Most satisfying video game experience?


Sep 24, 2009
I've been playing a lot of SW:TOR lately and I'm approaching the point where I get to choose my legacy name. The name I have in mind honors my all-time favorite and most-satisfying gaming kill.

Dorn B'Dynn, Scourge of the Derv Camps of North Ro, Slaughterer of Newbies, and the World's Most Evil Undercon

A level 16 NPC, he hit like a freight train and had a large aggro range. He could kill players (at least near the beginning of the game before mudflation took it's toll) 10 levels higher and did so mercilessly.

I'll always remember the shouts of panic when some unsuspecting player aggroed Dorn and ran screaming to the zone line, dragging this most evil of Dark Elves with him. After killing said player, Dorn would wander back to his original spawn point slaughtering other players as he went.

"Careful, Dorn's Out!" "DORN TRAIN!" "DORN TO ZONE" "RUN IT'S DORN!"

Once I leveled a bit, I made it a point to go back and kill him every chance I got. He was evil, but also part of what made that game enjoyable. The first time I stood over his dead body, well, it was one of the most memorable kills I've ever had in a game.

Overall as a gaming experience though, nothing matches my first run through KOTOR. I got it on a Friday and called in sick the following Monday so I could finish it. I didn't leave my apartment the entire time. When the twist hit, I threw down my controller and shouted obscenities at the screen. It was amazing.

Anyway, I'm curious what other gaming moments, kills, or events stand out for you guys?
While were on the subject of MMO's , The first two years of World of Warcraft were quite enjoyable.

Going way back though, Playing Twisted Metal 2 and Destruction Derby with the PS1 link cable was one of my favorite gaming moments. Also pulling an all nighter with my dad taking turns playing Final Fantasy Tactics probably stands out as my most favorite gaming moment.
Quitting EQ is definitely up there...

Seriously though, Kedge Keep ? getting teleported from North Ro to East Karana and finding the wormhole bug. PvP on Rallos.

Learning to use the grapple hook effectively in Q2 TF to scale the ceiling, Learning to double jump to get the mega health in Q2DM1, learning to bunny hop in Q2 and Kingpin
Definitely my first four years of Everquest were the most memorable gaming experience for me. I'm so fond of it I usually resubscribe to EQ once per year.

Just below that, Tribes and Starcraft, playing online with friends. The first three months of WoW were pretty nice too.

And now that I'm thinking about this topic, about a hundred other games come to mind.
I'm sure there's plenty but this is the first one to pop in my mind.

About a year ago on World of Warcraft I finally got to experience one of those world pvp events. I play on a pve server so you once in a while you come across a pvp character or have to deal with your town leaders getting attacked.

It was late Sunday night and the alliance was attacking our towns, they got through and killed the leaders of 3 of them, after the third town, we finally all started planning our defense of silvermoon through trade chat and rallied the troups so to speak. A huuuge gruop of us were hiding behind the throne room while scouts scattered in town were reporting the attacker's whereabouts.

Once they started running down the hallway to the throne room, we all rushed out from behind the throne room and just slaughtered them all. It was very satisfying :D
Playing the invisible tanks level in "Combat" on the Atari 2600
Probably be when I got MegaMan2 for christmas when I was a wee lad. I remember the first level I tried too.......Heat Man's. If you haven't played it(shame on you), it's probably the hardest of the 8. Disappearing/reappearing blocks + pitfalls + endlessly spawning enemies = death. I ended up playing it for days and beat it by NYE. Still remember the proud feeling I had when the ending credits were going.
WoW vanilla was so much fun. After that, not so much.

Harking back to something I've mentioned in nostalgia threads.... Ultima Online. Nothing has EVER re-created the MMO experience that this game provided.
Final Fantasy III (VI). The whole game was amazing.

WoW for the first couple weeks after release and before I discovered how much it sucked.
Landing on an aircraft carrier at night in a storm in FSX. Nothing like it.;)
Most memorable moments were playing BG1 for the first time, and when I was an EQ noob in 2000.
Most memorable moment. Devising a winning strategy for wake island for the allies in bf42 and actually seeing it work. It involved a bit of deception and patience but when it worked it was the best moment considering how hard winning as the allies is (this was in competetive team play)
best memory ever was...

progressing from console gamer to pc gamer in 2002, getting a new video card, high speed internet (1/2 mbit FTW), buying AvP2 (my 1st real taste of online FPS) and never looking back - This all in the space of a month.
Downing the Litch King in WoW. awww That was the coolest thing ever. Either that or the 400 hours I had into Halo 2. Those custom games were amazing. I would ditch my computer if I could go back to those fun times of Halo 2. The PC version just aint the same.
The end of Wing Commander 2. Angel + bottle of champagne. :)


Oh man, the Wing Commander games were so epic. In 3 & 4, your character is played by Luke Skywalker! Prophecy was awesome too. The games really made you feel like part of a movie and the scale was epic. The attack run with the temblor bomb, woohoo! And can't forget Maniac, played by Biff from Back to the Future :)
One of the best moments for me was in wow. Every few weeks my and about 5 guild members would go out to a low lvl alliance area, take all our cloths off equip fishing poles and beat noobs to death. ahhh, the "Fishing Pole Beat Down," good times.:D
Playing JC2 the first time figuring that the game was going to be somewhat linear (huge map with invisible boundries like the BF series) after the first one or two missions...then finding out I could go wherever the hell I want in any fashion after the 'Swede' mission.

Playing Portal 2 for the first time. I thought

the part where you replace GlaDOS with Wheatley's core was pretty much the end of the game, especially since the first Portal was so short. There was a big grin on my face while I was making my way towards the old Aperture Enrichment center.
Every moment of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Xenogears, Metal Gear Solid.
anyone remember Rocket arena 3? mod for Quake 3 arena.. That was so much fun for the lan parties
Blade runner the game probs. Most atmospheric game I've ever played, so ahead of its time too.
EverQuest, without a doubt. I'll never forget my first rag-tag Plane of Fear raid as the only Cleric willing to stay the entire time. It was a brutal but fun 24+ hour stretch of gaming. Still the only time I've actually called in sick to keep playing a game! I must have "rezzed" hundreds of people; well, the same couple dozen people hundreds of times!

I wish there was a way to play EQ single-player nowadays. I have no desire (or time) to start playing on-line again, but I'd LOVE to be able to wander the zones and mess around off-line while reminiscing about the experiences I've had there... I know there was a zone-viewer tool around years ago, but you couldn't actually play and interact with anything. To be able to do so would be so awesome for nostalgia reasons.
Defeating Gwyn in Dark Souls and realizing, "I actually finished it!" Dark Souls is easily one of the most satisfying experiences I've had in modern gaming.

Defeating Tyrant on the cargo plane in RE:Code Veronica - I had 10 explosive bolts and a few handgun bullets, critical health and no healing items. This fight stopped me in my tracks for about a month, until I eventually beat him by dodging and weaving and smacking him with the moving cargo enough times to beat him.

Getting the Biggoron sword in OoT - I felt like such a bad ass slaughtering everything with that sword.
Battlefield Bad Company 2.

I've never been good at games in general, but I got really good at BC2. It was like my breaking through game. Literally, the first game I've been horribly addicted to. I started out always being in last place when I played with my friends, and they did okay, having 3 months more experience than I. As time went on, I got better and better, to a point where I was leading on servers, and my friends and I actually controlled the maps we played. It was very satisfying being a high performance player when I have never been better than n00b tier in games before. I never saw an end in sight.

However, all of my BC2 friends have moved to BF3, and now BC2 is plagued by hackers. I like BF3, and I do quite well in BF3, but I miss BC2.
Dozens of hours racing a buddy for $ in Papyrus' Nascar Racing (not no damn 2, or 2003, or 4) via modem. We lived in the opposite directions from work and it was a LD call, so one of us would fwd our work phone to our home phone.

Dozens of hours fragging another buddy in Duke Nuke'm 3D connected via modem. Starting the games in coop-mode and cheating with the camera!

Interstate '76 ladder matches in the AVA, which was the reason I got my first internet connection at home.

Standing over my first solo'd Ancient Krayt Dragon in SWG.

So many memories to pick from, in no particular order ...

Discovering the "Buffy" trick in Fallout 2
First time my party beat the 45-minute Baron run
The ending of Planescape: Torment
Building the mech suit in the expansion / conclusion to BG2
Reaching the surprise in KotOR the first time
So many moments in EQ. Probably camping the rare giant polar bare in a cave under the ice in Halas for weeks and finally seeing him come at me. :)
attack helo seat-switching in Battlefield 2 and taking out J10s and other jets with TV-guided hellfire missiles.
2002 - Playing original xbox Halo at work on the lan with a total of eleven players, we had 3 xbox's all connected to projectors and stereo systems. Each xbox was in a separate room but were close enough we could yell and talk trash at each other. At least half of the players (including three females) had never really played any computer or console computer game and they had a blast. We started at about 3:00pm on a Friday afternoon and went almost non-stop until about 2:00am Saturday.
Playing Portal 2 for the first time. I thought

the part where you replace GlaDOS with Wheatley's core was pretty much the end of the game, especially since the first Portal was so short. There was a big grin on my face while I was making my way towards the old Aperture Enrichment center.

I had the same reaction. :D Also

When GlaDOS tricked Wheatley into trying to give the answer to a puzzle, and her chuckle after he was shocked for a second time.

My first OMG moment in gaming: "Created by Warren Robinett"

Beating Legacy of the Ancients on C64 is my ultimate memory.

Learning EVE was satisfying and combat was pure adrenaline. (Then the grind/spreadsheet reaction set in and I quit.)

Learning Dwarf Fortress when everything finally clicked.
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KOTOR; As the OP said, when the twist hit, my mind turned to warm tomato mush. It was great.
Half Life and HL2, which showed me just how good gaming could be in a time when there were not many GOOD fps games not Doom.
Skyrim: A completionist's dream and nightmare all rolled into one.
making it thru a winning round of Battlefield 1943 unscathed with a rifle class(no plane or sniper), with 23 straight kills with 3 generals on the opposing team, was a personal high point in my gaming career. I've never even gotten close after that.
ALso, winning a competition among my roommates in college to see who could get banned from the most CS1.6 servers because we were so good people thought we were cheating.
Playing Crimson Skies online and joining a great group of guys, wasn't very experienced with HE rockets so I stuck with flack, always had a blast flying with the entire Crimson Skies crowd as well as the two teams I flew with (Black Sheep, and Broadway Bombers), had some awesome tournament battles...and then M$ killed the entire game room, no more Mech Warrior 3, Crimson Skies, even the Star Wars X-wing V Tie fighter, or Xwing Alliance. They were wiped out for the sake of Bejeweled or some other pointless crap.