More In-Game Perfect Dark Zero Screenies

Are you buying Perfect Dark Zero?

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Jan 10, 2005






laxmiddi44 was mad at me and i changed my previous comment. i decided that it was a good idea because laxmiddi44 is one of my good good friends. I think this game looks fun. and im sorry i put h00kid earlier buddy.
The game looks good, I just hope they spent more time making the gameplay as fun as perfect dark on the n64.

Edit: I will probably buy it if I have an xbox360. Not sure if I will buy one at this point. If i win one at that would be nice.
why do the pictures look like they were run through a grain filter (talking photoshop here, not farm equipment lol)
CHollman82 said:
why do the pictures look like they were run through a grain filter (talking photoshop here, not farm equipment lol)

i think they were scanned from a magazine
and you can still imagine how good they look on a tv. Those pictures do the job for me =)
They're ok, but (judging by the screenshots shown) in a contest of graphics (I think) Far Cry (would) kick this games ass... I won't be getting it just because I won't be getting many console games and this doesn't make the list, even if I do get the X360.

*Edited for Political Correctness*
CHollman82 said:
There ok, but in a contest of graphics Far Cry kicks this games ass... I won't be getting it just because I won't be getting many console games and this doesn't make the list, even if I do get the X360.

Oh please you haven't even played the game before, This game has much better foliage (judging from the screens) and the textures look better as well. Quit downplaying the power of these consoles please. Far Cry is about 1 and 3/4s a year old. This game's engine is brand spankin new. The lighting (not counting HDR) also looks a little better than Far Cry's. Far Cry's HDR would put them on par though (but no aa :( )
I guess so, I just noticed that it looks like there is some sort of HDResque bloom effect going on, the 4th and 5th pic both have lighting and very distinct bloom effects. Maybe they put HDR in?
Did the screen shot with the dual uzi like guns remind anyone else of Goldeneye?

Maybe it was just me.
retardedchicken said:
I guess so, I just noticed that it looks like there is some sort of HDResque bloom effect going on, the 4th and 5th pic both have lighting and very distinct bloom effects. Maybe they put HDR in?

It does use HDR from what I have read.

*BTW those are blown up magazine scans from the new Edge and they look kinda washed out.

However if you read the article they came with the gameplay and multiplayer sounds awesome.

*EDIT Anyone notice the dual wield screen has two reticles. :D
[Fate]Doom said:
*EDIT Anyone notice the dual wield screen has two reticles. :D

yeah, and I'd like to see them figure out a way to aim each gun independantly using that archaic controller technology, now do you see why nintendo is on the right track, take two revo controllers, on in each hand, and it would be no problem.
CHollman82 said:
yeah, and I'd like to see them figure out a way to aim each gun independantly using that archaic controller technology, now do you see why nintendo is on the right track, take two revo controllers, on in each hand, and it would be no problem.

Yeah I guess if you stood completely still. :rolleyes:

Riddle me this, how are you going to walk, jump, switch weapons, duck, throw genades, hit switches, etc. etc. etc.when you have access to 2-Triggers and 2-D pads? I would also assume the Triggers would be to shoot said guns.

Better get good at gaming with your feet because sounds like you are going to need those too and 2 more Revolution controllers.
[Fate]Doom said:
Yeah I guess if you stood completely still. :rolleyes:

Riddle me this, how are you going to walk, jump, switch weapons, duck, throw genades, hit switches, etc. etc. etc.when you have access to 2-Triggers and 2-D pads? I would also assume the Triggers would be to shoot said guns.

Better get good at gaming with your feet because sounds like you are going to need those too and 2 more Revolution controllers.

One DPad to move (forward, back, strafe left, strafe right) Trigger button on each to fire, right D-Pad = 4 buttons for other tasks (weapon switch up/down, throw grenade, open door) for example. Not difficult :rolleyes:
CHollman82 said:
One DPad to move (forward, back, strafe left, strafe right) Trigger button on each to fire, right D-Pad = 4 buttons for other tasks (weapon switch up/down, throw grenade, open door) for example. Not difficult :rolleyes:

Good luck with that.:D
It would take some getting used to Ill admit, but no more than the 600 thousand buttons on the xbox controller did
CHollman82 said:
[Fate]Doom said:
Yeah I guess if you stood completely still.

Riddle me this, how are you going to walk, jump, switch weapons, duck, throw genades, hit switches, etc. etc. etc.when you have access to 2-Triggers and 2-D pads? I would also assume the Triggers would be to shoot said guns.

Better get good at gaming with your feet because sounds like you are going to need those too and 2 more Revolution controllers.

One DPad to move (forward, back, strafe left, strafe right) Trigger button on each to fire, right D-Pad = 4 buttons for other tasks (weapon switch up/down, throw grenade, open door) for example. Not difficult :rolleyes:

Actually, this is an interesting possibility. Hold one Revolution controller in each hand, each controls the aim of one of the guns you're holding. To shoot both in the same direction, just point them the same way and pull the triggers. To turn in a direction, turn both controllers the same way. To glance to the side without changing the direction you're facing, turn one controller to the side while keeping the other controller pointing straight. This could be used in situations where you want to keep firing at an enemy in front of you, but need to check if an enemy just came into the room through a door outside your field of vision.

As far as the rest of the control scheme goes, there are both d-pads as mentioned, plus a big "A" button below each one that could be used for common actions like use or jump. Yeah, it might be a bit difficult to learn at first... but we've all learned WASD + 20 other keybinds per FPS game, so I don't think that's a major issue. :p

I'm still going to be skeptical about the Revolution's controller until I actually get my hands on one, but the possibilities do intrigue me.
DanK said:
Actually, this is an interesting possibility. Hold one Revolution controller in each hand, each controls the aim of one of the guns you're holding. To shoot both in the same direction, just point them the same way and pull the triggers. To turn in a direction, turn both controllers the same way. To glance to the side without changing the direction you're facing, turn one controller to the side while keeping the other controller pointing straight. This could be used in situations where you want to keep firing at an enemy in front of you, but need to check if an enemy just came into the room through a door outside your field of vision.

As far as the rest of the control scheme goes, there are both d-pads as mentioned, plus a big "A" button below each one that could be used for common actions like use or jump. Yeah, it might be a bit difficult to learn at first... but we've all learned WASD + 20 other keybinds per FPS game, so I don't think that's a major issue. :p

I'm still going to be skeptical about the Revolution's controller until I actually get my hands on one, but the possibilities do intrigue me.

Good ideas :eek:
I didn't even think about the head/body turning part of it...
You guys every play on N64 with two controllers?

I don't remember what game it was (GoldenEye I think) but you could set it up to have two full controllers (one for each hand obviously)... Was weird, but it worked...
What the heck? How did this get rail-roaded into a Rev thread? Go elsewhere.
a FPS on a console? That dont make sense.. therefor I will not be buying this game for my 360 cause it just dont make sense... like a wookie on endor ;)
It's an MS-published game. Expect it on PC within a year, to all those who are still reluctant to buy a console.