Mounting PC to wood board


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 21, 2007
I'd like to mount my HTPC/RAID box to a wooden board. Does anyone have any good resources I can use to research? I've done some googling but it seems most of the threads have posts saying "Look at this awesome thing I found to accomplish [job]!!!!" and then the link is dead.

All I will need to mount is the mobo, PSU, and several HD's. I figure the HD's will be easy as I'll just need to get screws long enough to screw in to the bottom of them.

What about the motherboard (mATX)? Is there some equivilant to those little gold standoffs that usually go in to the motherboard tray? Perhaps something like this?

I found some on FrozenCPU but they were out of stock. Any suggestions?

What about mounting the PSU? Perhaps some sort of bracket?
Thats how i have my stuff mounted in my arcade machine cept using plastic stand offs. Been like that for 2 yrs now.
You should be able to buy plastic stand offs at any decent hardware store.
I've gotten a little further in my development.

What I have to mount:
mATX mobo
4 hard drives

2'x2'x1/2" Oak

Mounting motherboard sequence:
6-32 x 1.5" bolt
rubber washer
nylon spacer
steel washer
wing nut

Mounting hard drives sequence:
6-32 x 2" (mounted from back to front)
steel washer
<bottom of hard drive>

Mounting power supply:

I decided to make a basket that it will sit in. I will use 3 dowel rods (1/2"). The PSU wires will be running parallel with the wooden board. I'll put a dowel rod standing straight up on the left, right, and bottom. Then I will put a dowel rod connect the left and right rods. The 3 dowels rods will be vertical (if board is horizontal) so naturally the 4th dowel rod will be parallel to the wooden board. I'm just going to screw make a pilot hole in the dowels and then screw them in from the back. I will probably sand the cross bar (aka "4th dowel rod") so it fits smoothly between the 2 other rods.
Using a removable HDD cage is an option if you swap drives frequently (like the removable cages in the Antec P180). Is it going to need to be low profile or look decent? Also do you know if you have to mount the mobo using all of the mounting holes or can you slide by using just 4 corners? I always thought that the standoffs served as grounding points but I guess not.
Using a removable HDD cage is an option if you swap drives frequently (like the removable cages in the Antec P180). Is it going to need to be low profile or look decent? Also do you know if you have to mount the mobo using all of the mounting holes or can you slide by using just 4 corners? I always thought that the standoffs served as grounding points but I guess not.

You can mount it with as many screws as you want.

No, you don't need the standoffs. Some people just put their mobos on a cardboard box. Though I think there are some surfaces where there should be some space between the motherboard and mounting piece.