Modern Warfare 3 Graphics Suck?


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
As you know we like a promising new game that comes equipped with immersive graphics and great gameplay. (Battlefield 3 Single Player Performance and IQ Review, Battlefield 3 Preview Performance Preview, Battlefield 3 Open Beta Performance and Image Quality, Deus Ex: The Missing Link - Performance and IQ Review) And we generally hate ones that don't. (RAGE Gameplay Performance and Image Quality) Looks as if MW3 falls into the latter category. :( Brent has been evaluating the game and sent me this email last night:

Modern Warefare 3 graphics suck

We’ve looked into Modern Warefare 3 and I don’t think we should do any articles on it, would be a waste of our time. The game runs at 150 FPS on a GTX 570 at 2560 4X AA and max settings. It is the same old engine we’ve seen in previous Call of Duty games, DX9, low quality textures, created for the xbox and ported to PC, nothing special about it, no need to waste our time writing an article on performance in it.

So heres hoping the gameplay is effin awesome, because otherwise, and which I think will be the case, MW3's regurgitation of old is going to get boot stomped by BF3.
Whats your opinion of the last few CoD game's gameplay? Just copy and paste that for a review of this. It's how they made this (with AF or something minor) :D

But the single player campaign is pretty fun so far compared to BF3

BF3 has SP?

Anyway, MW3 gfx are absolutely nothing special. MP is extremely fun though as you would expect from past MW games.
I won't be buying it .... I let my neighbor buy it so I can play co-op with him. lol
SP campaign is really gripping, I love BF3 MP but SP sucks big time
I haven't tried it yet, but I expect to be completely underwhelmed and to toss it aside after a couple hours. Now before anyone gets up on me for buying it in that case, I didn't, it was a gift. A friend works in the computer hardware industry and their company gets plenty of Steam codes as free swag from the companies.
take that fanboys,,,,
loving bf3 so far, just wish i had more time to play...
i am setting in class right now listening to people say how great it is. raving about how good the graphic are. they are saying the graphic are so much better then bo.

xbox is killing games.
I've been preaching this since Modern Warfare 2, it's great to see the [H] staff reach the same conclusion. I have never been able to reach a personal understanding of why people settle for such mediocrity. I have just been left to reach an indefinite conclusion that we've become a society that prizes mediocrity and sameness above all else.

How else can you explain how complacent consumers have been spending several billion dollars on the same rehashed Call of Duty games annually?

I think the truth about this series is when the original Infinity Ward was organized and created MW1 and MW2, they built such a great engine, that Activision had the other studios in it's employ use the same engine over and over to crank out the rehashes, because those other studios lack the talent to create a truly new engine, and Activision doesn't want to invest the time or money in having a new engine created for it's Call of Duty titles.

Why bother when anybody will buy your pile of shit? It's good to see the [H] has the high standards I've come to expect from Kyle Bennett and the staff here.
I knew this was going to be the case when we were fed live-action/movie type action video's instead of actual in-game footage.

False Advertising IMHO.

At least Kyle is smart enough not to buy this game :p

Otherwise, we'll be treated to another Kyle conclusion of: "I want my damn money back."
Speechless. People are ignorant.

Like saying dry humping is awesome b/c you have never gotten laid.
Steve, here's the problem. hardocp's testing calls 30fps adequate. I'd like to see what bf3 looks like at 150fps.
I bought it for PS3 and it literally looks like I'm playing a PS2 game. It's awful. Worst graphics I've seen in a while, even worse than black ops and MW2 I swear to you.

I know I'm spoiled because I'm a PC gamer, and ALL console graphics look like utter shit to me, but this is just so sub-par on PS3, it's not even funny.

They probably spent all their time optimizing for Xbox 360 and making it good there, and deliberately making it shitty for PC and PS3. Everyone knows Activision loves to cup Microsoft's balls with the 360.
150+ fps! LMFAO!

Way to be innovative there with your 4 year old graphics there MW crew.
My problem is less about the graphics and more the repetitiveness. I played and loved CoD4 to death. But it seems like each new Modern Warfare(and Black Ops for that matter), is the Same.Fucking.Thing over and over with no real innovation. Even small additions like destructible environments in BC2 were a really nice change. It just so happens that new Battlefield happens to also look significantly better.

If however they make a BF3-2 with the same path as MW, I would be making the same complaint against it.
I assumed this would be the case with Modern Warfare 3. It's Modern Warfare 1 with different textures and maps.
Well, when you have a crash screen that says "Modern Warfare 2" has experienced an error, you know they're just blatantly re-using things.
Steve, here's the problem. hardocp's testing calls 30fps adequate. I'd like to see what bf3 looks like at 150fps.

i dont see the point of making a game where the target fps 150.

and the reverse of your point. i would like to see what cod would look like if it could only run at 30 fps (because it is so demanding). i know the answer to that, bf3.
Well, that was no surprise. That's what happens when you make a game on a modified Quake III engine from 1999, 12 years later.

Sadly, the dynamic lighting and shadows in MW3 still beats even uglier engines like Gamebyro ...errr I mean the Creation Engine in Skyrim
Looks like what should have been a $20 DLC map pack got re-labled MW3.
i dont see the point of making a game where the target fps 150.

and the reverse of your point. i would like to see what cod would look like if it could only run at 30 fps (because it is so demanding). i know the answer to that, bf3.

My point is. It's great to see how far the latest and greatest hardware can push these games. However, I'm going to lower the graphic settings for bf3 to reach a higher fps (above 30fps) anways. So I don't see the issue with a game that already does this for me.

As a side note, I do believe that 150fps is a bit of an extreme and I wouldn't lower my settings that far to get those fps, but in the end, I prefer the game to run smoothly.
I was really looking forward to this game. Although I knew the graphics wouldn't be nearly as ground breaking as BF3, I still got my money's worth out of MW2 and BLOPS. For MW3 the whole game was just slapped together. The maps were made small and uninspiring with absolutely no creativity. Very disappointed and totally ripped off.
OK I admit it, I'm a graphics whore and always will be. I need to set everything to max details in order to get a more immersive feel in games. Consoles are killing that...oh well back to BF3.
After 6 min of playing on Steam I asked for my money back... Looks like they won out on this one. New maps, new single player, nothing that costs a lot of money. You guys should do an investigation on what the money was spent on
We all knew that BF3's graphics would be better.

It's so beautiful.

Call of duty what? where? who cares.
Game play trumps graphics any day. MW3 is a blast. They'll be selling BF3 for $20 with in a year just like they did with BC2. No thanks.
I just thought this was expected and they just use it because it's easy and runs at 60fps on a 360.
I have to chime in with an alternate perspective. I just built a client a $260 PC (on which I made about $70 profit). The specs were:

Phenom I X4 9600
4GB DDR2-667
AMD Radeon 4850 512MB

He's incredibly pleased w/ MW3 and is super pumped that it "looks amazing" and "runs so smoothly" at "highest". And you know what? CoD games do look nice. And they're fun. I bet if MW3 were a PC killer, you'd all be complaining about how you hate spending $2000+ just to be a PC gamer and that you're going to switch to an XBOX 360/PS3.

Yeesh. Makes me sick.
It's a piece of crap console port.

It brings nothing new to PC other that shitty IWnet and disappointing memories of how exciting a CoD release used to be.

If you hippies are gonna occupy something, occupy Activision.