Monitor not picking up DVI

Aug 21, 2004
So the other day i decided to hook my computer up to the TV with a DVI to HDMI cable to see how movies looked, etc.. for fun. I changed a few settings around so it displayed better and right on the TV.

Now my problem, when i went back to hook the computer back to my LCD, it doesn't display, all i get is "No Signal" It used to work just fine with DVI, but now will only work with the TV on DVI. Now i can use my LCD if i use an adapter to go to VGA and it works just fine. I have tried reinstalling drivers with no luck.

Vista 64bit
Will it display anything from the TV still? Hook it back up to see if the interface is fried. Maybe try to reset all of the settings as well.
Last i checked it would still work with the TV. Im using it with my LCD atm with the adapter still and its fine. I did reset some stuff in the Nvidia control panel, put also reinstalled the drivers which put it all at default anyways.
Did you change anything in the monitor settings when you used it as a "TV"
Just the resolution, and i had to move it a bit for it to fit right. All those settings should of been reset to default anyways with the driver reinstall.
Yeah sounds like you have a Viewsonic. I have one too.
Yea, Viewsonic VX2025, kinda old. Suppose i should of mentioned that.

Is this a typical problem that happens to Viewsonics then im guessing?
Yea, Viewsonic VX2025, kinda old. Suppose i should of mentioned that.

Is this a typical problem that happens to Viewsonics then im guessing?

Yes, it's a problem with ViewSonics in general and the VX2025wm in particular. My (now retired) VX2025wm has this problem. This fix will allow it to work properly in command line (BIOS and POST) and Windows XP, but it simply won't work at all under Vista unless I use WDM drivers. I ended up replacing it with a new display because I couldn't run protected content through VGA.

You can try the fix above and it might work. No guarantees, though.
Got it fixed, but the plugging both cables in, unplugging power, etc.. trick didn't work for me.

What ended up fixing it for me was plugging another computer into the monitor (with an ATI card) in and it just started working.