Most Frequently Used English Words Chart

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Did you know the word “hard” is the 402nd most popular word in the English language. Oddly enough the F-word is ranked 5598th and the S-word is 4499th.

WordCount™ is an artistic experiment in the way we use language. It presents the 86,800 most frequently used English words, ranked in order of commonness. Each word is scaled to reflect its frequency relative to the words that precede and follow it, giving a visual barometer of relevance. The larger the word, the more we use it. The smaller the word, the more uncommon it is.
mmm might be useful for cryptography, just like knowing the most used letters :D
1337 isn't elite...

I'm going to give this a 2895 for "fail".

workless is like the third worse ranked word, I disagree.

Cool none the less.
Like is number 67? hmmm it seems to be number 1 for high school students.
It's kind of sad that kill is twice as frequent as the Fbomb and other swear words..

Even Punch bests the fbomb.....

We're so violent :p
Am I reading it wrong or is it just based off BRITISH English sources... so it'd be the most common words used across the pond (rather than here)?

Although based on that, I am surprised the f-bomb isn't higher :p
There's no way attribution is said more than pussy.

Pussy is said more times in 1 porno than the number of times attribution is said in 1 year.
c*ck and p*nis are ranked right next to each other at 10870 and 10871. Coincidence?:D
Now we wait for someone to complain about he and him being used more often than she and her...
Does it take awhile to load or something? I typed hard in search box and it says not found. It says it loading the entire time i viewed the page :/
did you all break the site since it doesn't work. there are no words in the archive
Oddly enough the F-word is ranked 5598th and the S-word is 4499th.
Obviously they have never been to new york or any F-ing where around here,

it can be almost every word in a sentence around here,
F the F-ing F-ers