Monster Brand 20 Ft HDMI, 19.98 shipped

Getting higher quality cables might be worth it for 20ft (now i need to find the article where they test for bit errors across various cable brands and length)

For 6ft and under any cheap digital cables will do.
still its a monster and I would avoid it just on principle
The 24AWG monoprice is cheaper but the 22AWG is more expensive. I wonder what gauge this is.
still its a monster and I would avoid it just on principle

I'm with him. I think they've done a lot of harm to consumers with their business practices, so I'm voting with my wallet until the day they have a major attitude change.

On the other hand it is a solid cable at a reasonable price, so it is a good deal if you don't care about that stuff. :)

This made me LOL though:

Retail Price: $199.99
Savings: (93 %) $185.00
Our Price: $14.99
I'm with him. I think they've done a lot of harm to consumers with their business practices, so I'm voting with my wallet until the day they have a major attitude change.

IMHO, buying their products at cheap prices IS a way to vote with your wallet.

Buy these things up and hopefully Monster will realize we'll buy their shit at reasonable prices, not unreasonable ones.
If you want my full reasoning why I boycott Monster cable, just look up Monster vs. Blue Jeans Cable on Google. And read the response the owner had.

That said, I'll be passing on this one. If anyone else wants to buy it, I'm not stoppin' ya.
Monster is a pretty horrible company that exploits people's lack of knowledge to get them to spend big bucks on "high quality" digital cables, which is bs. However, I was recently in the market for a good set of IEMs and ended up getting the Monster Turbine IEMs after reading a bunch of reviews. These things sound quite amazing and I'm honestly really impressed.

They might be a pretty bad company, but they do have at least one good product.
This cable takes what... $2 at most to make? In massive production probably $1.50?

Then they sell it for $200 to consumers who are not very tech savvy.

No way I can support a company like that.
Most likely takes less than that. If cables costs that much to make Monoprice would have been in the red a long time before.

Sad to say though, Monster still has the reputation of "the" cable to buy for quality. Asked my roommate about it and as an uninformed consumer said something like "That's the stuff you buy for quality cables". Gag.
FYI guys, its not just monster that accounts for the huge markup, retailers usually make 100% or more margin (unheard of with almost every other product) on them and thus account for a big chunk of the over pricing as well.

Even Best Buy's house brand, dynex, is way overpriced but just under monster as they can get that much for them.

I dont think its right, but supply and demand dictates that the high prices work on cables...
I wouldn't own Monster if it was free. That would mean I would be advertising their brand to friends and family.
I dont think its right, but supply and demand dictates that the high prices work on cables...



Principles of Supply and Demand, have *nothing* to do with Monster, their principles/morality, or pretty much anything with this. Luxury or 'Branded' items pretty much exist outside of those standard rules.
Despite what everyone above is saying about Monster Cable. I think its a great deal, while Monster Cable is over priced there is no doubt that it is at least on par or slightly better than other generic cables at this price and it comes with a lifetime warranty. My problem is with , if you do a quick google search you will find a huge number of complaints about people receiving the wrong product or never getting the item.
Despite what everyone above is saying about Monster Cable. I think its a great deal, while Monster Cable is over priced there is no doubt that it is at least on par or slightly better than other generic cables at this price and it comes with a lifetime warranty. My problem is with , if you do a quick google search you will find a huge number of complaints about people receiving the wrong product or never getting the item.

So if 1,000 people a day make a purchase, and 7,000 per week, and they mess up 1 per week, then that's 52 people posting bad things per year about a retailer. How often is someone going to sign up for a site just to post good things about it?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
So if 1,000 people a day make a purchase, and 7,000 per week, and they mess up 1 per week, then that's 52 people posting bad things per year about a retailer. How often is someone going to sign up for a site just to post good things about it?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

Amen to that.....:cool:
FYI guys, its not just monster that accounts for the huge markup, retailers usually make 100% or more margin (unheard of with almost every other product) on them and thus account for a big chunk of the over pricing as well.

Even Best Buy's house brand, dynex, is way overpriced but just under monster as they can get that much for them.

I dont think its right, but supply and demand dictates that the high prices work on cables...

Bet you the dynex cables go down to less than ten bucks after employee discount.
Bet you the dynex cables go down to less than ten bucks after employee discount.

My cousin use to work at bestbuy a few years back. He grab a few cables that I think were around $15 range. All them range up under $3 after discount.
My cousin use to work at bestbuy a few years back. He grab a few cables that I think were around $15 range. All them range up under $3 after discount.

I hate it as much as the next guy, but when we take a $20 loss on a PC, that $30 USB cable is the only reason I have a job. I wish it was the other way around and we could sell the PC and make $30 on it instead, and just make $5 or so on the cable. That to me would make sense, and customers would be happy with it too, but computer business got too cut throat and competitive too fast, with retailers and manufacturers alike willing to take a loss on actual product just to get customers in the door.

And I don't care WHAT you guys say about "luxury brands" being outside the supply and demand structure. You're head is up your ass if you think that. It's ALWAYS supply and demand. If people wouldn't pay it, companies wouldn't charge it. Nothing exists "outside of those standard rules."

For the record, when I worked in home theater, I didn't sell monster cables unless the customer was hell-bent on getting them. I'd take the store brand and at least price match it to whatever Walmart had. Supply and demand aside, there's no way I could charge $80 for an 8 foot HDMI cable, even if the customer is a total idiot (unless they're being a jerk or something) and be able to sleep at night. I think if Monster just charged $10-15 more than the competition for the lifetime warranty and the slightly better build quality it would be a sure sell, but seriously ... $80 for a 4ft cable? How about $40 and still make lots of money on it ...

But again, as long as people are willing to pay, they are more than willing to sell.
And I don't care WHAT you guys say about "luxury brands" being outside the supply and demand structure. You're head is up your ass if you think that. It's ALWAYS supply and demand. If people wouldn't pay it, companies wouldn't charge it. Nothing exists "outside of those standard rules."

Trouble is that places are trying to tell (lie) to people like my parents that they need to get the 100$ 6ft Monster hdmi cable for the Tv to work correctly. The sales person told them that it had to be the Monster cable to get all the features on the TV. I had my parents bring the cable back and just gave them one of my monoprice cables. I might see 30$ for a better built cable but 100????:confused:. Its not like Monstors HDMI cables are made in the US.
You shouldn't talk about "heads up asses" if you make simpleton spelling mistakes and misquote Supply and Demand without understanding exactly what it is.

Monster provides "veblen goods." Goods that are pretty and as functional as less expensive equivalents, but are more elevated by price alone.

Sort of like the old ipods. Just as good as any other mp3 player at the time, but more favorable just because Apple made them. (The Ipod Touch is a different story.)

Don't keep throwing out supply and demand for Monster, because "you're" absolutely wrong.
Regardless, their frivolous lawsuits are enough to turn them down regardless of pricing.
for those talking about "supply and demand" (guilty concise ?) there is some truth to that, but the supply is to the demand for a product that plays on the gullibility of people that don't know better. No matter how you chalk it up that is what monster cables are good for.

sorry for kicking the thread off topic like this but someone would have anyways. (probably seconds behind me)
My cousin use to work at bestbuy a few years back. He grab a few cables that I think were around $15 range. All them range up under $3 after discount.

I used to work at Best Buy.

Our store sold the 6' USB cables for printers at $30 a pop. Employee cost was under $2. Something like 1.51 before tax.

Pretty sad Fry's can sell a Monster cable with a foot more length and save the customer $25 over Best Buy's in-house brand.

And if you want to go el cheapo

I'm just saying, Grentz's supply and demand argument is null in the face of actually having other choices when it comes to a very common product - that being cable. I know my example is not the same type of cable as for a TV, yes, but you get the idea. Its easy to say you have the lesser of the two evils when you only have 2 or 3 choices. But give a wide range of choice, and now suddenly there's all sorts of price ranges to choose from, and all sorts of features and functions you might or might not like. And if you still go with the uber-expensive, at least you still had a real option to try and save some cash.
Trouble is that places are trying to tell (lie) to people like my parents that they need to get the 100$ 6ft Monster hdmi cable for the Tv to work correctly. The sales person told them that it had to be the Monster cable to get all the features on the TV. I had my parents bring the cable back and just gave them one of my monoprice cables. I might see 30$ for a better built cable but 100????:confused:. Its not like Monstors HDMI cables are made in the US.

QFT. You retail employees can whine about profit margins, and defend your paymasters all you want. But the fact is that many people that work at places like Best Buy either don't know shit about what they are selling, or outright LIE. Its not only companies like Monster who are at fault here, but the retail drones who push the shit as well.
It's not only Monster cable that sells for ridiculous prices, but many other different kinds of products/hardware. For example, Geforce 3D Vision sells for $200 a pop.

Nvidia is desperately trying to sell those glasses for $200 despite the fact that they are no better than some old wireless shutterglasses from several years ago that were bundled with a video card for FREE. WTF, Nvidia??
I wouldn't buy anything from Monster. Their business tactics are horrible with their bullying.
Trouble is that places are trying to tell (lie) to people like my parents that they need to get the 100$ 6ft Monster hdmi cable for the Tv to work correctly. The sales person told them that it had to be the Monster cable to get all the features on the TV. I had my parents bring the cable back and just gave them one of my monoprice cables. I might see 30$ for a better built cable but 100????:confused:. Its not like Monstors HDMI cables are made in the US.

You're right there. Well, that's why I said I don't personally sell Monster. They have created somewhat of a demand for themselves like what Apple has done, and I guess that's the reasoning behind why a lot of folks here refuse to buy either. Still, if people wouldn't pay, then Monster wouldn't charge that much. That's why I tell people to get the cheaper one and even discount it for them. We still make lots of money, and they get it as cheap as anywhere else in town they could get it from. I like to make profit, and I like to have a job. Who doesn't? But I don't condone salesmen literally lying to customers. They can say it's a better quality cable, because honestly, they are built pretty tough, but to say that features of the TV won't work without the more expensive cables is totally dishonest, like you said. Thanks for making that valid point to me. I agree with you.

That said, this is still a pretty solid deal, and testing at greater lengths has revealed that there are indeed advantages to a higher quality cable, and some of the cheapest ones don't quite pass the tests at these longer lengths.
That said, this is still a pretty solid deal, and testing at greater lengths has revealed that there are indeed advantages to a higher quality cable, and some of the cheapest ones don't quite pass the tests at these longer lengths.
Monster Cable does provide an above average cable. At longer length, it can matter. HOWEVER, with monster, it is no longer about thier product, as it is about the company.

Most of the people here refuse to buy thier products, because of how they push thier 6' cables, how they actually try to sell a "monster" cable for your electric oven (yes, really it exists), and thier suing the crap out of anyone who tries to use the word monster no matter how unrelated it is to monster cables.

I don't approve of the company and I won't spend money on it's products. Not only is it not a need, there are lots of alternatives out there that I will happily pay less for.
Oh god. When are we going to learn that digital output either works or doesn't? There is NO in between like analog. Buy the cheapest (but up to spec) HDMI cables you can and avoid this overpriced garbage.
They sue because of "M" and "Monster" in ANYTHING, unrelated, out of this world bullshit.

This company should rot, and I'll gladly be the first in line to piss on their grave, no guilt at all.