might have a small devout following, but it'd be too hard for most gamers to handle, and I can't really think of any way of dumbing it down...

The alternative would have to be something along the lines of a collection of sliders and toggles relating to certain behavioural aspects, and probably wouldn't add a whole lot of depth... and in this case, AI intelligence would have to be fixed, since a slider for "intelligence" would be kind of pointless...

I can't really see how you'd implement something between these two extremes, but I'd like to hear your ideas on the matter - you've no doubt given this more thought than I have ;).
I was actually quoting Sly but blew it :) been a long day.

Carnage Heart had a simple to understand yet fiendishly challenging system for programming your mech's AI. There were virtual circut boards with x number of slots for 'chips'. The chips were functions (move, radar scan, fire, jump jet, temperature, etc) with a few different variables each (forward, scan distance and FOV, etc). Possibly the deepest game ive ever played but as you mentioned maybe too deep.

Your 1st design was almost guaranted to walk in circles or get snagged on a wall/obstacle lol. Made it all the more rewarding when you tuned it enough detect incoming fire and watch your little guy evade, to not shoot friendlys, stop firing if overheating and team up on enemys. The possibilities were pretty much infinite. Basically all if do x, else do y.
Huxley (PC / Xbox 360)


Developer: Webzen, Inc. (H-Studio)
Publisher: Webzen, Inc.
Status: Under Development
Release date: 3Q/2006 (Korea)
Service Territory: North America, Europe, Asia
Official Website: Coming this fall

Game Description

Huxley is a massively multiplayer online first-person shooting game (MMOFPS) developed by the H-Studio of global online entertainment company, WEBZEN Inc. Huxley takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where human beings have mutated and are divided into two opposing races, Sapiens and Alternative. At the center of the battle for survival is Lunarites, a promising new energy source that both sides seek to obtain. Forced to battle against one another for the continuance of each race, Sapiens and Alternatives are willing to do whatever it takes to wipe out the conflicting race and gain control of the world and its resources.


Huxley delivers the excitement and rich gameplay experience of an MMORPG while combining the knuckle-whitening action of an FPS. Players can communicate with each other in a virtual online city, and participate in side battles with the intuitive PvP (player vs. player) system. Everything a character does in the Huxley world directly affects the success of not only the individual, but also of their race and party; from battles to behaviors, all interactions are linked to the survival of a character’s entire race.

Huxley goes past traditional death match FPS gameplay by challenging players to adapt to new forms of combat to protect the interests of the camp. Servers will be solely dedicated to accommodate millions of users engaged in fast paced, large-scale combat. Players will require strategy and cooperation to achieve victory. Extensive multiplayer battle modes are available each with a variety of unique fighting techniques and special characteristics.

Huxley has advanced A.I. that rivals other online games. Enemies in Huxley demonstrate remarkable intelligence, which can be used to a player’s advantage or demise. Quests in Huxley will take players on paths of intrigue to uncover conspiracies resulting in confrontations. Each quest is continually updated so players feel as though they are enjoying a new story mode every time they play.

The characters in Huxley are continuously growing, which is rare in FPS games. Players are able to enhance their own combat styles by obtaining out-of-this-world weapons and new skills, which in turn continuously challenges players to adopt different gameplay styles as they progress.





Yes! Sacrifice! Sacrifice has to be one of the most underrated games ever. It combines RTS/RPG into a nice package, really fun game. There's nothing like watching your units tear up the enemy close up, and using some crazy spells to aid them.
no one mentioned command and conquer renegade(FPS/strategy),.....that game was an absolute blast and LAN parties with 8 on 8 teams.
Archaea said:
no one mentioned command and conquer renegade(FPS/strategy),.....that game was an absolute blast and LAN parties with 8 on 8 teams.
I played that for a little while and my friends all liked it, but it never really held my attention.

Huxley looks badass. I'll definetely be following that game. When's it due? next year sometime?
