Motherboard swap on a Windows 7 install


Lakewood Original
Dec 14, 2007
Hello [H],

So tomorrow I'll be swapping out my trusty P55 motherboard for a P67/2600k combo.

I intend to keep my current install of Windows 7 Ultimate. (official, non-OEM release etc)

I did my research and came across this:

- I checked the two registry entries mentioned and they were already set to "0", so I'm good there.

Basically, I don't want to run into any surprises.

I plan to uninstall all the motherboard drivers/chipset etc, then graphics driver. Then clean it all using DriverFusion, then finally booting into safe-mode and running DDU - set to "shut down on completion".

Then, I'll swap the motherboards, boot into the BIOS, make sure it's set to AHCI, and hopefully boot into windows.

Then, install chipset/drivers etc etc.

After it's all set and stable, I obviously intend to overclock (different thread, different section, different time)


- I'm switching motherboard/cpu's but intend to keep my current Windows 7 install
- Just want to make sure I'm doing it correctly
- Is there anything I should be aware of??

As always thanks!

EDIT: With so many views and no replies, I'll assume I'm good to go....

I'll report back afterwards so others will know how it worked out etc.

EDIT @ 9pm: Worked like a charm!
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