Mouse Enquiry


Mar 3, 2013
Is it worth to buy a mouse that cost $30++ for gaming or $3+ mouse? I play Dota 2 mostly. I think of buying SteelSeries Kinzu. Which version to get and what color? Is it good at sweat and dirt resistance? FYI my hands are kind of large.
There are some new good mice out there since this was made, but it gives you an idea.

Don't buy Logitech. I'm on my 3rd and last one (a G500, preceded by a G400). After a few months the button microswitch wears out and you start getting random double-clicks, and you can no longer do simple stuff like dragging and dropping because the button randomly stops registering.

Do a quick search for "logitech double click" and you'll be amazed at how many models, high or low end, have these crappy components.

Which is a shame, because for all the rest it's an awesome mouse.
Don't buy Logitech. I'm on my 3rd and last one (a G500, preceded by a G400). After a few months the button microswitch wears out and you start getting random double-clicks, and you can no longer do simple stuff like dragging and dropping because the button randomly stops registering.

Do a quick search for "logitech double click" and you'll be amazed at how many models, high or low end, have these crappy components.

Which is a shame, because for all the rest it's an awesome mouse.

This isn't Logitech specific, there are a lot of mice that end up with this issue due to a number of reasons (most notably a combination of cheaper switches, mouse button design and user negligence). But, I would take a look into other brands at the moment as well, I took the plunge on a Roccat Kone Pure optical mouse and was very pleasantly surprised at the quality and functionality.
I have tried several mice over time recently picked up a Roccat XTD. I think it on par with the DA 2013 and Spawn both of which I own. Im no expert or anything but worse you can do is buy one from BestBuy and return it.
I love my Steel Series Sensei. Just wish the paint would stop chipping...
There are some new good mice out there since this was made, but it gives you an idea.


People really need to stop throwing around that chart. Not only it is a different one every time I see someone post it, but more importantly it is misleading at best, absolutely wrong at worst. In this case it is the latter.

Is it worth to buy a mouse that cost $30++ for gaming or $3+ mouse? I play Dota 2 mostly. I think of buying SteelSeries Kinzu. Which version to get and what color? Is it good at sweat and dirt resistance? FYI my hands are kind of large.
If you have small hands I would stay away from the Kinzu models as they are very small mice. If a laser sensor and slight prediction does not bother you, maybe look into Steelseries Sensei Raw which has the same shape but is larger.
I might be the only one, but I really like my MX Performance mouse. I've head great consistent performance out of it for a few years now. I don't game a ton, but do a lot of CAD work, so controlled micro-movements is good to have and it delivers.
I had a Kharna Boomslang back in the days when mice had balls before Kharna became Razer, it was the best I ever owned, but they didn't update the software to support WinXP and it wasn't usable when I switched to an XP system. I tried an early MS Wireless mouse, it was nice, but battery life always wanted to give out in the middle of competitive action so I have dumped the wireless mouse idea forever. Then for years after I used only Logitech MX518s and they were damn good mice, not the best, but a smart guy and lasted about 2 to 3 years average. Tried a Gigabyte awhile back, dumped it, bought a Logitech G500, didn't like it, switched to a G400, much better, closer to the old MX518. Then just recently I saw the Razer Tiamats on sale at Best Buy, bought one, too narrow and light for my tastes.

And then, just this weekend, I spotted a Boomslang 2007 Collectors Edition "new" on ebay. I got it for $120 and it will arrive tomorrow. It is an updated optical version of the old Boomslang and I can't wait. The build quality of these old mice were awesome, I hope it's what this guy says it is, new and unused.
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i have had my G500 for going on 2yrs now and it is still by far my favorite mouse evar... no problems with buttons

only issue is finish wears lower right ..but meh.. it wore within weeks and hasn't necessarily got much worse since, be nice if it didn't but it did.
I think Logitech has been the best overall mouse maker for a very long time, some might be better, I have to be honest, I have never tried a Steel Series or Rokat mouse. As var as Razer goes, I think they made the best mouse in the world at one time, the original Boomslangs were it. What I am looking to find out is if the 2007 CE version is better then the original I remember, is it better then Razer's current best, and is it better then the G400 I just put away.

On one hand I hope it is, I just spent $120 to find out, then again, if it is the best mouse ever then the down side is I'll likely never find another.
I consider to replace Logitech M100R with Gigabyte GM-M5100 at that price range because it is a bit bigger and well shaped. Is it worth it?
I used one of the gigabyte's for awhile but I didn't like it and went back to Logitech. Honestly I can't remember why I didn't like it, it still worked. Maybe I was just too used to the Logitech MX518 after almost 7 years of using only them. Right now, the closest thing to an MX-518 is the G400 I think.

My Boomslang comes in today, I'll be sure to report to you guys what I think of it compared to the original one I had, (as I remember), and used until around 2003. And compared to the Razer Taipan I got this weekend.