More Nforce3 Ultra boards?

Dec 14, 2002
I check back in on newegg every once and a while looking for more variety in the Socket 939 NF3U boards but it seems as though they only carry the Gigabyte Solutions.

Anyone know when the rest are going to be hitting the shelves? Preferably from MSI :D
UnseenClass said:
damn, you weren't kidding. :eek:

Scratch that idea then.

I guarantee you that other stores will sell it for under $200 when it becomes widely available.
shockwave85 said:
I guarantee you that other stores will sell it for under $200 when it becomes widely available.
I certainly hope so, cause that's the board I have my sights on.

Check out this AnandTech article, specifically the sections on the GigaByte and MSI NF3 boards. Once again the MSI board won the AnandTech Editor's Choice even though it isn't really available from... well ANYWHERE.

Here's hoping that board shows up in another couple of weeks. I need to build my doom 3 machine since my current Athlon 700 can't even dream to run it. :(