Monitor mystery


Aug 1, 2004
I bought a u2414h about a month ago and it has this really strange issue. In the center of the screen it looks like there are semi transparent lines running vertically. Its hard to describe but it makes things look kinda like the left side of this picture:


some things ive noticed trying to figure out the cause:
-the lines don't change when moving a picture across the screen. so its not some sort of dithering.
-the ag filter is supposed to be cross hatching free and looks consistent when the screen is off
-ive tried different cables and it doesn't make a difference.
-ive hooked the monitor up to a laptop to make sure its not my video card and the lines were still there.
-the effect comes and goes. some times its almost the size of the palm of your hand and very noticeable, some days its barely there.

any ideas what could be causing this?

and yes I contacted dell and have a replacement on the way but seeing as this is the 3rd monitor ive had to exchange already it would be nice if I could find a solution since theres nothing else wrong with it.
Just looking at the pictures I thought "not native resolution". Your text doesn't really hint at that though.
failing panel? does it do it right when you turn it on or after its been on a while?
tonight it was completely gone, yesterday it was really bad all night. some times it will spread or shrink on its own when using the monitor. its a slow process though as ive never seen it spreading. its never a uniform shape either.

maybe the light diffuser layers is the cause since it doesn't move or change at all with what's being displayed on screen. but I cant figure out how it would be possible for it to come and go like that. the monitor is stationary and tapping it or giving it a bit of a shake doesn't affect the issue either.