Modding PS's


Limp Gawd
Aug 5, 2004
OK, in theory, all i would have to do is get some molex connectors, and a removal and insertion tool. dremel some holes and mount the molex connectors in the PS case, and snip the wires and mount them in the molex, close the case and Viola! i have a modded PS with detachable mounts.
now my only question is, does the power strength fade on wire extensions done with a soldering iron and some heatshrink? in other words, can i make my own length of wire for my case?
Are you asking about whether making your own power cables inhibits power delivery?

Yes and no. The delivered voltage will drop as resistance is added. Additional power connectors along the way will add measurable resistance and drop the voltage slightly. With good soldering, though, you shouldn't encounter any big problems with this. Now current delivery is another thing. When you replace the power wires, be sure to use 18 gauge stranded wire of good quality, or better. Don't use wire thinner than that, except for the floppy drives. This will ensure that if a lot of current is drawn by devices, your power cables will not interfere with power delivery--and in extreme cases, not melt or cause fire.
Many high end supplies that put up to 4 regular molex connectors on one chain use 16ga wire as well. You'd also need a crimper tool, btw
crimper? for what?

also, what should i use to mount the molex in the PS for the mod. im kinda stuck on this and need some help. any thoughts? lol, CHEAP ones... :p
Well, you cut the wires, and then... you've got bare wires coming out of your power supply that you'd need to crimp molex pins on!
oh, lol, i was thinking RJ45-like crimper(whole molex, insert wires, *CRIMP*, done)

what about the 2nd question?
would those withstand plugging, unplugging, plugging, etc...
i was kinda thinking a bracket with them soldered through and the bracket screwed to the PS, but thats alot of work ;)
the hot glue would probably be a better solution, epoxy seems to flimsy, but how well will it stick to the metel of the PS case
lol, yea, i guess 2-ton would it seems.

what if i accidentally get some on the components and not realize it, am i screwed?
Why not do it right and either get some chassis-mount Molex connectors, designed to snap into a rectangular hole? Because 2-ton epoxy won't hold anything close to 2 tons to plastic.
and where would i get those ---^
i dont think Staples or office depot would have'em, and i dont have any good computer shops around here... i am trying to avoid going on-line for hard ware stuff (electronics are fine, but i kinda like to buy hardware (molex, screws, etc..) at local shops because nine times out of ten, i need them 5 min. ago ;) )

maybe home depot...
Molex type connectors are hard to come by via brick and mortar, unfortunately. AC Ryan has a variety of panel mount connectors for the job--perhaps a local store in your area is a distributor.