Most Operating systems on one machine


Limp Gawd
Apr 9, 2005
Years and years ago I seem to remember reading about some dude that installed like 10 OSes on one machine and he talked about how he did it, anyone have this link or something like it?
Not sure who you are referring to, but there was a guy a few months ago who installed 100 different operating systems on one computer. It actually wasn't 100; just many variations on a few operating systems(I believe a majority of them were just different linux distributions, so it was actually just a few different operating systems). Anyway, here's the link if you are interested:
MaximumPC had an article on a guy with 37 a while back. G4TV has some of the info. Remembered it recently while researching XOSL as a freeware alternative to System Commander. Even though it's pretty old, it works well for our needs.
I made an experimental machine that tri-booted three completely different OS's, Gentoo Linux, FreeBSD and Windows XP. I actually partitioned things nicely so that I could install variants of Gentoo on there (or anything that can work under an extended linux partition really). The highest number of completely separate Gentoo installs (separate root fs) is something like 3 or 4. All under an 80gb drive. Great for experimenting with different settings and finding out how things work on other OS's
I've had XP, Ubuntu and OSX on my one system before. That didn't last long, but worked nonetheless.
I remember an article linked off [H] a few years ago where a dude got around 50+ on a machine. Most were various versions of linux, and different versions of Windows going back to 1.0.

The most I ever ran at once was 4, several years ago. Win95-WinNT4-Linux-OS/2 Warp 3.1