MOH: Pacific Assault...anyone have it yet?

Nope, it's out and I've got a copy. Now if only I had time to install and play it. :(
I got the director's edition. Runs like absolute shit on my system with NO AA. In fact AA is broken, enabling it does nothing. Fun game though...but shitty coding.
i wasnt too impressed with the engine on the single player demo. cs source, d3, and men of valor all run great on my comp. i think it is the coding of the engine or something.
I've heard things about this game for the past year and have yet to see anything about it.

I don't believe it's out.
umm its out buddy. dvd version is out now for $60, cd version comes out tuesday for $50.
I still haven't seen it.

And I worked in a CompUSA 2 days ago. And trust me when I was waiting for the firepanel to clear I wandered the store making out my wish list.

I didn't see it.
Moose777 said:
I still haven't seen it.

And I worked in a CompUSA 2 days ago. And trust me when I was waiting for the firepanel to clear I wandered the store making out my wish list.

I didn't see it.

It was released on the 2nd. I got my copy the 3rd [dvd edition]. The CD edition hasn't been released yet. That's why you don't see it.
it's out, i just got a copy (dvd) at EB today (the 5th). am installing it soon and will post a mini review on how it runs on my system :

athlon 64 3200
6800 gt
1gig 3200 ram
i tried the demo and it runs like complete doodoo on the system in my sig, which i HAPPEN to think is a pretty good system. super slow mouse response, choppy net code, uber-ghey menu's, etc.
I have been hearing that it runs real slow on 3GHz systems with 1Gig Ram.

Well Done EA!

Gamespy has a quick review of initial impressions. Sounds like they are doubtful on how well it will fair. Gamespy
batty said:
It was released on the 2nd. I got my copy the 3rd [dvd edition]. The CD edition hasn't been released yet. That's why you don't see it.
Trust me, I went to the store on the 1st, second and on the 3rd. I never saw it. In any form.

I did happen to see the new Call of Duty though.
i've played through the first few levels. i must say, it's pretty buggy. i don't think i have a slow system (athlon 64 3200, 6800gt), and the framerates drop in certain scenes.

even in the training mission, it was jittery. of course this is at max eye candy and 1280x1024.

i'm going to try bumping down the model detail and/or resolution to see if that helps. but it's ridiculous that i have to play a game lower than 1280x1024 IMHO. :rolleyes:
What are you guys doing to get terrible perfromace like some are reporting? It runs super smooth for me at 1600x1200 res 70 no AA/AF and thats on a 2.53 1 gig RDRAM with a 6800GT.
i bumped down models one lower, seems to be working really well now. looks just as good. it's a very nice looking game! the pearl harbor scene is incredible.
My system beats out a 4ghz P4 and the single player demo ran like ass on my system, and I don't use AA and I only use 2x AF at 1280x960. Thats coming with a system that gets a lil over 13k 3Dmarks in 2003(just for reference).

Multiplayer had random dips to 43fps, never below as it just gets locked there for a second, seems like some kind of engine issue. And the graphics suck for that matter.

BTW I use FRAPS for all of my performance measurents, not just guessing.

My impression from multiplayer was very dissapointing, it takes a second just for the gun to fire with 40 ping. The iron sights are useless and its hard to aim, most players just grab a sub machine gun and strafe back and forth spraying you.
OK..I've just gotten back into playing this game again...I forgot about it after starting Half Life 2 but now I decided to finally give it another spin...

I forgot how good this game actually was...I just finished the Pearl Harbor section and wow was that a lot of fun...the graphics are much improved over all the other Medal of Honor games...

the only negative part is the clunky control system that takes a little getting used to....whenever I crouch down I can't just get back up by hitting the "crouch" key again, instead I have to hit another "Stand Up" key...also there seems to be no AA or AF settings in the game...very unusual for a modern game

*they also made CD 4 the game CD instead of CD 1 and they don't tell you that I had to put every CD in to find the correct one :rolleyes:
I have it, beat it. Awesome game, the levels are great, it's never really the same thing done twice, there is variation. Graphics are great, pearl harbor scene was awesome, too bad you're too busy running around to look around and admire it, especially while on the boat zooming around the bay taking down zeros. The controls are good except for that couch then stand thing, which I dunno why they did that. The only thing lacking is multiplayer because there aren't enough people. And the maps aren't as good as the previous games.

8/10 in my book
i have the directors edition and it is sweet.

the multiplayer is tons of fun.

i had a lan over new years and we had 18 people. 9 on 9 was kick ass :)