More States Propose Internet Sales Taxes

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Not true as a general principle - at best, it depends on where we reside on the Laffer curve. Given the current marginal tax rates in the US, I'd be shocked if that were the case now. (I don't think there are too many people here who are working less because of how much we pay in taxes. That primarily only happens with the wealthy.)

In the past decade or so, on the federal level at least, less is more. It does get harder to measure on the state level because states spend so much in subsidies. We get various states competing in bids to 'acquire' a large plant to be built on their own turf.

Currently the bigger problem is the threat of radical changes to the economic climate. Small businesses (where most new jobs are made) are too scared to hire because of too much uncertainty on which new economic laws will get passed.
Double-dipping on retirement? That sounds good in sound bites but isn't much for reality, and is far from the norm. As far as being overpaid, have you actually taken a look at what they pay in salary? It's a good 25% less than the private sector. The trade off is pension. Something the private sector used to offer, but no longer does. That's hardly a reason to get pissed off at people who do get it.
You must either not be from California or you're simply not paying attention. So first, Let me say that whiel I was ranting a bit, I dont make this stuff up. Double dipping is happening all over CA state government.
First link of a google search;

"Reporting from Sacramento — Like many other state employees, prison nurse Nellie Larot was hit last year with furloughs that cut her salary: It dropped $10,000, to $92,000.

But she more than made up for it by working extra shifts, raking in $177,512 in overtime, according to state records. Her total $270,000 in earnings last year eclipsed the $225,000 paid to Matthew Cate, head of the entire state prison system."

"Two nurses at Napa State Hospital were paid more than $1.3 million combined in overtime during a five-year period ending in mid-2008, Howle found"

Copied from here;

Really? Thats 25% less than nurses in the private sector? Im in the wrong fucking business!!!

What state is that happening in today? Not even the legislature is giving pay increases.
HAHA C'mon man....

I'm pretty sure that while someone is clearing your road while you sleep is in full awareness of who they work for.
Really? You think so? Lets see what this state prison system nurse in the above article has to say about that....

"Larot dismissed criticism that employees are taking advantage of a broken system.

"I don't know why people are complaining about the overtime. We work the overtime," she said. "I don't think it's anybody's business."

That is not the attitude of someone who knows who they work for. This sentiment is ALL throughout government. These people are so absurdly disconnected and out of touch with reality, its scary.

Speak those words to your boss and see how well it goes over.
BTW; It took five minutes to find these little facts. Imagine what awesome things you can find if you did some real digging.....

One question, do you or a family member work in government?
I'm tired of the US Federal Government and State of Maryland where I live. They just keep spending more and more every year while they suck the productive tax payers dry. We really need to have a non violent revolution to take our country back closer to they way the founders made it. (FYI, I'm not talking about slaves and crap so don't go there) We need a smaller and efficient governments on all levels. It seems that we spend more money than ever but the roads are worse, the fire and police protection is barely effective, schools are worse then ever. It seems that throwing money at things just isn't working. Time to change it up! It will be a short term sacrificial for long term gain.
I think in a few years the americans will try to jump ship and sneak into canada or mexico
In North Carolina, it's called the "Use Tax" which has been around since the 30's or so. It means that if I get a laptop at a Best Buy in South Carolina, I still must report that purchase to the state of North Carolina. There's plenty of other dumb laws that North Carolina doesn't enforce.

And to all the tax apologists here, sure the cops and roads need the money, and I can't speak for other states but North Carolina has a lot of fat to trim before they even think about the bare necessities like roads and such. There are too many expensive pet projects that do little and only for a very small percentage of people.

Fellow NC resident here. Would you mind listing some of local "pet projects" or fat you think needs trimmed from our states budget?

Plus, as a general principle with taxes, less tax ends up yielding more government revenue. I'm voting out Governer Perdue the first chance I get. (Didn't vote her in, in the first place).

This is false. As the other poster said this is only true with extreme rates of taxation.
*sigh* not again...

So buying from the internet differs from buying through an infomercial how now? Answer, IT FUCKING DOESN'T, and sales taxes only apply if the business in question has a base of operation within your state AND your state has sales tax.

except the thing you buy from the internet usually works.
Just say the word brother and I'll grab my gun head the the white house.. These people need to be stopped by any means necessary....
This story confuses me.

In the UK, we pay VAT (Value Added Tax) on pretty much every item (with a few small exceptions) within the UK, whether it's from a shop or bought online. If I bought goods online from other parts of the EU, I'm pretty sure my tax would be worked out depending on the local country, so I wouldn't avoid paying it. I imagine this is the same across the EU as well.

So do Americans not pay local tax currently on goods bought online? If so, as much as one might want to equate it with greed, it's really not any different to going to another State and buying goods there, ergo paying the local tax.

If I've misunderstood this, please do correct me.
Just say the word brother and I'll grab my gun head the the white house.. These people need to be stopped by any means necessary....

Secret agents knocking on your door in 3.. 2.. 1..
This story confuses me.

In the UK, we pay VAT (Value Added Tax) on pretty much every item (with a few small exceptions) within the UK, whether it's from a shop or bought online. If I bought goods online from other parts of the EU, I'm pretty sure my tax would be worked out depending on the local country, so I wouldn't avoid paying it. I imagine this is the same across the EU as well.

So do Americans not pay local tax currently on goods bought online? If so, as much as one might want to equate it with greed, it's really not any different to going to another State and buying goods there, ergo paying the local tax.

If I've misunderstood this, please do correct me.
You understand 100%.

Americans only pay local tax on goods bought online if your buying online from a company in your state.
"I see this as a trend moving along--a lot of states are considering doing it," said Joseph Henchman, director of state projects at the non-partisan Tax Foundation in Washington, D.C.

Doesn't mean it's right, asshole.
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