Mounting Water Cooled GPUs sideways?


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 4, 2005
Is it OK to mount the water cooled radiators sideways in your PC case or do you have to mount it on top of the PC so that the fans face up?

I'm not getting this GPU, but here is a photo of what I am talking about.

I currently have a AMD Radeon R9 FURY and it's mounted in front of my PC case with the fan blowing out (so it's mounted horizontally). Click on the 2nd photo to enlarge it, that's exactly how it's mounted in my PC.


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Should not be a problem, normally keeping the cooler inlet outlet tubes higher than the GPU block to ensure air is not trapped in the block/pump is recommended.
Mine is mounted just like your R9, in front of the case with the fans blowing air out. Never had any issue. New card can be mounted same way, as said before, just make sure the tubes on the radiator are higher than the card itself.