More Loco Motion in your Ocean or Desert


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
If you are one of the early adopters of high end VR gaming, this might interest you. Arizona Sunshine, an excellently executed zombie shooter, and easily one of the best in the genre, has added locomotion to its gameplay. For those of you that are uninitiated, this means that instead of "teleporting" around the environment, you can now move at a steady pace, from place to place while gaming, much like you would in any First Person Shooter. I have not given this a go yet, but it will assuredly enhance the gameplay in what is already a killer game. We will be covering it soon in our VR GPU Perf Series.

Locomotion is now part of Arizona Sunshine! Trackpad or joystick locomotion allows you to move through the game world without physically walking in your VR play space or using teleport. You simply use the trackpad or joystick to smoothly move from place to place. For those of you not prone to motion sickness, this can add a greater sense of immersion and enjoyment to the game. Teleport movement will also be available, so that you now have an option on how you want to experience the game.
The couple times I've tried a VR game with a first person view and motion like this I just get a massive headache for the rest of the day.
I often enjoy pretending I'm a disembodied hand! Oh such adventures I have.
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Odd it took them this long.
Doom 3 VR uses it to great effect.
I have a balance issue with full-motion in VR right now.....but have only had the "hyperspeed segway mode" in Serious Sam VR to deal with..... hopefully the pacing in this game can be adjusted from a slow-jog to a fast-sprint........I find that matters, to me, in VR. Now that sensor 3 has arrived for the Oculus I'll feel a little better about 360 tracking.
Honestly, the teleport-only movement in Arizona Sunshine was a deal-breaker, so this is a much-needed change, since it looks really polished otherwise.

I can stand moving the conventional way in Onward, Doom 3 BFG w/VR mod, Serious Sam VR: TFE, etc., so I find being forced to teleport *very* limiting, especially seeing as I only have about an 8'x8' or 2.4m x 2.4m space to work with in here. That's maybe enough for a step in ONE direction away from center before hitting a boundary with arms stretched out, and conventional movement allows for much easier small movements around corners and cover without having to point down at the floor next to me.
Still don't get it. I'd love to try this out but yet another gameplay video I watched of a VR game that gets so much praise yet looks terrible and boring on youtube. Yeah, I know you all will say "the immersion makes all the difference". Still not buying it but hope to see progression. I think by this time next year and with 2nd Gen I might be down to buy one. For now this is super gimmicky and under developed in my opinion granted it's early stages so I shouldn't be too harsh.

Still following and please for the love of god get rid of the floaty hands in these games.
Gave it a try last night and it was good overall. The only thing I really disliked about it is reloading seems awkward now. They use the menu button to reload but I have a tendency to slightly touch the touchpad which means I take a step or two every time I reload. Not exactly cool when zombies are charging at you. I guess it'll take some more time to get my muscle memory to stop doing that. I also noticed it sometimes got stuck. I have movement set to only when I am touching/holding down the touch pad does it move, but every now and then even with my thumb off the touch pad it seems to stay in walk mode. I can cancel it by touching the touchpad again, but that unexpected movement can cause a bit of a disoriented feeling especially when you are still walking while right up against a wall/door. That's the thing that will start to make me feel a slight queasy feeling.
Still don't get it. I'd love to try this out but yet another gameplay video I watched of a VR game that gets so much praise yet looks terrible and boring on youtube. Yeah, I know you all will say "the immersion makes all the difference". Still not buying it but hope to see progression. I think by this time next year and with 2nd Gen I might be down to buy one. For now this is super gimmicky and under developed in my opinion granted it's early stages so I shouldn't be too harsh.

Still following and please for the love of god get rid of the floaty hands in these games.
I can understand how you feel. The game play videos just don't do it justice at all. All I can tell you is you really can't get it till you try it for yourself. The floaty hands thing in game play videos looks kinda stupid but in game you just don't think that at all because those floaty hands are your hands and they are following your hands exactly (minus some finger movements).
Still don't get it. I'd love to try this out but yet another gameplay video I watched of a VR game that gets so much praise yet looks terrible and boring on youtube. Yeah, I know you all will say "the immersion makes all the difference". Still not buying it but hope to see progression. I think by this time next year and with 2nd Gen I might be down to buy one. For now this is super gimmicky and under developed in my opinion granted it's early stages so I shouldn't be too harsh.

Still following and please for the love of god get rid of the floaty hands in these games.

What you see in the videos is not what you see in the headset. With that said i do agree with you -- it sorta feels halfbaked but at the same time you see how cool it can be -- its really exciting. It made my old game collection obsolete over night.
Game looks real good in the headset and is fun to play. My play space is too small, I keep running up against the wall being so involved with what is going on screen not noticing the SteamVR chaperon turning on. Motion is too slow especially going backwards when strafing. Have not tried teleportation yet. This maybe a game where teleportation is better then strafing. Zero motion sickness in any case in this game.
I played a couple hours on Sunday and it's pretty dam fun. I hope a lot more games come out that are as fun.
Played over 3 hours last night - having fun in the mines, flashlight, shotgun. Great game and I like the strafe motion. With some experience I was able to combine walking around in my somewhat small play area and use the smooth motion. Awesome experience and this game plays well on a 1070 with maxed out settings.