Modded my bed :)


Oct 7, 2004
took a solid night, a bit of duct tape, and trading ethernet jacks with my roommate to get everything in position just right. And it is as comfortable as it looks.
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That really is quite awesome...though I'm in the top that doesn't work...hence why I have a laptop for stuff like that, and a desktop (that I'm on now) for gaming and such.
LMAO, I have found the definition of "lazy".
That is the most coolest thing ever. GJ
say that to the guy with the CRT. my damage will be limited. hmm...I was going to take the base off the stand but now i may leave it for weight distribution if it does fall

but it has fallen out of one of the straps and remained hanging so i know that it is good for one slip but not two.
And I thought it would be a picture of a couple of Bi-Asian girls playing slap and tickle on the bed...Boy howdy do I feel embarased ;)

You know you want to mod it that way....

Good luck with the bedsores. And the chemical inbalance/malnutrition from drinking nothing but Mt. Dew, good lord. :eek: ::kidding, I know it's a geek paradise::
The next time my wife says a word about spending too much time in front of a computer I am showing her this!
Awesome, we should call it the virginity mod. Ain't no woman crawling into that bed. :p
gosh...such perversions. But that is awesome. Could we get some close ups on how you mounted the display to the bunk?
But where's the cable management? It would suck to roll out of bed and trip over the LCD's power cable, perhaps bringing all the happiness down
OMGA j00 so [H] ard!

Nice 24-pack of Dew you got there. Get some bawls and a portable toilet, then you'd be set.
dj_spanmaster said:
But where's the cable management? It would suck to roll out of bed and trip over the LCD's power cable, perhaps bringing all the happiness down
LOL, that was my first thought as well. :)

I know I can get up to take a leak in the middle of the night basically on autopilot. You don't want to be tripping over the cables and all that other junk you got on the floor. :D
Just wait until you rmonitor squashes your balls.

Won't be too comfortable then. lol
nice... makes me wish i had a top bunk so i could do that:p you're an inspiration to us all.
i have the same exact bunk bed, how exactly did you hold the LCD up there? i want to do the same thing.

do you have a few more pics of how exactly you held the lcd up there? i just dont want mine to fall and break since i cant afford another 300 dollar screen.
rogue_jedi said:
nice... makes me wish i had a top bunk so i could do that:p you're an inspiration to us all.

Looks like he's on the bottom bunk to me. ;)
DrkMyrlin said:
That looks a lot like the dorms at IU. Wish I had thought of it back then....

Oh it is an IU dorm.

And should the sex issue arise, a quick diversion (she'll probably want to go to the bathroom anyway), snip of the tape, and frantic moving of the entire system will be done.

"Looks like he's on the bottom bunk to me. " you'd need a top bunk to hang it from.

I'll get some pictures up soon showing how. But basically, the sides of the monitor are tied to a bar running under the top bed and tied off. The base is being held up the same way only tied off to the springs. The klipsch speaker stands also hook well into the springs above my head. In fact, so does the mic stand...and the cell phone clip...and anything else that i'll discover.

And to how I get out, I go around the far side against the wall. It actually is kind of cool sliding back into my bed under the monitor. its a lot less trouble than it really sounds. and i never just "roll" out of bed anymore. I usually just turn on my monitor and game a bit or check some forums. getting out of bed comes much later
Heh, that's rather amusing... You've gotta get a wireless keyboard now! Tho the cord really isn't too in the way right now. You could attach a USB hub behind the monitor (if you don't already have USB ports somewhere over there) for hooking up the kb and stuff like USB memory keys too... :cool:
lol, thats funny as hell. Though, my wrists would be sore as heck after gaming for a while at that angle.
And should the sex issue arise, a quick diversion (she'll probably want to go to the bathroom anyway), snip of the tape, and frantic moving of the entire system will be done.

Don't worry, if any girl gets close enough to you and sees that setup, you'll never have to worry about the sex issue. :D

Seriously, that's going to be cool for like 2 weeks and then it's going to suck.
2 weeks is 14 days longer than never was.

I would so do that.... if I was still in college. And remember, there is always her place.
The Antec is sturdy enough to just put on its side and slide under, the LCD wouldnt take that long to move either if i just cut it down (no monitor will cock block me).

and yeah, this probably will eventually be moved back to the desk, but its nice having some notoriety on the floor right now (and online, i mean, i made the front page which is bragging rights to my buddies back home). the saving grace that may prolong the position of the setup is the position of the speakers. it's a ton better than having them across the room.

for anyone in a dorm right now, though, this is really freakin easy to do and if you have the duct tape, go wild.

(I'll keep the USB thing in mind)
Phoenix86 said:
Awesome, we should call it the virginity mod. Ain't no woman crawling into that bed. :p
Ha ha ha. I could just picture the girls face when she walks in the room and then instantly leaves.
When I showed it to my wife the forst thing she said was there is no way you are EVER getting laid with that setup. Some women have no apreciation for male inovation. :p
wow now if only i lived in a dorm. I kinda prefer my own apt i wish i had some more room where my pc is setup. If i had a smaller couch it would be golden.
Could you imagine if that did fell and hurt something. Going to the doctor and trying to explain how you got hurt by a lcd or a crt falling on your lower part of your body.

I'm waiting for someone to mod a projector into their bed, or something like what the mini-vans have.