more ghz


Feb 7, 2004
its time to get to work.... long night/day/night/day ahead of adding ghz to the [H]orde


looks to be around ~20 ghz more if everything works...
Sweet Jebus. :eek:

Glad to have you on our side.
all stuff that ive either had around the house or that has been 'donated' becuase the parts 'dont work' ;) the only really new things there are the two xeons... which are having windows installed on them at this moment. so far i have the dual 2.4's up (the pc-dl has a big dent on the corner but the only thing that doesnt work is the mouse *yay for usb*) a 2500+, and a 2.8b with RAMBUSSS. I have a working 3.0c, but no working 800fsb mobo. the 8knxp is a goner :( . the dual p3 board also doesnt work so i'll put the p3s in single boards... thats the progress so far. :)

-if anyone has any dual s370 boards or ANY 478 board supporting 800fsb for sale pls lemme know, thanks.

also, small *working* harddrives would be appreciated. paypal for all.
*enter Homer Simpson*

"Mmmmmmm.... Folding Farm..... Mmmmmmm"

*exit Homer*

I wish I could have that much hardware folding for the [H]orde... Glad to have you as part of the team!!!

Keep on Folding!!

Holy Hell!!

Where are you going to keep all of that? I thought you were living on campus?
Wow, that is like the best pr0n I have seen in a while....all those nekid parts just laid across the table like that....oooooooooooohhhhhhh :D
Man just saw those 2 dually boards you have sitting there... Can't believe I missed them the first time!! :eek:
Dark Ember said:
Holy Hell!!

Where are you going to keep all of that? I thought you were living on campus?

its fall break, you should know :p . i never have classes on tuesday so i came home monday night.

-also got two 1ghz p3's up and a 933mhz p3. still alot more parts to go.
Oh yeah... I kinda forgot about that, because I don't really get anything off. I still have to work...

Not that I would have gone anywhere else anyway. Maybe to Vegas or something :D

Those are nice parts sitting on the table, you must have spent alot on the parts. Gosh I wish I had some parts, and I wish I had money to buy parts.
that is the sexiest thing i have ever seen...

eh, i'll join your peoples' party, but i am NOT dancing with a moose!
I'll party with the moose.
I'll drink with the moose.
You guys need to handle the "reach through". :)
we need a funeral or something...

my pride and joy is now not working and not on warranty :(

two 512 sticks of Mushkin level2 black ddr433 (yes, the bh-5 kind) does not even boot in any computer. ive used this stuff for about a year and its been so good to me... 2-2-2-5 OCd above 433mhz. I removed the heatspreaders a while back because they werent even in contact with the chips anymore and put on new spreaders, voiding the warranty. :( .
oh well.. all good things must come to an end. corsair 3200LL 1.1 in my main rig now should work almost as well as the mushkin did. now, however im in short supply of ddr (512 total :eek: ) and still alot of mb's that need it.

on the bright side i got two more 1ghz p3s and another 2.8 up.

-stuff i'll paypal people for: dual socket370 board (sdram preferably, unless its with that sweet via ddr chipset), any 800fsb socket478 board, small harddrives, and ddr333 or higher. o and a cheap monitor or another kvm.
Damn. Always sad to see good parts like BH5 die. :(

I know I would be very pissed if mine crapped out on me...

Don't have any of the hardware you're looking for though. Shouldn't be too tough to find in FS/FT forums though. Or maybe donations... :)
does anyone know where i can get a cheap rack... at least 40u for a good price other then ebay?
build one with parts from lowes/homedepot/localequivalent? that's all i can think of... besides maybe companies upgrading their hardware and throwing stuff out (i.e. dumpster diving)

good luck and nice hardware!
Bodega said:
does anyone know where i can get a cheap rack... at least 40u for a good price other then ebay?

I'll help you build it over winter break! :)
bob!@!!!!!! hells yeah that would be sweet :cool:

as long as we have break at the same time