Monochrome monitor on modern PC?


May 26, 2005
So I picked up an old Casper monochrome amber CRT, and I had the idea of using it as a dedicated Linux terminal monitor....however, what I originally thought was VGA turns out to have a different, more simple pin layout (but the same overall shape), and is therefor not compatible. I was wondering if there was any hack or trick to get around this, perhaps an adaptor or something. If anyone else has tried something like this, let me know!
I am also interested in this. I've got an old Samsung amber-on-black that I've got a sick and twisted desire to hook up to my vastly more modern desktop.
Won‘t work - mono monitors use digital signals, VGA use analog. Worse, Hercules video cards use ISA so there is no way to plug one into a modern computer.
Its not just the connector that is the issue. Like rtang said the input signal is completely different. So that's a no go
Post a pic of the connector or a description of the pin count and layout... you will probably need to do some splicing and soldering, but I bet it could work just fine.