Most High-Tech Cop Car Ever

they will fook up the screen with all the glazed and powder coated donuts:D finger tips.
Hmm, the dash has G8 badging on it. Am I to take it that Bob Lutz was right in his initial saying that the G8 wouldn't just be re-born as a Chevy?
The new car is built on the same platform as the G8, but is a solid 4" longer. It's very similar, but it's not the same car.
Yeah, that's just what I want: some road-raging adrenalized cop bombing down the streets taking his eyes off the road to call in to dispatch. This is a great idea. :rolleyes:
Yeah, that's just what I want: some road-raging adrenalized cop bombing down the streets taking his eyes off the road to call in to dispatch. This is a great idea. :rolleyes:

Oh, but only "teens" like me are susceptible to driving distractions, not anyone else.
How the f*ck can you have the HVAC controls via a touch screen. My old Audi A4 has buttons for the HVAC with an LCD for the fan speed and it sucks donkey balls. I have to look down to see how high the heat/AC/fan is going. I can't do it by touch like a good old fashion knob/slider that clicks when you move it.
I prefer that cops get around on the Trek "Police Edition" bikes, screw that $50k/car bullshit.
Seriously... what about the Carbon Motor's Cop Car??? im pretty sure thats more technologically advanced.
Um... this is nothing special...

Fist of all, the first few pictures of the digital dashboard do not match the following pictures. Actually, it appears as if the first few pictures of the digital dash board were taken from the new Chevy G8 (adopted from Pontiac now that Pontiac is shut down).

The pictures of the vehicle fully equipped has a standard dashboard, no fancy touch screens stuff. Second of all, Lexus had been making their climate and stereo controls digital for years now. This is nothing new.

The new laptop stand is nice. I like how the screen folds back now and the keyboard is eliminated. Saves room and neatens things up a bit.

The slide out shelf in the trunk is also a fancy addition. I approve.

Other than that... there is really nothing special about this car aside from the fact that it was built from a Chevy Caprice rather than from a Ford Crown Victoria...
How the f*ck can you have the HVAC controls via a touch screen. My old Audi A4 has buttons for the HVAC with an LCD for the fan speed and it sucks donkey balls. I have to look down to see how high the heat/AC/fan is going. I can't do it by touch like a good old fashion knob/slider that clicks when you move it.

Don't worry, you aren't alone here. 99% of new cars that are built with dials and slides are no longer cable driven. For years, you turned the knob of slid the slider, and it pulled a cable attached to whichever device you were adjusting.

Nowadays everything is fly-by-wire. Your gas pedal, your climate controls, etc. They keep the good old fashioned mechanical switches in place for those that don't like change. =)
Where's the button for the cops to surf for pr0n while they're at the doughnut shop? ;)
Touchscreens and cops are nothing new.
All of our cop cars (90% crown vics) have toughbooks with PDRCs (Permanent Display Removable Computer ) mounted in the front. Touch screen, daylight readable with a keyboard on a stick. All the new cars are being fitted with high speed data cards and have the ability to access City resources through terminal servers. Some cars with dash cams have another controller for the camera system too. We long ago adopted a retractable shelf in the trunk for the Toughbook dock, RF modem (for older cars) and the spare. This leaves room in the bottom of the trunk for the Ford Public Safety storage kit.
The clean look won't last long. Cop cars are extremely dirty and nasty. Used to work for one of the cities where I'm from and cop cars with their Dell laptops are nasty to remove due to all the gunk buildups overtime. Windex's stocks will go up through the roof :) I kid
Don't worry, you aren't alone here. 99% of new cars that are built with dials and slides are no longer cable driven. For years, you turned the knob of slid the slider, and it pulled a cable attached to whichever device you were adjusting.

Nowadays everything is fly-by-wire. Your gas pedal, your climate controls, etc. They keep the good old fashioned mechanical switches in place for those that don't like change. =)

What I mean is, they should still use knobs/slider that are electronically controlling the HVAC. I could care less about if it was cable actuated or drive by wire.

It's like dialing an iPhone and a regular phone with real buttons just by tactile touch and not looking. I bet you will be more accurate with the regular phone.
Problem with the carbon motors car is that its going to be expensive. Manufactuing a car just for the police force has its pros... but it also has its cons. Modifying an existing vehicle whose costs are aready offset by building a consumer version sold to the public, Is a much cheaper way to make a suitable car. The cars are cheaper from the start, parts are cheaper and more common place, not to mention I'd say servicing and maintenance costs will be cheaper also.

We all know governments. Why would they spend $30,000 on a high-tech car when there is a good alternative for for $20,000?

Lol only 30K? Is that in Euros or something? And, did you not see the tons of "optional" choices that are standard for police cruisers?
Problem with the carbon motors car is that its going to be expensive. Manufactuing a car just for the police force has its pros... but it also has its cons. Modifying an existing vehicle whose costs are aready offset by building a consumer version sold to the public, Is a much cheaper way to make a suitable car. The cars are cheaper from the start, parts are cheaper and more common place, not to mention I'd say servicing and maintenance costs will be cheaper also.

We all know governments. Why would they spend $30,000 on a high-tech car when there is a good alternative for for $20,000?


If two vehicles meet the requirements of the contract then the lowest bidder wins.