Mobile Game Uses Facial Recognition to Check User Age


Mar 3, 2018
Age restrictions in games are nothing new, but the actual enforcement of those restrictions is a murky area. One of China's largest publishers, Tencent, appears to be cracking down on the issue, as they're introducing facial recognition technology into the mobile MOBA Honour of Kings. The Chinese government recently introduced restrictions to limit the amount of time kids can play games, and facing legal pressure, Tencent already encourages real-name registration to enforce those restrictions in the app.

"This test is an extension of Tencent's existing Youth Guardian platform, which allows parents to monitor gameplay time and uses facial recognition, but this goes a step further by comparing user images with government photo records," said Piers Harding-Rolls, from the IHS consultancy. "It is inevitable that this sort of technology will hold some limitations especially for younger children that go through a lot of facial changes as they grow. However, facial recognition technology is improving all the time."
Wow... that's actually kind of scary. Constantly cross referencing your day to day device use and linking that image to the government issued photo ID database.. that for some reason this video game needs access to??

Is anyone else creeped right the eff out by this?

What does x look like today? Oh just a sec... they checked facial recognition 4 minutes ago. Here we go... here is their most recent image. Great issue an APB for this guy now. We see posts online that he is a social dissident and thinks poorly of our leadership.

That is the scary thing about all of this.
Well, it's only in China (for now). It will probably take a bit longer for our tech-impaired overlords in Congress to grasp the possibilities here. Still, the potential for misuse on this is mind bogglingly high. I can think of quite a few different scenarios off the top of my head, the question is how many of them are conspiracy theories and how many are actual objectives? Offhand, I think the highest probability is a massive database for AI training. The announcement says that this is possible due to advances in AI; I'd suggest that it's the other way around. Getting access to a testing data set of potentially millions of people makes a damn good data set.
Fuck the Chinese police state. You can't even talk out against it in China! Seriously it's fucked.
By some of the posts here people feel the same way about the current people in office. But yes it is totally jacked in China, and North Korea, and a few other places in the world.
Of course the real horror show here is their social credit system which is tied into the facial recognition. I imagine the fucking crazies in America are envious. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out that fb and goog helped them create it.
For reference, I would assume that the federal agencies will be trying to back-door this into our systems regardless of what party is in power. This junk continues to garner bipartisan support, and there's no way anyone in the federal agencies are going to push for their empire to get less control of anything.
What a wonderful idea the Chinese government came up with. Under the guise of "Think of the Children", they are forcing a game company to help debug State wide facial recognition technology.

It will probably tell you to go wank instead as it cannot identify your age. lol I wonder if this thing continuously checks via camera to ensure someone else didn't verify age. Either way, seems like good idea gone wrong and has become possibly another spy device. Also, knowing some people it is nearly impossible to tell their age based on facial recognition. This will be difficult for children just under the age. TBH, this should be in the hands of parents not some invasive technology.