modern warfare/MW2 crashes

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Dec 6, 2007
Has anyone experienced crashes with MW or MW2 when running an OC'd video card? I remember I would get crashes in MW if I OC'd my card AT would just stop suddenly and the screen would fill with a solid color and system would hang. It's not heat related, the highest my card got was around 70 degrees. Now playing MW2 last night, the exact same thing happened. Had to lower my card's clocks from FTW down to below stock.

Is this GPU-related, or is it something else? W7 reported that the crash code was 124, which I've heard is related to cpu vtt voltage? Anyone else having this problem?
I've had it happen with my 7900gt ko, i had to underclock it and push fan 90% for mw1 to run fine(But then again, it might just be my card since the 7900 cards seemed to suffer from artifacting)
"EVGA GTX285 Vanilla, modded FTW bios, volt modded (1.31v @ load)"

Yup, you volt modded the card and now it's not stable at stock speeds. Have fun RMAing a defective card cause by yourself.
"EVGA GTX285 Vanilla, modded FTW bios, volt modded (1.31v @ load)"

Yup, you volt modded the card and now it's not stable at stock speeds. Have fun RMAing a defective card cause by yourself.

Wow you're a dumbass. If you actually read my post you'd see that the card works perfectly, the problem lies with MW/MW2. Furthermore, those games work perfectly as long as I underclock the card to stock speeds. Read more, phail less.
The card is over-volted. What do you expect?

I expect MW/MW2 to run without problems, as every single other game/application I use does.

first off, the card is not over volted. I specifically changed the voltage to 1.3 because it was the minimum I needed to run FTW clocks. If you read xtremesystems forums about volt modding the 285s you can see that people go up to 1.4v and above, however they use watercooling of course. 1.3v, by the way, is very much in range of what evga's voltage tuner can go up to; however, since the 285 cannot be softmodded, I had to use a hardmod.

second, voltage very rarely causes graphic anomalies. the only case if it's extremely overvolted and not cooled properly, but like I said, 1.3v is perfectly safe. Video related crashes are generally caused by heat, too high an OC, or a bug with software/drivers/game/etc. I'm trying to figure out whether its the fact that MW/MW2 hates OC's or whether there's some other software malfunction coming into play.

In any case, it's basically a moot point because as soon as I underclock the problem goes away entirely and I still get 60fps at all times. I'm just curious as to why it happens and what can be done to fix it.
no MW2 works fine with OCs my 9800 GTX runs at..

9800 GTX
GPU frequency 750
Shader clock frequency 1775
Memory clock 1150

9800 GTX
GPU frequency 675 MHz
Shader clock frequency 1688
Memory clock 1100
My eVga 260GTX SC overheats and crashes when playing MW2, no over-volting or overclocking, when I play I push the fan to 70% and it hasn't been an issue since. It's a pain in the ass to have to do this every time and honestly MW2 seems to be the only games that does this.

It's definitely fan related as I noticed 70% fan speed seems to be the sweet spot, I've tried 60-65% and started getting crashes again. One of these days I'll run a log program and see just how high it gets if I leave the fan on auto, but I honestly don't think temps are getting above 80 degrees so maybe the ram is overheating rather than the GPU, either way fan speed is the remedy.

This game seems to push the cards harder than other games.

I'll add also, this card will not overclock at all, i've tried in the past some small overclocks and it won't take it, so my card in particular is finicky to begin with.
You have reached a limit and you need to remove it.
You said its not heat related but you dont appear to have tested the theory.
Have you changed your GPUs heatsink paste?

The faster you run a card the lower its maximum operating temp unless you boost the voltage and have good enough cooling to cope.
So when clocking, 70C could easily become a limiting factor - no matter what the max rated temp for the silicon is.
Try 100% fan speed or blow a housefan at the insides of your PC.
Higher voltage will help if your cooling is good enough (remain within voltage spec for the silicon).

Its possible the memory or the VRMs are getting too hot.
Blow a fan at the back of the card to see if that has a positive effect.

ps these are tests to narrow down the problems, not final solutions.
You have reached a limit and you need to remove it.
You said its not heat related but you dont appear to have tested the theory.
Have you changed your GPUs heatsink paste?

The faster you run a card the lower its maximum operating temp unless you boost the voltage and have good enough cooling to cope.
So when clocking, 70C could easily become a limiting factor - no matter what the max rated temp for the silicon is.
Try 100% fan speed or blow a housefan at the insides of your PC.
Higher voltage will help if your cooling is good enough (remain within voltage spec for the silicon).

Its possible the memory or the VRMs are getting too hot.
Blow a fan at the back of the card to see if that has a positive effect.

ps these are tests to narrow down the problems, not final solutions.

Finally, thank you for something constructive. I agree with what you say about heat, however, I don't think a single game can set its own limits for what is too hot for a piece of hardware. Playing Crysis, for instance, with my full OC on, the card goes well into the 80's and no crashes occur. Hell, even CS:S gets my temps higher than MW2 does. I changed my GPU's paste a while ago to MX-2 around the same time I did a volt mod. As for the rest of the card, I'm not sure how hot it could possibly be getting. The temp inside my case is around 40-50 degrees at most, and the back of the card is bare (no backplate). I'm starting to think more and more that it's either an issue with nvidia drivers or with Modern Warfare, as both games did the exact same thing and both had the exact same fix.
Has anyone experienced crashes with MW or MW2 when running an OC'd video card? I remember I would get crashes in MW if I OC'd my card AT would just stop suddenly and the screen would fill with a solid color and system would hang. It's not heat related, the highest my card got was around 70 degrees. Now playing MW2 last night, the exact same thing happened. Had to lower my card's clocks from FTW down to below stock.

Is this GPU-related, or is it something else? W7 reported that the crash code was 124, which I've heard is related to cpu vtt voltage? Anyone else having this problem?

In case it could be of help to you:
I have been running MW2 with rig in sig with no problems. Runs smooth as butter at high frame rates.
My temps are the same as yours, exactly the same. No volt mods. Note my clocks. I've had no need to back them off at all for this, or any other game.
Drivers = 182.50
O.S. maybe?????????????
In case it could be of help to you:
I have been running MW2 with rig in sig with no problems. Runs smooth as butter at high frame rates.
My temps are the same as yours, exactly the same. No volt mods. Note my clocks. I've had no need to back them off at all for this, or any other game.
Drivers = 182.50
O.S. maybe?????????????

It's most likely drivers or the game's coding I think. I'm running W7 but the same problem happened in XP/Vista when I was playing MW.
It's not the card. My HD 5970 freezes and crashes in that game too. It is well documented all over the internet. It's a driver or game issue that has to be fixed. I run every other game just fine all day long.
I've had troubles with the CoD series in the past where I've had to select 16bit 48000 Hz (DVD Quality) sound, to stop the crashes.
stupid thing happened again last night, I restarted and forgot to lower clocks before launching. On that subject, does anyone know how to set specific clocks to profiles in evga precision so that I can change them just by clicking on the little number? The only options I see are for setting hotkeys, not for actually assigning settings to a profile.
Does any other game crash? What about Crysis?

Cause if Crysis is stable at those clocks its MW2 fault.
I know this is [H] and all, but do you really have to run MW2 at those clocks, it is easily run with one stock vanilla 285.

I think you can right-click on the profile number and it saves.
setting the texture quality to high instead of Extra seems to fix some crashing problems.

The lastest NV drivers 195.62 run smooth for me.
@deadskull: yeah, like I said, every game and application runs without problems, including crysis, crysis warhead, fallout 3, gta4, etc. Many of those games are more demanding and get my card hotter, yet are perfectly stable.

@crazyassazian: I know that I don't need such high clocks for this game, the only reason it's even under question is because my cards BIOS is flashed to those clocks, to reduce the amount of software configuration I have to do. In fact the only time I ever need to use precision, besides having the OSD during gaming, is to lower the clocks for MW2. I will try out the profile thing as well, thanks for the tip.
@deadskull: yeah, like I said, every game and application runs without problems, including crysis, crysis warhead, fallout 3, gta4, etc. Many of those games are more demanding and get my card hotter, yet are perfectly stable. this just does not make sense. This clearly is an issue with the gamecode and is probably not even related to your gpu overclocked / overvolted.

Since Crysis and all other 3d apps run fine as you stated your card is probably 99.9% stable at those speeds. Overvolting should not be an issue anyways since most AIBs usually overvolt their 285 OC versions.

I guess try completely wiping Nvidia drivers (cc and drivercleaner) then installing a different WHQL version. Then maybe reinstall the game again? this just does not make sense. This clearly is an issue with the gamecode and is probably not even related to your gpu overclocked / overvolted.

Since Crysis and all other 3d apps run fine as you stated your card is probably 99.9% stable at those speeds. Overvolting should not be an issue anyways since most AIBs usually overvolt their 285 OC versions.

I guess try completely wiping Nvidia drivers (cc and drivercleaner) then installing a different WHQL version. Then maybe reinstall the game again?

Solid advice, but honestly I'm too damn lazy to bother just for one game. Especially since it's such an easy fix. My real purpose in this thread was to figure out if it was an isolated case or if other people had the same issue, and if there was a permanent and guaranteed fix, but I guess not. Besides I'm pretty convinced it's a bug in the game more than anything else. Maybe they'll figure it out with MW3 lol. Perhaps also something having to do with being a multi-platform game, bugs not being ironed out completely.
I failed and drank to koolaide becasue I was bored. this gamewhenit runs is finebut the crashes happen way to much.Iw should be kicked inthe nutz for this one
I have a 5870 XXX edition and after about 20 mins I was getting the grey screens and jittering. So I went into Catalyst and reduced the clock and memory to a standard 5870 and it has worked fine since. I guess my xxx isn't so xxx after all.
I have a 5870 XXX edition and after about 20 mins I was getting the grey screens and jittering. So I went into Catalyst and reduced the clock and memory to a standard 5870 and it has worked fine since. I guess my xxx isn't so xxx after all.

I guess the bottom line we've drawn here is that MW/MW2 don't like overclocking of the GPU, regardless of brand or model. Something to do with being ported, perhaps. I heard from my friend that Dawn of War 2 apparently has similar problems.
i LOVE reading threads of people complain that their ___________ isn't working when using overclocked components but that they work just fine using their components at stock speeds.

MurderCityDevil, you just made my god damn day.

thank you thank you thank you
your life must be sad indeed if you get such a perverse pleasure out of assuming a false superiority over people who couldn't give a shit less about your opinion.

by the way, if you read the thread, you'd realize that the issue has nothing to do with the stability of an overclock; rather, the stability of a particular game when an overclock is introduced.

your life must be sad indeed if you get such a perverse pleasure out of assuming a false superiority over people who couldn't give a shit less about your opinion.

by the way, if you read the thread, you'd realize that the issue has nothing to do with the stability of an overclock; rather, the stability of a particular game when an overclock is introduced.


The same shit happened back in the GF4 and Radeon 9700 pro days. People had these supposedly insane stable super overclocks.. then came HL2 out and their shit couldn't run it without crashing. The game used shaders in a different way and the cards couldn't handle it when overclocked so far.

This isn't anything new... the system isn't stable.

..but you are right and everyone else and including MW2 is wrong.
Being able to run Crysis is not a determining factor for anything. I had an 8800GT that ran crysis perfectly fine but I would get minor artifacting in GRID and Assassins Creed unless I lowered the memory clock by 10mhz. Different games will tax the card in different ways.

Clearly, your card is not stable at the speeds you've set. Lowering clocks stabilizes the card. I think the answer to your problem is rather obvious.
oh god now we've got the stability nazis in my thread. listen, if my computer does every single thing I want without crashing, it's stable. I don't need stress tests and benchmarks to prove that. if ONE (!!!) game gives me crashes, and I find out that many other people have the exact same problem with that ONE (!!!) game, but otherwise their systems are totally solid, meaning therefore the problem lies in the game rather than the system, that means....guess what? My system is still stable!! That's why I couldn't care less about these high and mighty douches laughing at my so-called "stability problems". furthermore, I couldn't care less about this thread because like I said it's incredibly simple to fix, and now that i've beaten the game and have little interest in multiplayer, I get my OC back and start playing other games with zero crashing.
I had to drop my core and memory over 100mhz FROM STOCK. That's right, running below factory settings for MW2 to be stable.

I am sending the card in for RMA.
oh god now we've got the stability nazis in my thread. listen, if my computer does every single thing I want without crashing, it's stable. I don't need stress tests and benchmarks to prove that. if ONE (!!!) game gives me crashes, and I find out that many other people have the exact same problem with that ONE (!!!) game, but otherwise their systems are totally solid, meaning therefore the problem lies in the game rather than the system, that means....guess what? My system is still stable!! That's why I couldn't care less about these high and mighty douches laughing at my so-called "stability problems". furthermore, I couldn't care less about this thread because like I said it's incredibly simple to fix, and now that i've beaten the game and have little interest in multiplayer, I get my OC back and start playing other games with zero crashing.

Yes, it is simple to fix, and the fix was lowering your OC, which guess what... Has nothing to do with the game and everything to do with your system. It really doesn't matter if you willingly choose to be in denial. If it was a problem with the game, no amound of underclocking would help. Your system is simply not 100% stable at your overclocked specs, whether or not you choose to believe it. Talk to any tech support from nVidia, microsoft, infiniti ward support or just about anyone else who doesn't have an emotional attachment to your system and tell them the details and you'll likely hear the same thing.

This thread wouldn't exist if your system was stable

Your bulletproof logic has no room in this public internet thread. gtfo! No one asked for your opinion.

but thanks for the lols :)
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