Mobo or memory going bad?


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 20, 2003
I was having a really bad stuttering issue, that I have been tracking down for about 2 months now. After troubleshooting EVERYTHING, I came to the conclusion that my motherboard was going out. Last night I replaced the motherboard with a P35-DS3L. (DS3R was out of stock...)

The stuttering is gone, but now the system is randomly is locking up on post and restarting. This started when changing the overclock settings. Setting things back to stock didnt really solve the problem, the computer started looping between restarting and not making it past post. (stops on harddrive scaning with random characters showing up.)

My only guess at this point is the DS3 was bad, for the stuttering, but the ram might be bad for the current post problems.... Any ideas?
I wouldn't rule out the hard drive. If you can, run diagnostic software on both the memory and the hard drive before you decide the mobo is bad.
memtest! harddrive could also be the culprit. If it turns out to be the memory do you have another set you could test? Also you could up the mem voltage to 2.1v and see if that makes it more stable.
Just to finish this thread....
The problem was a bad power supply. I took the VX550 off, and used a Antec 500 and everything was fine. Amazing..... never thought a Corsiar PSU could go bad. Less than 5 months of ownership.