MMORPG Geek out time


Dec 1, 2004
Commence geek out..

I was reading the Star Wars Galaxies newsletter that I still get even though I haven't played the game since the first few weeks after it was released. They are really trying to make the game better but it still made me sad to realize all the lost potential of a good Star Wars MMORPG that SWG completely missed. I really think it's moving in a good direction but it's the direction they should've been moving toward since day one instead of months and months and months down the road.
Then I thought how cool it would have been if Blizzard had made SWG instead of Sony. Hell just imagine a reworking of World of Warcraft with Star Wars trimmings. I'd play it and Blizzard would probably get it right. Imagine Mos Eisley in a Blizzard version of SWG. Imagine space ships flying in and out, cool gun fights, Jedi's done correctly...actual colors in the world. Argh, it actually makes me mad to think about how cool the game could've been. But anyways like I said, just rework WoW and give it a Star Wars facelift. Even keep the cool stylized cartoony graphics (use the Star Wars comic books as a basis). I want this game.

Geeking out done.
Reason I quite SWG ..... the player housing is most severly ghey. When I started I liked being able to walk outside a city and be in the wilderness .... now you can't even walk in a straight line for 15 min before hitting some house, long since abandoned by the player.

Player housing = ghey. The only way I could see this being implemented sucessfully is if it was instanced. If there was one house in every major city that was instanced so every player walked into it, but then it would instance you to your own house.

Any other way, makes baby jesus cry.
bonkrowave said:
Reason I quite SWG ..... the player housing is most severly ghey. When I started I liked being able to walk outside a city and be in the wilderness .... now you can't even walk in a straight line for 15 min before hitting some house, long since abandoned by the player.

Player housing = ghey. The only way I could see this being implemented sucessfully is if it was instanced. If there was one house in every major city that was instanced so every player walked into it, but then it would instance you to your own house.

Any other way, makes baby jesus cry.
That is pretty much EXACTLY the way EQ2 works. They even offer different levels of housing. To go into someone's house, you go to the house, and then pick from a list who's house you want to go in. It works out very well.
Yeah, that's just one of the myriad of things wrong with this game. Player housing, combat, quests, PvP, Absentee Macroing (where you can level up without actually being at your computer) are all poorly thought-out broken systems. That's all the stuff they are trying to fix but it just seems like too little too late. Baby jesus is crying over the game SWG should've been.

To me I can see the thinking that went into all the systems that make up WoW. Even the things that seem like they don't make sense actually make tons of sense when you see the reasoning behind them. Some things you're like that doesn't make any sense why they did that. But then you find the reason that they did and you feel like those Blizzard guys are freaking geniuses. The Blizzard people put a lot of thought and preplanning into WoW and it shows. SWG shows none of that same care in its design.
They made player housing the way they did in SWG is because they were hoping that players would group together, and build communities... and eventually player built cities. Good concept, and i applaud them for doing it, it just didn't work out as they thought it did.

And it's hardly a failure, it has well over 300k subscriptions and is in the top 5.
The game is a good example of a company who got something right ( SOE ), but doesn't quite know what. So they are trying to figure out what they did right, but it's a redtape laden process. So it takes time, and who knows if they'll figure it out.

I've always said I want player based communities. The problem with SWG is there was no incentive for it. Sure, you could build houses together, but why?

They should implement a system where grouping houses together yield benefits for the overall community. And they don't need a great deal of imagination to do it either, just look at real life for inspiration.

I personally like how the world is the players to do with what they will, and I dislike a single house system. However, I haven't played since the first few weeks, so what do I know? I am firmly addicted to WoW, and have been for 4 months now.
SWG is finally heading in the right direction. I have been playing since launch, but there are a few things holding it back.

Storyline along with the movies...
Jedis are ruining the game...
Player City caps need to be lowered, start removing some of the housing and keep the true player cities in game..

That being said with the upcoming Combat Upgrade and balance, and possible toning down of Jedi,perhaps SWG is finally going to become the Star Wars Universe we always wanted. It just might be about another month, since the CU is still in beta.
Doesn't it make sense tho? That jedi are overpowered? Correct me if I'm wrong, but they are in the books as well. The only thing that keeps them in check is the morality behind being a jedi.

How do you MOG that?
XOR != OR said:
The game is a good example of a company who got something right ( SOE ), but doesn't quite know what. So they are trying to figure out what they did right, but it's a redtape laden process. So it takes time, and who knows if they'll figure it out.[/q]

Riiight. Yeah, EQ success over the last 5 years is because they don't know what they're doing. SWG and EQ2 who each have over 300k subscriptions, is because they don't know what they're doing.