Most broken Xbox360s record...11!


Jun 22, 2005

The highest number I'd heard till now was 8. This guy managed 11!

So with a "normal" defect rate of 5% in roughly 10,000,000 Xbox360s sold being 500,000 defective xbox360s. Each incident has a 5% chance of happening, so the probability is 1/20. The probability of it happening again is (1/20) * (1/20). The probabilty of a third occurence is (1/20)*(1/20)*(1/20)...etc.

So the chance of his case occuring is (1/20^11). In other words, one in 204800000000000.

Of course, that's assuming a "normal" defective rate of 5%. Seeing as how there aren't 204800000000000 Xbox360s in existence, this guy is ludicrously, unbelievably unlucky.

It has to be noted that probability measurements are only useful in predicting large-scale scenarios. In an anecdotal case like this, it's just for fun to see how terribly unlucky he is(Even with an extremely high defect rate of 20% he'd still be wildly unlucky). Occam's razor would say the defects are due to user error despite all his claims to the contrary.
God not again... :rolleyes:

Oh, and given it's pretty obvious at this stage that refurb machines fail more often than new ones I'd say that your maths probably needs some modification.
lol that is just scary.

Listen to the mp3 on the page. he records his ms call. lol
The odds aren't smaller of getting a defective console just because you had one already. The 11th console still had a 1 in 20 chance of being defective.

Think of it this way. If I flip a coin I have a 50/50 chance of heads/tails. If I flip it again I still have a 50/50 chance. If I get tails on the first flip I am not guaranteed heads on the second flip.

edit: Nevermind I believe you math is correct for the entire scenerio.
Wow when I first looked at this I figured this guy was doing something to cause all of these errors but if you read through the whole thing he did more than I would have done. He brought in a Contractor to check the wiring even though his father is an electrician!!

The Funny thing is he is still positive about the whole situation so I guess there is no need to rag on him. I hope he has better luck in all other areas of his life though!
Just goes to show that microsoft might want people to buy 2nd and 3rd consoles ;). The problem has been going on for so long and still yet no official word on the whole thing even though its so rampant everywhere. It just ridiculous basically.