Monitor fade, errr?


Limp Gawd
Apr 29, 2005
Okay, I am a little wierded out by what my monitor is doing. I have an NEC FE1250 that has given me a year or so of no problems, but recently it will fade to black (sometimes all the way, sometimes like someone is playing with the brightness for a few seconds) , and then fade back in a few seconds later, only the time it stays black, and the frequency of which this occurs has lengthened. I have tried unplugging it, turning it on and off, using a different comp., putting on it's own socket. I just don't know what to think, I am not the most informed when it comes to monitor problems. Should I just invest in a new monitor?
So the damn thing goes out for about an hour, right in the middle of a poly-sci paper, grrrr. So I hop on my laptop to finish the paper, and just say screw it, and I order a 20" LCD, only to come back and find the monitor glowing at me, back on and laughing at my purchase. AHHHHHHH!!!!