Modded Xbox 360 = Console Banned From XBL

Jeez you would think by now MS would be better at crafting error messages than that with all the practive they get.
Its quite funny on the 360 forums, theres a lot of people saying they have been banned and dont have a modded console. Yet a lot of them all have "At Worlds End" in there last 5-6 games played.

The game isnt released in USA until 22nd May
The game isnt released in UK until 25th May.
The game is however available via the warez scene.

Make your own mind up :)
Its quite funny on the 360 forums, theres a lot of people saying they have been banned and dont have a modded console. Yet a lot of them all have "At Worlds End" in there last 5-6 games played.

The game isnt released in USA until 22nd May
The game isnt released in UK until 25th May.
The game is however available via the warez scene.

Make your own mind up :)

Thats too funny.
Anyone have a copy of the ToS? I'd like to see the part that says no to modding.
i am pretty sure it says you can not modify the hardware or software.

I don't use XBL so maybe i should finally mod my old 2001 Xbox.

its so simple to run homebrew on the original xbox :) XBMC is great for watching videos on a real TV lmao

I'd have a bigger hard drive, but my spare 20 doesnt like it :(

I don't think banning the console from XBL is that bad... they could PROBABLY do much worse 0_0
so MS is saying that you can't mod a console that you bought? you can't do whatever you want with something you own? that's BS. They should have no say as to what you do with it, but then claim it's "to deter cheating". Yeah, changing my dvd-drive's firmware is gonna give me infinite ammo, right! :mad:
Unfortunately, unmodded consoles are getting banned as well. A friend of mine had his console banned, even though after two phone calls to M$ tech support said that it wasn't (and neither was his IP or GamerTag). M$ dropped the ball big time trying to stop modders...
Unfortunately, unmodded consoles are getting banned as well. A friend of mine had his console banned, even though after two phone calls to M$ tech support said that it wasn't (and neither was his IP or GamerTag). M$ dropped the ball big time trying to stop modders...

They don't ban your IP, and they don't ban your GamerTag, they ban your system itself from live so that it can't access the net. It's not wrong to mod your system, why is MS so picky about this?
Forgot to explain that his console is unmodded. Since he's not tech oriented, if he would've wanted it modded, I would have done it, and I can vouch that I did not. If M$ wants proof, they can check the firmware themselves (if they'd pay for shipping both ways, of course)
They don't ban your IP, and they don't ban your GamerTag, they ban your system itself from live so that it can't access the net. It's not wrong to mod your system, why is MS so picky about this?

They can ban your GamerTag, but I'd consider that for being a big offense (multiple console bans perhaps?)
It's not wrong to mod your system, why is MS so picky about this?

Maybe not but if it is against the TOS you agreed to in order to access MS's network they can indeed ban you since you broke the contract you agreed to.
Maybe not but if it is against the TOS you agreed to in order to access MS's network they can indeed ban you since you broke the contract you agreed to.

EULAs and TOS' can be a bitch indeed...but it's called "keeping a level playing field".
Maybe not but if it is against the TOS you agreed to in order to access MS's network they can indeed ban you since you broke the contract you agreed to.

Yeah, when was the last time you actually read one? Be honest, when your installing new software for example, you just skip thru til it starts to install. Same deal. Sorry MS, but playing with a modded console over live doesn't hurt anybody.
so MS is saying that you can't mod a console that you bought? you can't do whatever you want with something you own? that's BS. They should have no say as to what you do with it, but then claim it's "to deter cheating". Yeah, changing my dvd-drive's firmware is gonna give me infinite ammo, right! :mad:

They are NOT saying that. They are saying that if you modded your system, you will not be able to access live. So do what you want with your modded xbox, just dont expect to use the live function. This is nothing new, I've been moddin xboxes since the 1,1 versions. I havent followed too much with the newer ones yet though....
maybe they should just make it so that modded people can only play with other modded's.
I wonder how many Used 360s at gamestop and other stores the sell used consoleds have already been banned, as far a si know they dont check the Live status of a console before accepting it!
Yeah, when was the last time you actually read one? Be honest, when your installing new software for example, you just skip thru til it starts to install. Same deal. Sorry MS, but playing with a modded console over live doesn't hurt anybody.

You would say that while it benefits you to download new games etc and play them online, which I'm not condoning :) or saying is wrong.

But if you paid 60$ smackers for a new game, and say for the first two weeks you get into it and start playing a lot, then you start noticing you tend to lose.. a lot. And then you realize people are cheating, and thus you get very frustrated :).. thats probably the main reasoning behind it, lets face it.. the majority of people love to play video games multiplayer. If you can download a cracked copy multiplayer it kills M$ revenues. The only alternative would to go the bullshit cd key route like PC games, and I'm sure you don't want that.

Theyre protecting their investment, and saying basically you get to play without cheaters for the most part.
I wonder how many Used 360s at gamestop and other stores the sell used consoleds have already been banned, as far a si know they dont check the Live status of a console before accepting it!

Nar, that would be too much work to test the Live function of each 360. Used systems do carry a 7-day satisfaction and 30-day defective warranty from purchase. I'm sure they'll have no problems returning the console and exchanging it out in the event that it's a banned console.
Coming up next, banning modded computers from playing online games such as CS:S and WoW.
Yeah, when was the last time you actually read one? Be honest, when your installing new software for example, you just skip thru til it starts to install. Same deal. Sorry MS, but playing with a modded console over live doesn't hurt anybody.

it doesn't matter if you read it or not..... if you click the 'accept' button, you're bound to it. Do you go around speeding and breaking into cars because you've never read a law book?

also, it hurts the game developers if you use a modded console to play a pirated game..
Yeah, when was the last time you actually read one? Be honest, when your installing new software for example, you just skip thru til it starts to install. Same deal. Sorry MS, but playing with a modded console over live doesn't hurt anybody.

I'll bite. Read the TOS on my new sprint contract for my evdo modem this morning after picking it up from the fedex depo. While generally I don't read all the way though an ELUA on software I do check things like licensing.

If it is a service(you know like xbox live) then yea I read the sucker. You'd be susprised how many services say they can bill you time to things like spam cleanup(ie you machine gets virused and spams their network). Also nice to know what info they can disclose about you(ie if they will sell your info to others to send ads you way).
so MS is saying that you can't mod a console that you bought? you can't do whatever you want with something you own? that's BS. They should have no say as to what you do with it, but then claim it's "to deter cheating". Yeah, changing my dvd-drive's firmware is gonna give me infinite ammo, right! :mad:

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I'm fairly sure in the US that you don't own your console :| just the right to use it or is that games .
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I'm fairly sure in the US that you don't own your console :| just the right to use it or is that games .

You pay full price for their the hardware. You don't lease it, you own it. You do however pay monthly for the XBL service.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I'm fairly sure in the US that you don't own your console :| just the right to use it or is that games .

For almost all software. You normally buy a LTU (Licence to Use) for the software. The conditions that the LTU is granted to you is clearly listed by the EULA(end user license agreement).

Depending on the software, this LTU can be one-time/trasferable etc. etc. Almost all LTU state that you are not allowed to make "changes,reverse engineer etc. etc."

As for modding your Xbox 360, While you might own the hardware, the O/S is possiblely bounded by a EULA as well.. So if you mod you x-box 360 and you change the system O/S, you are still violating the EULA and are liable to getting banned.
so MS is saying that you can't mod a console that you bought? you can't do whatever you want with something you own? that's BS. They should have no say as to what you do with it, but then claim it's "to deter cheating". Yeah, changing my dvd-drive's firmware is gonna give me infinite ammo, right! :mad:

I think in effect, if modding your xbox 360 changes any system level firmware or O/S software. You will most likely have violated the EULA and MS will have the right to revoke the LTU you have on system firmware or O/S.
wow, alot of jackassery in this thread. its ms's network, they can ban you for having a name starting with C if they want.
For almost all software. You normally buy a LTU (Licence to Use) for the software. The conditions that the LTU is granted to you is clearly listed by the EULA(end user license agreement).

Depending on the software, this LTU can be one-time/trasferable etc. etc. Almost all LTU state that you are not allowed to make "changes,reverse engineer etc. etc."

As for modding your Xbox 360, While you might own the hardware, the O/S is possiblely bounded by a EULA as well.. So if you mod you x-box 360 and you change the system O/S, you are still violating the EULA and are liable to getting banned.

Makes sense thanks for clarifying for me.
Man the forums are loading real slow tonight.

Anyways, I have a modded 360 and have been playing a lot of Crackdown especially after the Spring Update. I haven't turned my 360 on at all today, but I am 80% sure that when I turn it on again, I will get the banned notice. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted, I'll be playing the single player modes from now on.

I think it was bound to happen sooner or later, if you look at how many people mod their boxes, its actually a lot of people, so I'm not surprised that M$ is doing this.
They aren't banning you, why does everyone keep saying that? They BLOCK you from accessing live. If you unmod your console, you can get back in ( as I did ). Banned implies your system is forever gone from XBL, this is not the case. They block it, and it can be reversed.
wow, alot of jackassery in this thread. its ms's network, they can ban you for having a name starting with C if they want.
QFT. The EULA, TOS, etc. are irrelevant and likely untested legally. What is a well-established legal principle is that, apart perhaps from discrimination on the basis of race, religion, etc., an online service provider is under no obligation to provide you access to their service. Besides, anybody who's modding their Xbox 360 is likely well aware that MS doesn't like it and that they're probably going to block the console from Live if they can.

As for people getting blocked who haven't modded their boxes, I'd guess that most of those claims are lies and the others are the rare innocents that always get caught in automated nets like these (or they unknowingly bought a used 360 that was modded - I can see this hurting the secondary market over time). The former just want to slime Microsoft because they're ticked about getting caught and the latter are deserving of our sympathy but nothing much more can be said other than "**** happens. Try to get Microsoft to fix things for you."

Advice to anyone considering buying a used 360: Make the seller hook the thing up to Live before completing the purchase. Unfortunately, the way most 360s are getting modded (changes in the DVD drive's firmware) is invisible, unlike the Xbox where the first thing done after modding is the installation of cool software that probably appears on power-up.
They aren't banning you, why does everyone keep saying that?


360 Error Message said:
This console has been banned for violations of the Terms Of Use. To protect the Xbox Live service and its members, Microsoft does not provide details about console bans. There is no recourse for Terms Of Use violations.

Again, the console is banned. The person seeing such a message is free to use another, unmodded console to access Live with their account intact.