Motherboard taks a long time to boot.


Limp Gawd
Aug 8, 2004
Hey, I got a new motherboard. I have plugged in p4 2.0ghz, 2 sticks of 512mb ram, 1 20gb hdd, and 1 dvd drive. Sometimes it boots just fine POST>IRQ/bootcd screen>OS.

But sometimes, it will post blink real quick then go to a blank screen with a blinkin cursor...then if I let it set there for maybe 4-5 min it will goto the IRQ/Bootcd screen then on into the OS just fine.

Anybody got any thoughts as to what it might be?

I have tried swaping ram combos and swapping vid cards. I am assumin it is some problem with assigning resources or some random shit like that.

UPDATE: this one is a bit odd, I noticed during post it will do the mem check.. count to the max amnt of ram in the system then start over and do that like 2-3 times when I have quick boot disabled.