monitor for a console???


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 19, 2007
I am looking into getting a new console so I am looking into getting a monitor so the ole lady doesnt complain about me hogging up the tv.

My thing is I want to get a nice 24inch 1080p monitor.If I get a xbox 360 will I have black bars on the top and bottom or on the sides?? Also if I get a ps3 instead will it display the whole image on the monitor since the ps3 is 1080p right??

please help out,I plan on hooking it up via hdmi cable.24inch monitors are real cheap at microcenter and I have a microcenter about 45minutes away from home and I will drive to get my monitor.
The screen size is not what matters, its the resolution.

If you get a 1920x1200 screen (most common resolution for 24" monitors), you WILL get black bars at the top and bottom of the screen for any console.

With a 1920x1080 screen, you won't get black bars ever as long as the source is widescreen. (for extra wide movies with ratios of 1.95:1 or 2.39:1 you can just zoom in)

Some of these 1920x1080 screens are 24", some are 21.5", some are 27"- it doesn't really matter what size as long as the resolution is 1920x1080.

Whether you get a ps3 or an xbox 360, the games are going to generally be 720p or lower. Some of the most popular games run at well under 720p, such as halo 3 and call of duty 4 and 5. Modern Warfare 2 is one of the worst yet: it runs at 1024x600. That's significantly less pixels than your average 15" CRT from 1999.

When it comes to console gaming, you're really not going to take full advantage of a 1920x1080 until the next gen consoles. Still, when that happens, it will be awesome + 10.

Today however. the biggest difference between the two consoles in terms of resolution is the dashboard. Microsoft has refused to update the 360's dashboard from its garbage 720p resolution despite countless opportunities to do so, while the ps3 dash has always been crystal clear 1080p.


everything there is massively overpriced.
I suggest ordering online from newegg or directly from the manufacturer. At least check prices online first.
This ASUS is a solid choice for console gaming, but BenQ's E2400HD might be the top pick at the moment. Both are responsive enough for gaming.
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The screen size is not what matters, its the resolution.

If you get a 1920x1200 screen (most common resolution for 24" monitors), you WILL get black bars at the top and bottom of the screen for any console.

With a 1920x1080 screen, you won't get black bars ever as long as the source is widescreen. (for extra wide movies with ratios of 1.95:1 or 2.39:1 you can just zoom in)

Some of these 1920x1080 screens are 24", some are 21.5", some are 27"- it doesn't really matter what size as long as the resolution is 1920x1080.

Whether you get a ps3 or an xbox 360, the games are going to generally be 720p or lower. Some of the most popular games run at well under 720p, such as halo 3 and call of duty 4 and 5. Modern Warfare 2 is one of the worst yet: it runs at 1024x600. That's significantly less pixels than your average 15" CRT from 1999.

When it comes to console gaming, you're really not going to take full advantage of a 1920x1080 until the next gen consoles. Still, when that happens, it will be awesome + 10.

Today however. the biggest difference between the two consoles in terms of resolution is the dashboard. Microsoft has refused to update the 360's dashboard from its garbage 720p resolution despite countless opportunities to do so, while the ps3 dash has always been crystal clear 1080p.


everything there is massively overpriced.
I suggest ordering online from newegg or directly from the manufacturer. At least check prices online first.
This ASUS is a solid choice for console gaming, but BenQ's E2400HD might be the top pick at the moment. Both are responsive enough for gaming.

ummm nope. halo 3, cod4 and MW2 all run at 1080P and also the 360 supports 1080P too.
I want to get a monitor from microcenter since if it has alot of dead pixels I can just go back and exchange it compared to the egg where I will have to ship it back and the prices on a 24inch monitor there is good.
Well, where you get the monitor is up to you, but I've never had a problem with any of the Acer HD monitors I bought from newegg, and I've a total of four of them over the past two years. By "never had a problem," I mean not ONE dead/stuck pixel.

this one is serving me well:

but as I said, where you buy it is your decision.

Also, the Xbox 360 and PS3 both have HDMI outputs, but only support 480p, 720p and 1080p HD outputs in 16:9 aspect ratio with that connection. If you get a monitor that's 1920x1200 (16:10 ratio), you WILL have black bars. I know there are some adapters for the 360 that enable it to display with a D-Sub adapter, so any old monitor could be used to play on the console. I recommend the HDMI, however

And to confirm, yes, Halo 3, CoD 4 and MW2 on the consoles don't even run at 720p resolution. not that they don't look good, it's just so they could add more details and keep a smooth framerate. You'll find many titles both on the 360 and the PS3 run at a max of 720p, while select few run at full 1080p

lol i dunno why u gave me links like im going to look at not waisting my time, i have a life. The fact is i own a ps3 and an xbox 360 so i know what im talking about. Look on the back of the cases for halo 3 and MW2 and you'll see that it says it supports 1080P. pce. :D
lol i dunno why u gave me links like im going to look at not waisting my time, i have a life. The fact is i own a ps3 and an xbox 360 so i know what im talking about. Look on the back of the cases for halo 3 and MW2 and you'll see that it says it supports 1080P. pce. :D

You're retarded.
# 1. was i talking to you? NO # 2. SUCK MY DICK. ;)


No you where prolly not talking to him but guess what... your in a forum which is the equivalent to speaking in public. In your case you where just proving (in public) to everyone that 1. you don't know what your talking about and 2. are a complete douche bag.