More Phenom II benches

so which chipset looks to be good for phenom II, the 790FX or GX

No real difference between them IMO... Depends on how many
G'cards you want to run...

The important thing is the SB750...

Early 790FX boards have SB600 and that doesn't give you any
advantage from ACC as the SB750 does... ;)
I'm 100% cool, but other people I know are anywhere between 40 - 80% cool. I could make a graph if that would help you visualize...
No real difference between them IMO... Depends on how many
G'cards you want to run...

The important thing is the SB750...

Early 790FX boards have SB600 and that doesn't give you any
advantage from ACC as the SB750 does... ;)

Actually, SoF over at XS is running a Phen II @ ~4ghz/air cooled on a Foxconn without enabling ACC. There seems to be much less of an advantage using ACC on the upcoming II than there was with the original Phenom. Time will tell, however.:D


That's "Dragon" platform, which means they are using the 790G graphics, and the Intel systems are probably using G35 or G45 graphics. The tip-off is the fact that the GPU-limited benchmarks are almost the same for both Intel CPUs.

Well, next month (or perhaps early Feb) we'll be able to see some nice head-to-head reviews.
Intel will introduce the server/workstation-line of Nehalem to go up against Shanghai, and AMD will introduce Phenom II to go up against Core2 and Core i7 (and no more NDAs and such).
That's "Dragon" platform, which means they are using the 790G graphics, and the Intel systems are probably using G35 or G45 graphics. The tip-off is the fact that the GPU-limited benchmarks are almost the same for both Intel CPUs.


Hell, I'm trying to figure out where they get their information on what game titles are popular. I mean, 3DMark06 is probably one of the best games ever made but for some reason I'd just rather play TF2.
Marketing people shouldn't make product comparison/performance graphs.

That is not going to happen. People need to stop passing them along, posting them, and discussing them. Because even when they are right they are still bullshit.