Moore's Law Spurs Economic Growth in the Trillions

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Turning 50 this month, Moore’s Law is the cornerstone on which today’s innovation is built. IHS said today that Moore’s Law has generated a minimum of $3 trillion in incremental GDP and up to $11 trillion when including the indirect impact. At an event tonight, Gordon Moore is expected to highlight that without increasing funding for basic research and focus on STEM education advancements such as Moore’s Law may not happen in the future, potentially hobbling economic growth and increases in living standards.
My translation, Conservatives are an impediment to the progress of mankind, the growth of the economy, and the improvement of the standard of living of everyone.
My translation, Conservatives are an impediment to the progress of mankind, the growth of the economy, and the improvement of the standard of living of everyone.
You sound like a six year old decreeing that Iron Man is the best avenger and ready to get into a fight because its not up for discussion. Child.
You sound like a six year old decreeing that Iron Man is the best avenger and ready to get into a fight because its not up for discussion. Child.

Iron Man is the best avenger and it's not up for discussion.
You sound like a six year old decreeing that Iron Man is the best avenger and ready to get into a fight because its not up for discussion. Child.

Well iron man is the best avenger.. but then the avengers all suck so it isn't a very high bar. ;)

I think what he should of said is ignorant politicians are an impediment to progress.
Unless it is to further the ambitions of worldcorp and the few hundred of its major investors/owners,through war, or drastically unfair trade agreements, there will be little research money spent in the future.
Moore's Law hasn't really generated anything. Research and product sales have, but an observation about them doesn't really make money.
Oh yay, yet another article giving a useless observation masquerading as a "law" credit it doesn't deserve.