More Team Fortress 2 Griefing

Hilarious video - I remember showing that to friends who don't even play games and they still had a laugh over it.
here here.. that made me laugh pretty hardily - especially after a day of sifting through ancient ass ASP pages..

though the trivia questions were great... it's amazing how fast people will band together and forget their anger when given an 'easy way out'.
LMAO! I'm still laughing hard at this. The trivia bit was fricken AWESOME, and how they had accommodating sprays for the questions was fricken great. After the first question he was like "yeah, that's right" and I started laughing so hard when he actually moved.

The last line was the best!

I'd be so pissed if they were doing that to me, but it's hilarious:). Too bad I turn voice off usually, that much swearing and hostility is entertaining.
Oh my god. I just realized that I was playing in the same server on one occasion when they(he) were doing this (posting all those sprays,and the heavy not using Sasha). Wow.
Ha my favorite was the teleporter exit over the train. Hard to time I'd imagine, but pretty funny. People can be way too serious in games.
The clips are put together really well, making it pretty funny.

I would laugh harder, but I was one of the players stuck in the spawn zone w/ the scout stuck in the door. I didn't stick around long enough for the Q+A gaming though.
Viewed this, and their first video last night, and it was very enjoyable. I would probably be upset if I was on their team and getting made, but it still has a good laugh.
Perhaps im one of those "serious" gamers, I dunno, I didnt laugh not once and now, wasted 10 minutes of my life watching that crap.

Obviously, this person did what he did in order to get people to bitch so he could record what we just watched. IMO, this guy has some personal issues to deal with if he is so bored to put together clips of people getting pissed at him.

If I met that person in RL, id have to kick his ass. Let him record that....Now THAT would be funny.
Perhaps im one of those "serious" gamers, I dunno, I didnt laugh not once and now, wasted 10 minutes of my life watching that crap.

Obviously, this person did what he did in order to get people to bitch so he could record what we just watched. IMO, this guy has some personal issues to deal with if he is so bored to put together clips of people getting pissed at him.

If I met that person in RL, id have to kick his ass. Let him record that....Now THAT would be funny.

you were stuck in the room wernt you?

Im one of those people who play to have fun. Anyone who gets pissed in a game obviously shouldnt be playing. It is a recreational thing, if its not fun, there are loads of servers.
Hilarious stuff. That kind of "griefing" where the person quizzes people is great. If I was one of the people stuck I'd just remember I'm not playing in a tourney or anything and just play along with it.

Some people take pubs too seriously.
you were stuck in the room wernt you?

Im one of those people who play to have fun. Anyone who gets pissed in a game obviously shouldnt be playing. It is a recreational thing, if its not fun, there are loads of servers.

Nope, wasnt in the room at all. Never knew about this till I watched the video. Im a casual player and play for fun, why else would I buy the game. However, to me, what they were doing is NOT part of the game and I bought this game to play and have fun. Having someone control my character by not allowing me to play would definately make me upset. I mean, who gives him the right to control how I play?

I most likely would have left the server for another. I paid to play TF2, not some trivia bullshit, and him blocking the door, IMO, is using an exploit and the guy should be banned.

To put it another way, lets say you went to the store, got your stuff and then, before you leave, some dickhead is standing at the front door blocking your way out and says he will let you leave if you answer some bullshit questions.....Id kick him right square in the nuts and say, "Is that the correct answer"?
Perhaps im one of those "serious" gamers, I dunno, I didnt laugh not once and now, wasted 10 minutes of my life watching that crap.

Obviously, this person did what he did in order to get people to bitch so he could record what we just watched. IMO, this guy has some personal issues to deal with if he is so bored to put together clips of people getting pissed at him.

If I met that person in RL, id have to kick his ass. Let him record that....Now THAT would be funny.

Hey dude, you're not much different from the guy you're bashing. He just messed around in a game to rile people up (which if I weren't in the mood and in that server...I'd just leave in literally a second and forget all about it playing elsewhere...)...and you'd kick someone's ass over something done in a game. Ha doesn't that sound like personal issues as well?
Perhaps im one of those "serious" gamers, I dunno, I didnt laugh not once and now, wasted 10 minutes of my life watching that crap.

Obviously, this person did what he did in order to get people to bitch so he could record what we just watched. IMO, this guy has some personal issues to deal with if he is so bored to put together clips of people getting pissed at him.

If I met that person in RL, id have to kick his ass. Let him record that....Now THAT would be funny.

I pretty much agree with you. I love pranks and the like, this was just retarded.
I'm going to go with, almost everything these guys do is harmless... the only thing that can be damaging is having to put up with some of their sprays...

Seriously its a game people lighten up and laugh.

You wouldn't have to deal with any of this if you guys ALL supported the gold standard and voted for Ron Paul!

Lol I feel like im making another sarcastic post on digg.
The teleporter was the best part but I'm an engie at heart so it's my kind of twisted humor. Something I'd do in a boring game if I felt like it. :p