Molex right angle power adaptor


Aug 31, 2004
Hey all, I saw this the other day, when I was putting through an order at PCH Cables (very highly recommended online store, I ordered on Tuesday evening, and got my order today [Friday] :D ), and thought I'd pass it along to everyone here.

Have you ever had the need for a right-angle molex connector, but your power supply didn't have one on it, and you either don't have the hardware to add one, or don't want to bother with doing that? Here's a quick add-on molex adaptor, that gives you that connection for less than a buck and a half:

Right Angle Molex Adaptor

Of course, you'll have to settle for the standard off-white power connector, versus a colored one, but at this price, who cares?

Like I said, PCH is a trusted online store, imho. I've ordered from them a few times, always had good e-mail communications, and always gotten my stuff quickly from them. They don't have a minimum order, like a lot of online stores do, their prices are more than fair (I picked up some mini plug adaptor pieces as the other part of my order, along with 2 of these right angle adaptors, and the total price was less than Radio Shack would've charged me for just the mini plug adaptors, even with the shipping added!!), and their shipping is cheap (my order cost just $4.05 to ship, and it came priority us mail).

Okay, that's it. Hopefully someone can use these! :cool:
that woulda been nice to have, but the additional length of wire is a downer
I'm sure you can detach the right-angle connector and use it on your existing wires. You might also be interested in this thread.
Neat little place, posting mainly so I can find the site later. =)

If anyone happens to know of places with free shipping on little items, let me know. (2coolshopping is gone, which use to do that)
Mohonri said:
I'm sure you can detach the right-angle connector and use it on your existing wires. You might also be interested in this thread.

Yeah, but I'm a lazy bastid!! :p LOL

Besides, the extra length of the wire is maybe 5". That's easy to tuck away, ya know? :cool:
Nivram said:
That's easy to tuck away, ya know? :cool:

Heh, no, in my matter of fact, it is not. In my x-qpack, the hard drives in the drive cage on the right side have the plugs facing towards the front to keep things looking neat. The fitting is so tight, in fact, that i actually removed the sata connectors off the enermax liberty's modular power connector just to have room to stuff the wires down in there. its a very tight fit, but it looks soooooo clean :cool: